Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 1921 - 1935 de 2247 résultats
  1. … to extend the deadlines for appealing property assessments and for giving certain notices relating to taxes and charges … the assessment was not very meaningful until the tax bills came out. Many municipalities did not send out bills … 61 as it moves through the House. Hopefully, it can become law and we can move on to some more important issues that we …
    Journal des débats
  2. … Association   The committee met at 0900 in room 151 and by video conference. Subcommittee report The Chair (Mr. … when I go to a hospital or my parents or parents-in-law go to a hospital, I want to make sure they come out with … found guilty for committing those assaults, but his legal bills were paid for by taxpayers. That seems incredibly …
    Transcription du comité
  3. … ONTARIO BOARD OF PAROLE MINISTRY OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL AND CORRECTIONAL SERVICES ONTARIO BOARD OF PAROLE CONTENTS … what sort of information the board members review before making a decision. In terms of the concerns around whether or … in halfway houses, women who were in trouble with the law etc? Mr Sandhu: I can't tell you offhand, but I think …
    Transcription du comité
  4. … to enact the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 and make consequential amendments with respect to animal … public confidence in the administration of the act. “4. Law enforcement. “5. Correctional purposes. “5. … in the community who cannot afford to pay veterinary bills, and our concern with this amendment is that it really …
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  5. … after the notice was given, a public hearing has been held and the minister has considered all oral submissions made at … this is the point: "Thus, privilege, though part of the law of the land, is to a certain extent" to make sure that … is meeting in committee of the whole House to consider bills, the minister or parliamentary assistant in charge of a …
    Journal des débats
  6. … rights to ensure that they are able to live freely and in peace, while also recognizing the importance of … Protection involves empowerment. Protection involves making sure there is security for someone in the workplace. … values—freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law—because that is who we are. We are fortunate to live in a …
    Journal des débats
  7. … to quickly read a statement on parliamentary privilege and the rights and duties of witnesses, which we have been … be received in evidence against that person in a court of law or similar proceedings, except in a prosecution for … Mr. Gadi Mayman: The two were lower electricity bills and a balanced budget. Ms. Lindsey Park: And that was …
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  8. … that members have a right to know what they are voting on, and I was going to proceed and say that I will therefore read … The Islands): Mr Speaker, when we speak about a body of law, such as tradition and precedents, that we have in the … do not require that notice be given for all amendments to bills in committee, at least the committee of the whole, and
    Journal des débats
  9. … Association Mr Denis Merrall STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Chair / Président: Mr TedChudleigh … creation and fair taxation head on. The process of budget-making is about making choices. Most of Ontario history is … to the early 1960s, is something referred to as Okun's law. This is essentially an observation made in the context …
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  10. … Solicitor General   The committee met at 1230 in room 151 and by video conference, following a closed session. 2019 … they can provide the most impact for citizens requires making difficult decisions. The decision to transfer … Right now, these are recommendations without the force of law, so we do not have the ability to compel organizations to …
    Transcription du comité
  11. … Council, followed by review of an intended appointment and a motion for concurrence in one appointment and then a … councils have to their communities. The decision-making function of our council has been seriously disrupted. … That's correct. Mr Bob Wood: Do you think that's a good law or do you think that law should be changed? Mr Ferguson: …
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  12. … CANADIAN VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION ONTARIO HOTEL AND MOTEL ASSOCIATION AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MANUFACTURERS' … regulations and to introduce the notion of spring cleaning bills and sunset clauses to ensure that the regulatory burden … respond when there is no other option but to involve the law. Police officers' jobs are not to go in and take any …
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  13. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 260 No 260 1st … Second Reading of Bill 281, An Act to amend Christopher’s Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000. Mr. Smith … Reports by Committees Rapports de comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi Statements by the Ministry and
    Feuilleton et Avis
  14. … ELECTION OF ACTING CHAIR ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING CONTENTS Wednesday 13 December 1995 Election of … information that I would expect a government would have in making the kind of major decisions that are being made that … board by board, quite frankly, but I would like to see the law changed to put the boards on a more equal footing. …
    Transcription du comité
  15. … No. 189 N o 189 Orders and Notices Legislative Assembly of Ontario Feuilleton et … BUSINESS / AFFAIRES ÉMANANT DES DÉPUTÉS 11 PRIVATE BILLS / PROJETS DE LOI D'INTÉRÊT PRIVÉ 14 NOTICES / AVIS 15 … Reading Bill 96, An Act to Consolidate and Revise the Law with respect to Residential Tenancies. Hon. A. Leach. …
    Feuilleton et Avis