No. 179 No 179
Votes and Proceedings |
Procès-verbaux |
Legislative Assembly of Ontario |
Assemblée législative de l'Ontario |
1st Session, 36th Parliament |
1re session, 36e législature |
Wednesday, April 23, 1997 |
Mercredi 23 avril 1997 |
PRAYERS 1:30 P.M. |
PRIÈRES 13 H 30 |
During "Oral Questions", the Speaker requested the member for Kenora (Mr Miclash) to withdraw unparliamentary language. |
Pendant la période des «Questions orales», le Président demande au député de Kenora, M. Miclash de retirer les propos non-parlementaires. |
The member having refused was named by the Speaker and directed to withdraw from the service of the House for the balance of the day's sitting. |
Comme le député refuse d'obéir, le Président le désigne par son nom et l'ordonne de se retirer du service de l'Assemblée pour le reste du jour de la séance. |
Mr Johnson (Don Mills) moved that the House do now proceed to "Orders of the Day", which motion was declared carried. |
M. Johnson (Don Mills) propose que la présente Assemblée passe à «l'Ordre du jour» maintenant et cette motion est déclarée adoptée. |
A debate arose on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 104, An Act to improve the accountability, effectiveness and quality of Ontario's school system by permitting a reduction in the number of school boards, establishing an Education Improvement Commission to oversee the transition to the new system, providing for certain matters related to elections in 1997 and making other improvements to the Education Act and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. |
Il s'élève un débat sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 104, Loi visant à accroître l'obligation de rendre compte, l'efficacité et la qualité du système scolaire ontarien en permettant la réduction du nombre des conseils scolaires, en créant la Commission d'amélioration de l'éducation, chargée d'encadrer la transition vers le nouveau système, en prévoyant certaines questions liées aux élections de 1997 et en apportant d'autres améliorations à la Loi sur l'éducation et à la Loi de 1996 sur les élections municipales. |
After some time, Mrs McLeod moved, |
Après quelque temps, Mme McLeod propose, |
That Bill 104, An Act to improve the accountability, effectiveness and quality of Ontario's school system by permitting a reduction in the number of school boards, establishing an Education Improvement Commission to oversee the transition to the new system, providing for certain matters related to elections in 1997 and making other improvements to the Education Act and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, be NOT now read a third time but be returned to the Standing Committee on Social Development until such time as the following matters have been resolved:
The boundaries and trustee representation of the proposed Boards are set out in regulatory form.
The changes to the financing of education are finalized and the shift of costs onto the property tax is finally determined.
The funding formula for education is set out.
The costs of amalgamating are fully analyzed and understood.
The redefined roles of trustees and parent councils are clarified; including legislative changes that will be made in this regard.
The debate continued and, after some time, |
Le débat se poursuit et après quelque temps, |
Pursuant to the Order of the House of April 22, 1997, the Speaker interrupted the proceedings and put the Question:- |
Conformément à l'ordre adopté par l'Assemblée le 22 avril 1997, le Président interrompt les délibérations et met la question aux voix:- |
"Shall the Bill be NOW read a third time" which motion was carried on the following division:- |
«Passe-t-on à la troisième lecture de ce projet de loi MAINTENANT» et ladite motion est adoptée par le vote suivant:- |
AYES / POUR - 61
Baird Hardeman Palladini
Bassett Harnick Parker
Beaubien Harris Pettit
Boushy Hastings Rollins
Brown Hudak Ross
(Scarborough West) Jackson Runciman
Carroll Johns Sampson
Chudleigh Johnson Shea
Clement (Don Mills) Sheehan
Cunningham Johnson Smith
Danford (Perth) Snobelen
DeFaria Jordan Spina
Doyle Kells Tascona
Ecker Klees Turnbull
Elliott Leach Vankoughnet
Eves Leadston Villeneuve
Fisher Martiniuk Wettlaufer
Ford Maves Witmer
Fox McLean Wood
Galt Munro (London South)
Gilchrist Newman Young
Grimmett O'Toole
Bartolucci Gerretsen North
Bradley Grandmaître Patten
Brown Gravelle Phillips
(Algoma-Manitoulin) Hoy Pouliot
Christopherson Kennedy Pupatello
Churley Kwinter Ramsay
Cleary Lalonde Sergio
Colle Lankin Silipo
Conway Marchese Wildman
Cordiano Martin Wood
Crozier McLeod (Cochrane North)
Duncan Morin
And the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed. |
En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté. |
The House then adjourned at 6:10 p.m. |
À 18 h 10, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux. |
le président
Christopher M. Stockwell
Sessional Papers Presented Pursuant to Standing Order 39(c):- |
Documents Parlementaires Déposés Conformément à l'article 39(c) du Règlement:- |
Waterfront Regeneration Trust / Fiducie de régénération du secteur riverain, Annual Report 1995-1996 (No. 393) (Tabled April 23, 1997).