29e législature, 4e session

< Jour de séance précédent
L001 - Tue 5 Mar 1974 / Mar 5 mar 1974

Tuesday, March 5, 1974, being the first day of the fourth session of the 29th Parliament of the Province of Ontario, for the despatch of business pursuant to a proclamation of the Honourable W. Ross Macdonald, Lieutenant Governor of the Province.

The House met at 3 o’clock, p.m.

The Honourable the Lieutenant Governor, having entered the House and being seated upon the throne, was pleased to open the session with the following gracious speech.

[Editor’s Note: Copy within brackets was not read but is contained in the formal Throne Speech.]


Hon. W. Ross Macdonald (Lieutenant Governor): Pray be seated.

Mr. Speaker and members of the legislative assembly, on behalf of our Sovereign, I welcome you to the opening of the fourth session of the 29th Parliament of Ontario.

As hon. members were reminded earlier today, continued improvement in the prosperity of our province was slowed to some extent last year by inflation.

In 1974, the economy of Ontario, as with most of the major economies of the world, is faced with uncertainties of the real and potential impact of the energy situation. In my government’s view, however, the prospects appear more favourable here than elsewhere. Despite projections of slower economic growth this year, combined with the continued rapid growth of the province’s labour force, it is still hoped that the level of employment achieved in 1973, which produced a record of 149,000 new jobs, will be maintained.

[While my government will employ all practical means at its disposal to alleviate the causes and effects of inflation, nevertheless it bears repeating that the problem can only be dealt with in a national context, with all governments co-operating.

[In recognition of the fact that science, research and innovation play such an important role in an advanced and diversified economy, the government of Ontario will establish structures to develop and coordinate science policy, both within our province and in co-operation with the government of Canada and other provinces. Strong emphasis will be placed on the practical application of science to maintain our leadership in high-technology industry. This is a key component in my government’s efforts to preserve our national economic independence and to ensure that maximum social benefits are achieved.

[A comprehensive programme to improve essential services in remote areas of the province will be introduced. This will include an extension of the electrification process, and improved telecommunications, especially for emergency purposes.]

Improvements in telephone and communications systems in remote areas will benefit the residents and provide a firmer base for economic development. The co-operation of the federal government and of industry will be sought to develop reliable communications systems for the north.

A feasibility and engineering study will be undertaken for a road link to James Bay through Moosonee. This will include an environmental impact study and full public hearings.

Priority consideration will be given to the supply of electric power to northern communities. A power line to Moosonee will be the first project in this undertaking.

Northern communities in unorganized territories will, through enabling legislation, have the opportunity to establish local community councils. Fire protection, water, roads and other such services will become the responsibility of these community councils. Implementation of this plan will follow full consultation with residents of communities that wish to participate.

[In recognition of the fact that the north, with its great distances, requires a first-rate highway system, high priority has been given to rebuilding and widening Highway 17 between Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury.

[Following the success of norOntair, four more communities in northwestern Ontario will receive air services in the first phase of an expansion programme. In addition, funds will be made available for improvements to certain existing airports to bring them up to the standard required for a regular scheduled air service.

[The Ontario government is negotiating an agreement to participate, through an appropriate agency, in the Polar Gas project to bring natural gas from the Arctic Islands to Ontario.

[Studies will be made regarding the establishment of a port facility in the James Bay areas to bring potential supplies of gas, oil and minerals from sources in the eastern Arctic.]

The proposals for energy management announced last June indicated my government’s long-term goals for the continued social, industrial and economic progress of this province. Developments in the Middle East in recent months have further underlined the pressing need for a coordinated energy policy for Canada, which the Ontario government has been urging.

The government will shortly outline Ontario’s policy on the control and development of uranium as a provincial and national resource.

A general development agreement between the federal government and the Ontario government has been signed. The agreement has a duration of 10 years and is intended to improve opportunities in those areas of Ontario which are in need of special assistance and to realize greater development potential.

The community of Cornwall is the first to benefit from this agreement, and joint expenditures of approximately $14 million will be provided for such projects as the completion of servicing for an industrial park, construction of a civic centre, and the development of a tourist and recreational area.

[Tourist operations, small businesses and service industries will benefit from improved loan programmes and financial assistance from the three provincial development corporations. Operators of small business establishments will receive more help and advice in solving management problems.

[The Ontario Council for the Arts will undertake a programme through which practising artists in the creative and performing arts may work in and with local communities. Emphasis will be placed on visits to schools in remote areas, and on programmes in public libraries.

[A wide variety of extension programmes will be offered at provincial cultural facilities. The Art Gallery of Ontario will establish an internship programme to prepare fine arts students for art gallery careers, as well as programmes to promote the visual arts throughout the province.

[In response to the recommendations of the Commission on Post-Secondary Education, my government proposes to expand academic and cultural opportunities in the open sector. This will include the extension of educational broadcast services within the province, along with the development of new and innovative educational support materials for school and college students as well as for persons learning at home.]

You will be asked to consider legislation concerning negotiations between the teaching profession and school boards, as well as proposals for the consolidation of all legislation respecting elementary and secondary education.

In keeping with my government’s determination to introduce programmes on a selective basis to meet those areas of greatest need, an income support programme will be proposed which will assist in achieving a greater measure of security for Ontario’s older citizens and for the disabled.

A proposal will be made for a prescription drug plan for our senior citizens.

Ontario’s younger children are presently served by kindergartens, daycare services of approved agencies and special programmes for the handicapped. My government will continue to support these services and will initiate a new programme of assistance for co-operative daycare centres in low-income areas. The use of school and other community facilities for child care will be encouraged, and accommodation and staffing regulations will be reviewed with the aim of removing unnecessary impediments to the creation of new services. Resources will be made available to expand high-priority services such as those for handicapped children, children from low-income families and native children.

Rehabilitation services will be strengthened to provide assistance to a larger number of physically and mentally disabled persons.

Special efforts will be made to encourage local initiatives for community-based mental retardation services, including new community residences.

Amendments to the Health Insurance Act will provide a formal review mechanism for claims for services by non-medical practitioners, paralleling the system now used for claims by physicians.

The report of the health planning task force, which has been chaired by Dr. Fraser Mustard, has been received by my government. During the course of this session, proposals will be placed before you for further development of a comprehensive health plan for the people of Ontario.

My government will present proposals for extensive new sports, fitness and recreation programmes that will offer more opportunities for the improved health and enjoyment of the people of Ontario.

A health education programme will be prepared providing information on such health hazards as alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, arid to encourage better use of our public health care system.

[You will be asked to approve a major educational and enforcement programme designed to reduce the highway accident toll caused by impaired drivers.

[With regard to the Ontario Law Reform Commission’s report on administration of the courts, my government will proceed with a planned programme of implementation for judicial areas and for the rotation of judges and trial centres throughout those areas in consultation with those affected.

[My government is reviewing legislative and common law rules affecting the family as an institution in such matters as occupational and property rights in the home and laws concerning children.

[A legislative programme will be introduced ensuring that family law in Ontario reflects today’s social and economic realities. The ultimate objective is a code of family law, with special attention to the status of women and for the provision of a legal framework that will strengthen the family unit in our society. Attention will also be given to citifying the legal rights of married persons.

[My government will create a new office for women Crown employees in order to improve personnel administration and hiring practices.]

My government intends to promote the development of small community-based adult residences in place of traditional correctional institutions. These centres, will be used in the rehabilitation of selected offenders prior to their release and as residences for those who are working of studying under the temporary absence programme. In northern areas of the province, centres will be located closer to communities with potential employment opportunities.

A new system will be introduced to place juveniles in training schools closer to their own homes and to provide better integration of group homes, probation, aftercare and institutional services.

Negotiations are under way for operation and supervision by private business of an industrial enterprise within a correctional centre. This innovative experiment should provide inmates with realistic employment and training experience. The labour force would consist of those serving short terms under minimum custody, who would be paid competitive wages. My government is confident that with the support and co-operation of labour unions and industry, the concept can play a worthwhile part in correctional services in the years ahead.

My government will introduce legislation with regard to consumer product warranties and guarantees in order to provide better protection for consumers, new redress procedures and more flexible means of administration. Legislation will also be introduced to protect the consumer from unfair and unacceptable trade and business practices.

Hon. members, you will be asked to consider provisions for the mandatory use of automobile seat belts.

Legislation will be presented to establish an inter-regional public transportation authority for the Toronto area. My government believes this, legislation will maintain regional autonomy and provide a model that may be adapted to, other areas of the province.

You will be asked to approve legislation which, will require an environmental assessment of major new development projects.

A permanent advisory committee on solid waste management will be established in order to achieves, closer consultation with municipal governments, environmental groups arid industry, whose co-operation is essential to the solution of problems created by increasing waste of energy and material resources and the difficulties of waste disposal.

My government will also propose other measures for the control and reduction of litter and solid waste.

My government believes that positive steps must be taken to conserve and improve our visual environment. To this end, your views will be sought with respect to placing limitations and controls on outdoor advertising.

For the second consecutive year, dwelling starts in Ontario have exceeded 100,000 units, a rate of construction which is consistent with the government’s overall objective of one million new dwelling units in 10 years.

[To assist in this achievement, a wide range of programmes and approaches in housing development and community planning will be proposed, including housing for lower-income earners. These programmes will be implemented within the legislative framework of a revised Planning Act, amendments to the Condominium Act and the establishment of a new building code for Ontario, and will be characterized by a closer partnership with other levels of government, the private sector and citizens’ groups.

[It is proposed to increase spending on the construction of sewage and water treatment facilities from $81 million in 1973 to $115 million this year. The funds will be used for anti-pollution control and high quality water supply programmes and servicing needs for new home construction.

[In cases where land is designated by the government for necessary housing or is being held by the private sector for future development, the government will make proposals to ensure continued agricultural production on all suitable lands until they may be required for other purposes.]

Twenty-three communities have been designated as neighbourhood improvement areas eligible for federal-provincial assistance for planning and improving physical and social facilities. My government will urge the government of Canada to extend assistance for commercial and industrial renewal.

The private sector, in consultation with local and regional governments, will be encouraged to increase the supply of serviced lots and to work toward stabilization of land and housing prices. The government looks to the private sector for even greater co-operation than in the past in the construction of public housing, involvement with rent supplement and integrated community housing programmes, the preferred lending programme and condominium building, so that the housing needs of a large segment of the population can be met within a moderate price range.

A provincial home renewal programme will be introduced with grants to homeowners and municipalities for preserving and upgrading the quality of existing housing in rural as well as urban areas.

Cet automne, le Premier ministre de l’Ontario sera l’hôte de la conférence annuelle des premiers ministres des provinces canadiennes. Cet événement se produit à un moment particulièrement important de notre histoire où, en raison des difficultés qui nous assaillent au Canada et des problèmes de portée internationale, un renouveau de coopération et de compréhension entre les provinces s’impose si nous voulons raffermir notre nation et rehausser notre sentiment national.

This autumn, the Premier of Ontario will be host to the annual conference of provincial premiers. This comes at a particularly important time in our history when challenges facing us within Canada and problems of world-wide significance will require a new level of interprovincial co-operation and understanding to strengthen our nation and to maintain and enhance our sense of national purpose.

May Divine Providence guide you in these tasks and in the discharge of your responsibilities.

Hon. members, I wish to take the opportunity on this occasion to state that it has been my pleasure and privilege to have performed this duty over the past five years. To my successor, one of Ontario’s most renowned and distinguished citizens, may I express all good wishes for her forthcoming term of office.

God bless the Queen and Canada.

The Honourable the Lieutenant Governor was then pleased to retire from the chamber.


Mr. Speaker: To prevent mistakes, I have obtained a copy of His Honour’s speech, which I will now read.

Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Opposition): Mr. Speaker, on a point of order, if you will permit me, sir; before we go ahead with the usual dispensation I would draw your attention and perhaps to the attention of the Premier that according to the copies of the speech made available there were certain omissions in His Honour’s speech. Perhaps the collation has been faulty and it may be, in fact, that not all of the government’s programme has been presented.

Hon. W. G. Davis (Premier): Mr. Speaker, I still think we could dispense with the reading of the Throne Speech. I think there were several matters that perhaps were caught when the pages were being turned. The full text of the Throne Speech will be made available. I really don’t think there is any purpose in rereading it.

Mr. Speaker, I should hasten to add that doesn’t mean the Throne Speech isn’t worthy of repetition on many occasions.

Mr. Speaker: It is agreed, then, that the reading of the speech be dispensed with?

Some hon. members: Agreed.

Reading dispensed with.


Hon. Mr. Welch moves first reading of bill intituled. An Act to amend the University Expropriation Powers Act.

Motion agreed to; first reading of the bill.

Hon. Mr. Davis moves that the speech of the Honourable the Lieutenant Governor to this House be taken into consideration on Thursday next.

Motion agreed to.

Hon. Mr. Davis moves the adjournment of the House.

Motion agreed to.

The House adjourned at 3:30 o’clock, p.m.