Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 1861 - 1875 de 2252 résultats
  1. … EDUCATION QUALITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 SUR … aware of I'm sure in terms of the medical profession, the law profession, other health care professions etc. We see the … the public interest. That's a common piece between the two bills. Both bills spell out that colleges are to serve and
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  2. … EDUCATION QUALITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 SUR … aware of I'm sure in terms of the medical profession, the law profession, other health care professions etc. We see the … the public interest. That's a common piece between the two bills. Both bills spell out that colleges are to serve and
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  3. … AUDITOR SALE OF RENTAL UNITS ORAL QUESTIONS WAGE AND PRICE RESTRAINT PROGRAM GAINS PAYMENTS UNFAIR MORTGAGE … Crown Trust's refusal to make their books available, as by law they are required to do. On Friday my research staff … clearly. Hon. Mr. Timbrell: There are private members' bills and then there are party policies. I would like to know …
    Journal des débats
  4. … involved in the financial administration of the province and basically either clarify, streamline or add a little … That is one the few bloody annual statements that by law, by statute, is presented to the Legislature. If other … of this bill. I can see a reference is necessary in some bills to more than one piece of legislation. Often they are …
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  5. … estimates for the Ministry of Health. We have seven hours and 30 minutes, and we lead off with the minister making his … of the Ontario Nursing Home Association; Dr Maureen Law, a former deputy minister of the federal Department of … had to cut deals with local pharmacies, had to set up bills and invoices for constituents so they wouldn't have to …
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  6. … ESTIMATES MINERAL RESOURCE TAXATION EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY REMOVAL OF CONTAMINATED SOIL DIOXIN IN FISH … by the ministry to a recipient who has a valid claim in law against the third party. As an example, this amendment … people of Ontario, I meant it. They will pay on their tax bills for years to come for what this one member considers to …
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  7. … ALCOHOL, GAMING AND CHARITY FUNDING PUBLIC INTEREST ACT, 1996 / LOI DE 1996 … this committee. It outlines the public interest as one of making sure that we're not just trying to maximize sales or … Young from Osgoode Hall, who specializes in this field of law, invalidate this legislation. We don't have the criteria …
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  8. … CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES ACT VISITORS PUBLIC LIBRARIES ACT THIRD … to applaud the ministry for the initiative it has taken in making it possible for the first time for native communities … Many people in the Legislature felt this was one of those bills that would probably not lead to a tremendous amount of …
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  9. … Joe Polito Ms Darcy Polito STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Chair / Président: Mr TedChudleigh … past decade, largely due to an improved federal protection law known as Bill C-91. Bill C-91, which was passed in 1993, … what that would do to their welfare and unemployment bills. Imagine what that would do to their budget. More …
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  10. … 2023 Jeudi 8 juin 2023 Orders of the Day Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 / Loi de 2023 sur … Standing Committee on Government Agencies Introduction of Bills Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Amendment Act … our daughter is a teacher and two of our daughters-in-law are teachers, but you know where the direction comes …
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  11. … BAND STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY WINTER EMERGENCY SHELTER AND ASSISTANCE PROGRAM NURSING HOME INITIATIVES ORAL … deliberate and contemptuous contravention of the declared law of this province? Is the minister aware of these actions, … through budgetary increases that come through revenue bills, the minister must share the feeling of those of us on …
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  12. … House sittings Introduction of Visitors Introduction of Bills 2103890 Ontario Limited Act, 2022 Notwithstanding … bill: Bill 36, An Act to implement Budget measures and to enact and amend various statutes / Projet de loi 36, … manufacturing. We have a stable government that provides law, order and good government, and is a good place for …
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  13. … IN SUDBURY MOTION HOUSE SITTINGS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS JUDICATURE AMENDMENT ACT ORDERS OF THE DAY ESTIMATES, … like to update the honourable members on the processing and mailing of 1982 Ontario property tax grant cheques for … existing inconsistencies among the various acts, make the law easier to understand and address new legal issues. The …
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  14. … MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING CONTENTS Monday 12 February 1996 Ministry of … and look at the remainder. The property tax and utilities bills should be roughly comparable, a lot of things being … is contracted out, it's usually a chap and his brother-in-law and his nephew who put this stuff together. These people …
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  15. … Hydro provides a low-cost, reliable source of power and has been a powerful ingredient in enhancing jobs and income creation in Ontario. Hydro alone employs 28,000 … its employees the only person in Canada who is capable of making the push brooms that are used in curling and are now …
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