Debates and Progress

First Reading

July 16, 2014


Second Reading

October 30, 2014

Mr. Paul Miller, Hon. Glen R. Murray, Mrs. Gila Martow, Miss Monique Taylor, Ms. Soo Wong, Mr. Michael Harris, Ms. Cheri DiNovo

October 30, 2014

Declared carried. Referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.

Motion to Arrange Proceedings

April 29, 2015

Order of referral to the Standing Committee on Social Policy discharged. Ordered for third reading pursuant to the order of the House.


Third Reading

April 29, 2015

Mr. Paul Miller, Hon. Kevin Daniel Flynn, Mr. Steve Clark, Ms. Andrea Horwath, Mrs. Amrit Mangat, Ms. Lisa MacLeod, Mr. Percy Hatfield, Mr. Lorenzo Berardinetti, Mr. John Fraser

Vote deferred.

April 30, 2015

Carried on recorded division.

Royal Assent

Tuesday, May 05, 2015