Jours de l'opposition 2

43e législature, 1re session

Motion proposée par Marit Stiles le

Whereas Ontario Place is public property intended for the public benefit; and

Whereas there has been no meaningful public consultation on how Ontario Place should be developed; and

Whereas there is evidence to suggest that the bidding process gave an unfair advantage to specific companies and there was no Fairness Monitor in place to oversee the process; and

Whereas the Government has refused to release details of the reported 95-year lease for a private spa; and

Whereas the Government is spending at least $650 million of public money to provide private benefits for the spa; and

Whereas people are experiencing an affordability crisis and feeling the impacts of this Government's cuts to healthcare, education, and housing;

Therefore the Legislative Assembly calls on the Government to terminate the lease with Therme Canada and stop the transfer of public funds to private profits.

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