38e législature, 1re session

No. 90

No 90

Votes and Proceedings


Legislative Assembly
of Ontario

Assemblée législative
de l'Ontario

November 23, 2004

Daytime Meeting - Sessional Day 134

23 novembre 2004

Séance de l'après-midi - jour de session 134

1st Session,
38th Parliament

1re session
38e législature

1:30 P.M.

13 H 30



Mrs. Sandals from the Standing Committee on Public Accounts presented the Committee's Report on Science and Technology and moved the adoption of its recommendations (Sessional Paper No. 308).

Mme Sandals du Comité permanent des comptes publics présente le rapport du comité concernant les sciences et technologie et propose l'adoption de ses recommandations (document parlementaire no 308).

On motion by Mrs. Sandals,

Sur la motion de Mme Sandals,

Ordered, That the debate be adjourned.

Il est ordonné que le débat soit ajourné.



The following Bill was introduced and read the first time:-

Le projet de loi suivant est présenté et lu une première fois:-

Bill 150, An Act to proclaim a day and a month to celebrate Hellenic heritage in Ontario. Mr. Duguid.

Projet de loi 150, Loi proclamant un jour et un mois de fête du patrimoine hellénique en Ontario. M. Duguid.



Petition relating to facilitating the entry of skilled and professional newcomers to Canada into the workforce (Sessional Paper No. P-37) Mr. Qaadri.

Petition relating to increasing social assistance rates to reflect the true cost of living (Sessional Paper No. P-96) Mr. Leal.

Petitions relating to OHIP coverage of chiropractic services (Sessional Paper No. P-119) Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Racco.

Petition relating to maintaining the current definition of the District of Muskoka as part of Northern Ontario (Sessional Paper No. P-136) Mr. Miller.

Petition relating to reversing the decision to close the Leslie M. Frost Centre (Sessional Paper No. P-169) Mr. Miller.

Petition relating to protecting the right of fire fighters to volunteer in their home communities on their own free time (Sessional Paper No. P-175) Mr. Lalonde.

Petition relating to funding for the children's treatment center in Simcoe County and York Region (Sessional Paper No. P-179) Mr. Dunlop.

Petition relating to placing restrictions on the eligibility of persons who act as volunteers in schools (Sessional Paper No. P-183) Mr. Flaherty.

Petition relating to ensuring that the Banting Homestead is kept in good repair and preserved (Sessional Paper No. P-189) Mr. Wilson.

Petition relating to implementing a province-wide wolf protection plan (Sessional Paper No. P-204) Ms. Churley.

Petition relating to the construction of a cloverleaf (ramp) at Centre Street and Dufferin Street connecting to Highway 407 (Sessional Paper No. P-205) Mr. Racco.



Debate was resumed on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 26, An Act to amend the Planning Act.

Le débat reprend sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 26, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire.

After some time, the question having been put, the Acting Speaker (Mr. Arnott) declared his opinion that the Ayes had it, and a recorded vote having been demanded,

Après quelque temps, la motion mise aux voix, le président par intérim, M. Arnott déclare qu'à son avis les voix favorables l'emportent et un vote par appel nominal a été demandé,

The Acting Speaker directed that the Members be called in, for which purpose the division bells were rung.

Le Président par intérim donne des directives pour convoquer les députés et la sonnerie d'appel se fait entendre.

During the ringing of the bells, the Acting Speaker addressed the House as follows:-

Pendant la sonnerie d'appel, le Président par intérim s'adresse à l'Assemblée en ces mots:-

I have received a request from the Chief Government Whip, under Standing Order 28(h), that the vote on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 26, An Act to amend the Planning Act, be deferred until Wednesday, November 24, 2004.

J'ai reçu une requête du Whip en chef du gouvernement, conformément à l'article 28(h) du Règlement, que le vote sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 26, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire, soit différé jusqu'au mercredi 24 novembre 2004.

Therefore the vote is accordingly deferred.

En conséquence, le vote est différé.

Mr. Caplan moved, That the House do now adjourn.

M. Caplan propose que l'Assemblée ajourne les débats maintenant.

The question, having been put on the motion, was declared carried.

Cette motion, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée.

The House then adjourned at 5:53 p.m.

À 17 h 53, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux.

le président

Alvin Curling



Petitions relating to OHIP coverage of chiropractic services (Sessional Paper No. P-119) Mr. Qaadri and Mrs. Sandals.

Petition relating to funding formula used by the Ministry of Health for Four Counties Health Services in Newbury (Sessional Paper No. P-203) Mrs. Van Bommel.