40e législature, 2e session

No. 104

No 104

Votes and Proceedings


Legislative Assembly
of Ontario

Assemblée législative
de l’Ontario


February 24, 2014


24 février 2014

2nd Session,
40th Parliament

2e session
40e législature

10:30 A.M.
10 H 30

The Speaker informed the House,

Le Président a informé la Chambre,

That the Clerk has received from the Chief Electoral Officer and laid upon the Table the following certificate of a by-election:-





Mrs. Deborah Deller

Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

Room 104

Legislative Building

Queen’s Park

Toronto, Ontario

M7A 1A2

Madame Deborah Deller

Greffière de l’Assemblée législative

Édifice de l’Assemblée législative

Bureau 104

Queen’s Park

Toronto (Ontario)

M7A 1A2

Dear Mrs. Deller:

A Writ of Election dated the Fifteenth day of January, 2014, was issued by the Honourable Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario, and was addressed to Wayne Campbell, Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Niagara Falls, for the election of a Member to represent the said Electoral District of Niagara Falls in the Legislative Assembly of this Province in the room of Kim Craitor who, since his election as representative of the said Electoral District of Niagara Falls, has resigned his seat. This is to certify that, a poll having been granted and held in Niagara Falls on the Thirteenth day of February, 2014, Wayne Gates has been returned as duly elected as appears by the Return of the said Writ of Election, dated the Twenty-first day of February, 2014, which is now lodged of record in my office.


Un décret de convocation des électeurs et des électrices a été émis le quinzième jour de janvier 2014 par l’honorable lieutenant-gouverneur de la province de l’Ontario à l’adresse de Wayne Campbell, directreur du scrutin de la circonscription électorale de Niagara Falls, en vue de l’élection d’un député pour représenter ladite circonscription électorale de Niagara Falls à l’Assemblée législative de la province à la place de Kim Craitor qui, depuis son élection à titre de député de ladite circonscription électorale de Niagara Falls, a démissionné. Nous attestons par la présente qu’un scrutin ayant été décidé et tenu dans Niagara Falls le treizième jour de février 2014, Wayne Gates a été dûment élu, tel qu’en fait foi le rapport de ladite élection, en date du vingt et unième jour de février 2014, qui a été déposé au registre de mon bureau.



Toronto, February 24, 2014

(Sessional Paper No. 291)



Toronto, le 24 février 2014

(Document parlementaire no 291)

Wayne Gates, Member for the Electoral District of Niagara Falls, having taken the Oath and subscribed the Roll, took his seat.

Wayne Gates, député de la circonscription électorale de Niagara Falls, ayant prêté serment et signé le registre, a pris son siège.



The House recessed at 11:51 a.m.

À 11 h 51, l’Assemblée a suspendu la séance.

1:00 P.M.
13 H

Mr. Milloy delivered to the Speaker a message from His Honour the Lieutenant Governor signed by his own hand, and the said message was read by the Speaker and is as follows:-


The Lieutenant Governor transmits Estimates of certain sums required for the services of the Province for the year ending 31st March 2014 and recommends them to the Legislative Assembly.

Le lieutenant-gouverneur transmet les prévisions des dépenses visant les montants nécessaires au fonctionnement de la province pour l'exercice se terminant le 31 mars 2014 et les recommande à l'Assemblée législative.

Toronto, February 21st, 2014.

Toronto, le 21 février 2014.

(Sessional Paper No. 303, Office of the Assembly, Office of the Auditor General, Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Ombudsman Ontario).

(Document parlementaire no 303, Bureau de l'Assemblée législative, Bureau du vérificateur général, Bureau du directeur général des élections, Ombudsman Ontario).

Ordered, That the message of the Lieutenant Governor together with the Estimates accompanying same be deemed to be referred to the Standing Committee on Estimates pursuant to Standing Order 59.



The following Bill was introduced and read the first time:-

Le projet de loi suivant est présenté et lu une première fois:-

Bill 162, An Act to require certain food service premises to display nutritional information. Hon. Ms. Matthews.

Projet de loi 162, Loi assujettissant certains lieux de restauration à l'obligation d'afficher des renseignements nutritionnels. L’hon. Mme Matthews.



Acute and Chronic Lyme Disease diagnosis (Sessional Paper No. P-4) Mr. Clark.

Disbanding the College of Trades (Sessional Paper No. P-10) Mr. Walker.

Safer Families Program (Sessional Paper No. P-20) Mr. Delaney.

Public Safety Related to Dogs (Sessional Paper No. P-21) Ms. DiNovo.

Paved shoulders on provincially-owned highways (Sessional Paper No. P-43) Mr. Miller (Parry Sound–Muskoka).

The use of Utility Transportation Vehicles on Class 2 Highways in Northern Ontario (Sessional Paper No. P-100) Mr. Vanthof.

Bill 116 regarding hand-held devices penalties (Sessional Paper No. P-193) Ms. Hunter.

Funding the drug Esbriet (Sessional Paper No. P-196) Mrs. Munro.

Eliminating fees on break open tickets (Sessional Paper No. P-198) Mr. O'Toole.

The Children and Youth in Care Day Act (Sessional Paper No. P-206) Ms. Hunter.

Pupils with asthma (Sessional Paper No. P-207) Mr. Yurek.

Price volatility and regional price differences of gasoline. (Sessional Paper No. P-216) Mme Gélinas.

Post Stroke physiotherapy (Sessional Paper No. P-223) Mr. O'Toole.

The Township of James property values (Sessional Paper No. P-225) Mr. Vanthof.

With unanimous consent, the House reverted to “Motions”.

Avec le consentement unanime, l'Assemblée revient à l'appel des « Motions ».

With unanimous consent,

Avec le consentement unanime,

On motion by Mr. Milloy,

Sur la motion de M. Milloy,

Ordered, That, notwithstanding any Standing Order, the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the various ministries and offices, as represented by Government Orders 11 through 21, inclusive, shall be called concurrently; and

That when such Orders are called, they shall be considered concurrently in a single debate; and

Two hours shall be allotted to the debate, divided equally among the recognized Parties, at the end of which time the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Order for Concurrence in Supply for each of the ministries and offices referred to above; and

That any required divisions on the Orders for Concurrence in Supply shall be deferred to "Deferred Votes", such votes to be taken in succession with one 5-minute bell.



Mr. Milloy moved,

M. Milloy propose,

That the Minister of Finance be authorized to pay the salaries of the civil servants and other necessary payments pending the voting of supply for the period commencing April 1, 2014 and ending on September 30, 2014, such payments to be charged to the proper appropriation for the 2014/2015 fiscal year, following the voting of supply.

Debate arose and after some time,

Il s’élève un débat et après quelque temps,

Vote deferred on request of the Acting Chief Whip of the Official Opposition.

Le vote est différé par requête du Whip en chef suppléant de l’Opposition.

Pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today, debate arose on the Orders for Concurrence in Supply for the following ministries:-

Conformément à l’ordre adopté par l’Assemblée plus tôt aujourd’hui, il s'élève un débat sur les ordres d’adoption des budgets des dépenses des ministères suivantes:-

Supply for the Ministry of Finance;

Budget des dépensés du ministère des Finances;

Supply for the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport;

Budget des dépensés du ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture et du Sport;

Supply for the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care;

Budget des dépensés du ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée;

Supply for the Ministry of Transportation;

Budget des dépensés du ministère des Transports;

Supply for the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs;

Budget des dépensés du ministère des Affaires autochtones;

Supply for the Ministry of Energy;

Budget des dépensés du ministère de l'Énergie;

Supply for the Ministry of Education;

Budget des dépensés du ministère de l'Éducation;

Supply for the Ministry of Infrastructure;

Budget des dépensés du ministère de l'Infrastructure;

Supply for the Ministry of Children and Youth Services;

Budget des dépensés du ministère des Services à l'enfance et à la jeunesse;

Supply for the Office of Francophone Affairs;

Budget des dépensés de l’Office des affaires francophones;

Supply for the Ministry of Consumer Services.

Budget des dépensés du ministère des Services aux consommateurs.

After some time,

Après quelque temps,

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Finance pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Transportation pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Energy pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Education pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Infrastructure pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Children and Youth Services pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Office of Francophone Affairs pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

Vote deferred on the Order for Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Consumer Services pursuant to the Order of the House passed earlier today.

On motion by Mr. Milloy, it was Ordered that the House adjourn.

Sur la motion de M. Milloy, il est ordonné que la chambre ajourne ses travaux.

The House adjourned at 3:31 p.m.

À 15 h 31, la chambre a ajourné ses travaux.

le président

Dave Levac





Bill 162, An Act to require certain food service premises to display nutritional information (No. 304) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Adjudicative Tribunals, Assessment Review Board, Board of Negotiation, Conservation Review Board, Environmental Review Tribunal and Ontario Municipal Board Annual Report 2012-2013 (No. 301) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Adjudicative Tribunals, Child and Family Services Review Board / Commission de révision des services à l’enfance et à la famille; Custody Review Board / Commission de révision des placements sous garde; Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario / Tribunal des droits de la personne de l’Ontario; Landlord and Tenant Board / Commission de la location immobilière; Ontario Special Education (English) Tribunal / Tribunal de l’enfance en difficulté de l’Ontario (anglais); Ontario Special Education (French) Tribunal / Tribunal de l’enfance en difficulté de l’Ontario (français); Social Benefits Tribunal / Tribunal de l’aide sociale, 2012-2013 Annual Report [Social Justice Tribunals of Ontario] (No. 302) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Adjudicative Tribunals, Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal, 2012 Annual Report (No. 306) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, 2012-2013 Annual Report (No. 297) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Certificate pursuant to Standing Order 108(f)(1) re intended appointments dated February 21, 2014 (No. 293) (Tabled February 21, 2014).

Chief Electoral Officer, Office of / Directeur général des élections de l'Ontario, By-Election Report for the Electoral District of Thornhill (No. 292) (Tabled February 21, 2014).

Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee, Annual Report for the period from September 1, 2010 to December 31, 2011 (No. 300) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Ontario Association of Architects, Annual Report 2011 (No. 294) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Ontario Association of Architects, Annual Report 2012 (No. 295) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Professional Engineers of Ontario, Annual Review 2011 (No. 298) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Professional Engineers of Ontario, Annual Review 2012 (No. 299) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Public Guardian and Trustee for the Province of Ontario / Le Tuteur et curateur public de l'Ontario, Annual Report and Financial Statements 2011-2012 (N. 296) (Tabled February 24, 2014).

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario / Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l'assurance contre les accidents du travail de l'Ontario, 2012 Annual Report (No. 305) (Tabled February 24, 2014).