Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 2251 - 2253 de 2253 résultats
  1. … of Metropolitan Toronto Act shall be preserved, and the character of each of those old municipalities … when in fact the bill would come into force. Sometimes bills set that out with a specific date, as we are proposing … electors of the municipalities: "`"Should Bill 103 become law?" "`2. The clerks of the area municipalities have held …
    Journal des débats
  2. … for my party, I have a continuing interest in the fiscal and economic strategies of this government. I might add that … government really does not like the comparisons we keep making with Saskatchewan, mainly because the government of … publish an annual report which showed its net income. By law the Ontario Securities Exchange Commission would ensure …
    Journal des débats
  3. … SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES The House resumed at 8 p.m. House in … has to rob Peter to pay Paul, so to speak, to pay one's bills. There are many people in my own constituency, and even … but I will change the town. A kid who went against the law was put in jail, he went out on parole and was put in a …
    Journal des débats