Bill PR65 2022

An Act respecting the Ross Memorial Hospital


The Ross Memorial Hospital has applied for special legislation to change the name of the hospital corporation and to change its objects, its powers, the composition of its board and its membership structure.

The applicant represents that The Ross Memorial Hospital was incorporated by special Act in 1903, and that Acts enacted in 1954, 1964 and 2000 also affected the operation of that Act.

It is appropriate to grant the application.

Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:


1 In this Act,

“Board” means the board of directors of the Corporation;

“by-laws” means the by-laws of the Corporation; and

“Corporation” means Ross Memorial Hospital.

Hospital corporation continued

2 (1)  The Ross Memorial Hospital is continued as a corporation without share capital under the name Ross Memorial Hospital.


(2)  On the date this Act receives Royal Assent, the only members of the Corporation shall be the voting directors of the Corporation, and such individuals shall be members of the Corporation only for so long as they serve as voting directors.


3 The objects of the Corporation are,

  (a)  to establish, equip, staff, maintain, operate, conduct and manage a hospital and health facilities with programs and services that may include, without limitation,

          (i)  active treatment programs and services,

         (ii)  programs and services for chronic care, complex continuing care or community health,

        (iii)  emergency services,

        (iv)  out-patient services,

         (v)  rehabilitation services, and

        (vi)  therapy services;

  (b)  to establish, operate and maintain laboratories, diagnostic imaging services, research facilities, therapeutic and rehabilitation facilities, pharmacies, dispensaries and other services incidental to a hospital;

  (c)  to promote, conduct and participate in education pertaining to health care, including, without limitation, the education of physicians, dentists, nurses, midwives and other health care personnel as may be necessary or desirable;

  (d)  to encourage, promote, support, conduct and participate in research activities pertaining to health care, including, without limitation, clinical trials, health promotion and disease prevention, alone or in association with other hospitals, health services providers, research funding agencies and other health-related organizations;

  (e)  to collaborate with government, governmental agencies and other health service providers and participate in activities carried on to promote and improve the general health of the community;

   (f)  to establish, operate and maintain other health care or health care related programs and services that may include, without limitation,

          (i)  programs and services for long-term care, in-home health care, public health, community health or mental health, and

         (ii)  addictions services; and

  (g)  to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above charitable objects.


4 (1)  The activities and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by its Board.


(2)  The Corporation may enact by-laws governing its activities and affairs, including, without limitation, by-laws governing Board size and composition and the term of office of directors.

Composition of Board

(3)  On the date this Act receives Royal Assent, the Board shall be composed of,

  (a)  the individuals who are at such date serving as voting directors of the Corporation in accordance with the by-laws; and

  (b)  such other persons as are provided for under the Public Hospitals Act,

and thereafter, the size and composition of the Board shall be determined in accordance with its by-laws.


5 The following Acts are repealed:

   1.  An Act respecting The Ross Memorial Hospital, S.O. 1903, c. 132.

   2.  The Ross Memorial Hospital Act, 1964.

   3.  Ross Memorial Hospital Act, 2000.


6 This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.

Short title

7 The short title of this Act is the Ross Memorial Hospital Act, 2022.