Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 2611 - 2625 de 2839 résultats
  1. … for second reading of Bill 35, An Act to create jobs and protect consumers by promoting low-cost energy through … look to take out the little percentages that everybody is making along the line as it moves out to the consumer. This … to go down. All of us would like to see lower utilities bills; I certainly would. I know that when I mentioned last …
    Journal des débats
  2. … Thursday 13 May 2021 Jeudi 13 mai 2021 Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario’s Health System Act, 2021 Loi de 2021 … are more than 100,000 personal support workers in Ontario, making this the largest group of health care providers for … Bill 218, clearly this government saw a need to put into law protections that will limit their own liability and that …
    Transcription du comité
  3. … Nancy Mudrinic, assistant deputy minister, risk managment and financial oversight. Please feel free to come on up and … where those offsets were and what contribution we were making. We would be very transparent about that, but they … the services of a firm, named Wortzman Nickle. They’re a law firm that specializes in electronic document discovery. …
    Transcription du comité
  4. … Day 2021 Ontario budget Members’ Statements Mental health and addiction services Organ donation COVID-19 response … Policy Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills Introduction of Bills Ministry of Health and Long-Term … say how hopeful people are about vaccines. My brother-in-law finally got his vaccine and he said he wasn’t prepared to …
    Journal des débats
  5. … The Chair (Mr Dalton McGuinty): Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the standing committee on public … the members of the committee by urging you to proceed in making the necessary amendments to the Audit Act to allow … whose right to disclose that information is restricted by law, holds that information under the same restrictions …
    Transcription du comité
  6. … 2017 Annual Report, Auditor General Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Public Health Ontario   The committee met … Miller. You all have copies of the motion in front of you and I will read it into the record. Mr. Miller, Parry … with the findings of the audit and are working towards making those findings true in terms of the delivery of public …
    Transcription du comité
  7. … 2012 SPECIAL REPORT, AUDITOR GENERAL: ORNGE AIR AMBULANCE AND RELATED SERVICES MR. RON SAPSFORD MR. HUGH MACLEOD MR. … I thought I was going, so I’m in your hands on this. I’m making progress and I think getting to where we want to be as … seems to have been farmed out to Fasken’s, an external law firm, but was paid by the ministry, as far as we can …
    Transcription du comité
  8. … I apologize for that. We’re very happy to have Deborah and Todd today to represent the Clerk’s office on some … have this.” Now there is a time limit on introduction of bills at 30 minutes, and no single bill can take longer than … you, you should be giving that—what is going to be a law of the land—fair and full consideration, and talking …
    Transcription du comité
  9. … Jul 2020 / Mar 14 jui 2020 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … homes’ energy efficiency, thus reducing homeowners’ hydro bills. It would also improve health and safety for … So the concern that I have is obviously for the workers, making sure that they can get well; it’s for our economy, …
    Transcription du comité
  10. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 91 No 91 1st Session … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  11. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 88 No 88 1st Session … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  12. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 81 No 81 1st Session … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  13. … There was a fairly lengthy discussion on that motion, and it became apparent that we needed some advice from the … they end up going to court, and the court ends up making a decision. The Chair (Mr. Norm Miller): Yes, Toby. … One of those could be a lawyer with expertise in contract law. We would certainly talk to the OPA. Now, sometimes—I say …
    Transcription du comité
  14. … Committee on Justice Policy to order. I invite Mr. Carlson and Ms. Richardson to please come forward and to be affirmed. … around researching public policy objectives in energy and making recommendations. We’ve also organized conferences in … witness in. I think they can—as Jack McCoy would say on Law and Order, “You opened the door, counsellor.” Now we’ve …
    Transcription du comité
  15. … have a question on the candidate who cannot be here today and is being postponed to another date, and what transpires … not participate in the discussions leading to the decision-making"? You're quite comfortable you could switch the light … in researching and interpreting legislation and case law. I believe my past experience makes me well qualified for …
    Transcription du comité