Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 466 - 480 de 2512 résultats
  1. … would suggest that we move directly to the introduction of bills. Mr. Speaker: Is it agreed that we do so move directly … caucus, recognizing the importance of the situation and the fact that we want to deal with the matter without … to be such that a moderate-thinking citizen can obey the law; that there is no way that legislation should be brought …
    Journal des débats
  2. … ALCOHOL, GAMING AND CHARITY FUNDING PUBLIC INTEREST ACT, 1996 / LOI DE 1996 … where it exists illegally. We should be enforcing the law, not watering down laws. Choice: We understand it is a … they weren't sure yet whether these machines will take bills, which I assume is money of the crown. And it's been …
    Transcription du comité
  3. … Standing Committee on Government Agencies Introduction of Bills Dwarfism Awareness and Acceptance Month Act, 2020 / Loi de 2020 sur le Mois de … Mr. Rick Nicholls: I want to compliment the great job our law enforcement does in our communities to serve and protect. …
    Journal des débats
  4. … HYDRO HOSPITAL SERVICES CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETIES ARTS AND CULTURE FUNDING EDUCATION FUNDING NATIVE HOUSING … General, the individual primarily responsible for law enforcement in this province, is your personal assurance … the passage by the Legislature of 10 red tape elimination bills to simplify the government processes and improve …
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  5. … OF REHABILITATION PROFESSIONALS, ONTARIO ONTARIO HOTEL AND MOTEL ASSOCIATION CHAMBER OF COMMMERCE OF KITCHENER AND … etc. Some of these professions are not regulated by law, but many have voluntary professional bodies. Some … away about how unfair things are. How will you react if bills are forced through and you are not heard? This bill, we …
    Transcription du comité
  6. … LAND USE PLANNING AND PROTECTION ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 SUR LA PROTECTION ET … when Ms Kathy Cooper from the Canadian Environmental Law Association was here as to whether or not she met with … bankrupt, the suppliers were left holding the bag with bills that were unpaid, and the community, being the province …
    Transcription du comité
  7. … 2019 Mardi 10 décembre 2019 Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, … Guiding principles is something we find in many, many bills. The Vice-Chair (Mr. Aris Babikian): Madame Gélinas, … provisions or portions of this act constituting procedural law, in accordance with the rules regarding conflict of …
    Transcription du comité
  8. … Ontario Waterpower Association Canadian Environmental Law Association Federation of Ontario Public Libraries Mr. … bill: Bill 132, An Act to reduce burdens on people and businesses by enacting, amending and repealing various … when I find that this government has pushed a lot of bills through and said that they have consulted people, but …
    Transcription du comité
  9. … MEMBERS' PUBLIC BUSINESS HEALTH CARE ACCOUNTABILITY AND PATIENTS' BILL OF RIGHTS ACT, 1998 / LOI DE 1998 SUR … of health care records in accordance with the law." I dare say there are people in Ontario who imagine they … that are taking out bank loans to pay their current bills to keep some semblance of a health care system alive in …
    Journal des débats
  10. … Minimum wage Minimum wage Child advocate Mental health and addiction services Environmental protection Public … Events in Sri Lanka Protection for workers Introduction of Bills Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, … MP position and left Sri Lanka. Last year, my sister-in-law, a retired teacher, was murdered while sleeping. Sri …
    Journal des débats
  11. … H. Young   The committee met at 0901 in committee room 2 and by video conference. The Vice-Chair (Mr. Aris Babikian): … graduate certificate and a paralegal licence through the Law Society of Ontario. During my career, I’ve had the … and north Burlington, we travelled on one of our major bills across Ontario with the general government committee, …
    Transcription du comité
  12. … PROVINCIALES (CONTINUED) STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES ASSOCIATION DES JURISTES D'EXPRESSION FRANÇAISE … I should emphasize that Bill 108 makes no changes to law enforcement or adjudication of provincial offences. … This bill follows through on the previous government's Bills 25 and 47, which also proposed elements of a transfer …
    Transcription du comité
  13. … No. 211 N o 211 Orders and Notices Legislative Assembly of Ontario Feuilleton et … BUSINESS / AFFAIRES ÉMANANT DES DÉPUTÉS 10 PRIVATE BILLS / PROJETS DE LOI D'INTÉRÊT PRIVÉ 14 NOTICES / AVIS 15 … 27. Second Reading Bill 128, An Act to amend the Family Law Act to provide for child support guidelines and to …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  14. … No. 212 N o 212 Orders and Notices Legislative Assembly of Ontario Feuilleton et … BUSINESS / AFFAIRES ÉMANANT DES DÉPUTÉS 11 PRIVATE BILLS / PROJETS DE LOI D'INTÉRÊT PRIVÉ 15 NOTICES / AVIS 16 … 28. Second Reading Bill 128, An Act to amend the Family Law Act to provide for child support guidelines and to …
    Feuilleton et Avis
  15. … No. 210 N o 210 Orders and Notices Legislative Assembly of Ontario Feuilleton et … BUSINESS / AFFAIRES ÉMANANT DES DÉPUTÉS 10 PRIVATE BILLS / PROJETS DE LOI D'INTÉRÊT PRIVÉ 14 NOTICES / AVIS 15 … 27. Second Reading Bill 128, An Act to amend the Family Law Act to provide for child support guidelines and to …
    Feuilleton et Avis