No. 55 |
No 55 |
Orders and Notices Paper |
Feuilleton et Avis |
Legislative Assembly of Ontario |
Assemblée législative de l’Ontario |
2nd Session |
2e session |
Tuesday |
Mardi |
9:00 A.M. |
9 H |
G60. Second Reading of Bill 60, An Act to strengthen consumer protection with respect to consumer agreements relating to wireless services accessed from a cellular phone, smart phone or any other similar mobile device. Hon. Ms. MacCharles. PRINTED. |
G60. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 60, Loi visant à mieux protéger les consommateurs en ce qui concerne les conventions de consommation portant sur les services sans fil accessibles au moyen d’un téléphone cellulaire, d’un téléphone intelligent ou de tout autre appareil mobile semblable. L’hon. Mme MacCharles. IMPRIMÉ. |
Recess |
Pause |
10:30 A.M. |
10 H 30 |
Introduction of Visitors |
Présentation des visiteurs |
Oral Questions |
Questions orales |
Deferred Votes |
Votes différés |
Deferred vote on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 55, An Act to amend the Collection Agencies Act, the Consumer Protection Act, 2002 and the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002 and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. |
Vote différé sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 55, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les agences de recouvrement, la Loi de 2002 sur la protection du consommateur et la Loi de 2002 sur le courtage commercial et immobilier et apportant des modifications corrélatives à d'autres lois. |
Recess |
Pause |
3:00 P.M. |
15 H |
Introduction of Visitors |
Présentation des visiteurs |
Members’ Statements |
Déclarations des députés |
Reports by Committees |
Rapports des comités |
Introduction of Bills |
Dépôt des projets de loi |
Motions |
Motions |
Statements by the Ministry and Responses |
Déclarations ministérielles et réponses |
Petitions |
Pétitions |
Today’s business continues on next page |
Suite des travaux du jour à la page suivante |
The Standing Committee on Estimates will meet to review the 2013-2014 Estimates of the Ministry of Finance, as follows: | |||
Today |
9:00 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. |
Room No. 151 | |
The Standing Committee on Government Agencies will meet to consider intended appointments, as follows: | |||
Today |
9:00 a.m. |
Room No. 1 | |
and will meet for the purpose of report writing, as follows: | |||
Today |
10:00 a.m. (closed session) |
Room No. 1 | |
The Standing Committee on Justice Policy will meet to consider the Orders of the House dated February 20, 2013 and March 5, 2013, as follows: | |||
Today |
8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. |
Room No. 2 | |
Legend“G” = Government Bill. “M” = Private Member’s Public Bill. “D” = Committee Bill. “Pr” = Private Bill. |
Légende«G» = projet de loi du gouvernement. «M» = projet de loi d’intérêt public émanant d’un député. «D» = projet de loi d’un comité. «Pr» = projet de loi d’intérêt privé. | ||
G1. Second Reading of Bill 1, An Act to perpetuate an ancient parliamentary right. Hon. Ms. Wynne. PRINTED. |
G1. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 1, Loi visant à perpétuer un ancien droit parlementaire. L’hon. Mme Wynne. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M2. Second Reading of Bill 2, An Act to amend the Planning Act. Mr. Wilson. PRINTED. |
M2. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 2, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire. M. Wilson. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M4. Second Reading of Bill 4, An Act respecting health profession corporations. Mr. O’Toole. PRINTED. |
M4. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 4, Loi relative aux sociétés professionnelles de la santé. M. O’Toole. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G6. Resuming the debate adjourned on March 6, 2013 on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 6, An Act to protect and restore the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin. Hon. Mr. Bradley. PRINTED. Time used: 5 hrs. 54 min. |
G6. Suite du débat ajourné le 6 mars 2013 sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 6, Loi visant la protection et le rétablissement du bassin des Grands Lacs et du fleuve Saint-Laurent. L’hon. M. Bradley. IMPRIMÉ. Durée du débat : 5 h 54. | ||
M7. Second Reading of Bill 7, An Act to create the Twenty-First Century Skills Award for school pupils. Mr. O’Toole. PRINTED. |
M7. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 7, Loi créant le Prix Compétences pour le 21e siècle pour les élèves. M. O’Toole. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M9. Second Reading of Bill 9, An Act to amend the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 with respect to powers of attorney. Mr. O’Toole. PRINTED. |
M9. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 9, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1992 sur la prise de décisions au nom d’autrui en ce qui a trait aux procurations. M. O’Toole. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M10. Second Reading of Bill 10, An Act to amend the Taxation Act, 2007 to provide for a tax credit for expenses incurred in using public transit. Mr. O’Toole. PRINTED. |
M10. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 10, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2007 sur les impôts afin de prévoir un crédit d’impôt pour les dépenses engagées au titre des transports en commun. M. O’Toole. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M13. Second Reading of Bill 13, An Act to amend the Building Code Act, 1992 with respect to the height of wood frame buildings. Mr. Fedeli. PRINTED. |
M13. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 13, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1992 sur le code du bâtiment en ce qui a trait à la hauteur des bâtiments à ossature de bois. M. Fedeli. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M15. Second Reading of Bill 15, An Act to proclaim First Responders Day. Mr. Klees. PRINTED. |
M15. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 15, Loi proclamant le Jour des premiers intervenants. M. Klees. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M17. Second Reading of Bill 17, An Act to amend the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 to provide employers with the right to participate in alternate insurance plans. Mr. Hillier. PRINTED. |
M17. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 17, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la sécurité professionnelle et l’assurance contre les accidents du travail pour accorder aux employeurs le droit de participer à des régimes d’assurance concurrents. M. Hillier. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M18. Second Reading of Bill 18, An Act to amend the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 to require carbon monoxide detectors in certain residential buildings. Mr. Hardeman. PRINTED. |
M18. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 18, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la prévention et la protection contre l’incendie pour exiger l’installation de détecteurs de monoxyde de carbone dans certains immeubles d’habitation. M. Hardeman. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G21. Resuming the debate adjourned on June 5, 2013 on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 21, An Act to amend the Employment Standards Act, 2000 in respect of family caregiver, critically ill child care and crime-related child death or disappearance leaves of absence. Hon. Mr. Naqvi. PRINTED. Time used: 5 hrs. 17 mins. |
G21. Suite du débat ajourné le 5 juin 2013 sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 21, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2000 sur les normes d’emploi en ce qui concerne le congé familial pour les aidants naturels, le congé pour soins à un enfant gravement malade et le congé en cas de décès ou de disparition d’un enfant dans des circonstances criminelles. L’hon. M. Naqvi. IMPRIMÉ. Durée du débat : 5 h 17. | ||
M23. Second Reading of Bill 23, An Act to amend the Legislative Assembly Act to establish the Standing Committee on Public Accounts for Health Care and Education. Mr. Ouellette. PRINTED. |
M23. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 23, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l’Assemblée législative pour créer le Comité permanent des comptes publics sur les soins de santé et l’éducation. M. Ouellette. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M27. Second Reading of Bill 27, An Act to require the introduction of legislation for a consolidated program of disability support and employment and other financial assistance. Mr. Barrett. PRINTED. |
M27. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 27, Loi exigeant le dépôt d’un projet de loi créant un programme qui regroupe le soutien aux personnes handicapées, l’aide à l’emploi et d’autres aides financières. M. Barrett. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M29. Second Reading of Bill 29, An Act to amend various Acts to prevent clandestine drug operations. Ms. MacLeod. PRINTED. |
M29. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 29, Loi modifiant diverses lois afin de prévenir les opérations de stupéfiants clandestines. Mme MacLeod. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G30. Resuming the debate adjourned on April 30, 2013 on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 30, An Act to regulate the selling and marketing of tanning services and ultraviolet light treatments. Hon. Ms. Matthews. PRINTED. Time used: 3 hrs. 27 mins. |
G30. Suite du débat ajourné le 30 avril 2013 sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 30, Loi visant à réglementer la vente et la commercialisation de services de bronzage et de traitements par rayonnement ultraviolet. L’hon. Mme Matthews. IMPRIMÉ. Durée du débat : 3 h 27. | ||
M31. Second Reading of Bill 31, An Act to amend the French Language Services Act with respect to the French Language Services Commissioner’s reporting requirements. Mme Gélinas. PRINTED. |
M31. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 31, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les services en français en ce qui concerne les rapports exigés du commissaire aux services en français. Mme Gélinas. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G34. Resuming the debate adjourned on April 16, 2013 on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 34, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act in respect of permit denials and out-of-province service and evidence in certain proceedings and to make a consequential amendment to the Provincial Offences Act. Hon. Mr. Murray. PRINTED. Time used: 2 hrs. 04 mins. |
G34. Suite du débat ajourné le 16 avril 2013 sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 34, Loi visant à modifier le Code de la route en ce qui concerne les refus relatifs aux certificats d’immatriculation et la signification et les preuves extraprovinciales dans certaines instances, et à apporter une modification corrélative à la Loi sur les infractions provinciales. L’hon. M. Murray. IMPRIMÉ. Durée du débat : 2 h 04. | ||
M37. Second Reading of Bill 37, An Act to amend the Planning Act with respect to inclusionary housing. Ms. DiNovo. PRINTED. |
M37. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 37, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire à l’égard de l’inclusion de logements abordables. Mme DiNovo. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M38. Second Reading of Bill 38, An Act respecting criminal record checks for volunteers. Ms. Jones. PRINTED. |
M38. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 38, Loi concernant les vérifications du casier judiciaire des bénévoles. Mme Jones. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M45. Second Reading of Bill 45, An Act to proclaim Constitution Day. Mr. Hillier. PRINTED. |
M45. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 45, Loi proclamant le Jour de la Constitution. M. Hillier. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M46. Second Reading of Bill 46, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act to provide for rules for the use of roundabouts. Mr. Harris. PRINTED. |
M46. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 46, Loi modifiant le Code de la route pour prévoir des règles régissant l’utilisation des carrefours giratoires. M. Harris. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M47. Second Reading of Bill 47, An Act to amend the Consumer Protection Act, 2002 with respect to money transfers. Mr. Singh. PRINTED. |
M47. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 47, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2002 sur la protection du consommateur en ce qui concerne les transferts de fonds. M. Singh. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G51. Resuming the debate adjourned on April 24, 2013 on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 51, An Act to repeal the Public Works Protection Act, amend the Police Services Act with respect to court security and enact the Security for Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2013. Hon. Mme Meilleur. PRINTED. Time used: 2 hrs. 20 mins. |
G51. Suite du débat ajourné le 24 avril 2013 sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 51, Loi abrogeant la Loi sur la protection des ouvrages publics, modifiant la Loi sur les services policiers en ce qui concerne la sécurité des tribunaux et édictant la Loi de 2013 sur la sécurité des centrales électriques et des installations nucléaires. L’hon. Mme Meilleur. IMPRIMÉ. Durée du débat : 2 h 20. | ||
G55. Deferred vote on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 55, An Act to amend the Collection Agencies Act, the Consumer Protection Act, 2002 and the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002 and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. Hon. Ms. MacCharles. |
G55. Vote différé sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 55, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les agences de recouvrement, la Loi de 2002 sur la protection du consommateur et la Loi de 2002 sur le courtage commercial et immobilier et apportant des modifications corrélatives à d'autres lois. L’hon. Mme MacCharles. |
M56. Second Reading of Bill 56, An Act to prohibit certain restrictions on the use of aggregates in performing public sector construction work. Ms. Jones. PRINTED. |
M56. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 56, Loi interdisant certaines restrictions frappant l’utilisation d’agrégats lors de la réalisation de travaux de construction pour le secteur public. Mme Jones. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M57. Second Reading of Bill 57, An Act to recognize Brockville as the birthplace of the National Flag of Canada. Mr. Clark. PRINTED. |
M57. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 57, Loi visant à reconnaître Brockville comme étant le berceau du drapeau national du Canada. M. Clark. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M58. Second Reading of Bill 58, An Act to proclaim Meningitis Awareness Day. Mr. Singh. PRINTED. |
M58. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 58, Loi proclamant le Jour de la sensibilisation à la méningite. M. Singh. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M59. Second Reading of Bill 59, An Act to amend the Health Protection and Promotion Act to require food service premises to provide nutritional information. Mme Gélinas. PRINTED. |
M59. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 59, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la protection et la promotion de la santé pour obliger les lieux de restauration à indiquer l’information nutritionnelle. Mme Gélinas. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G60. Second Reading of Bill 60, An Act to strengthen consumer protection with respect to consumer agreements relating to wireless services accessed from a cellular phone, smart phone or any other similar mobile device. Hon. Ms. MacCharles. PRINTED. |
G60. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 60, Loi visant à mieux protéger les consommateurs en ce qui concerne les conventions de consommation portant sur les services sans fil accessibles au moyen d’un téléphone cellulaire, d’un téléphone intelligent ou de tout autre appareil mobile semblable. L’hon. Mme MacCharles. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M61. Second Reading of Bill 61, An Act to amend the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000. Mr. McDonell. PRINTED. |
M61. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 61, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2000 sur les normes techniques et la sécurité. M. McDonell. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M62. Second Reading of Bill 62, An Act to amend the Labour Relations Act, 1995 to increase the rights of members of trade unions with respect to the certification of trade unions. Mr. Hillier. PRINTED. |
M62. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 62, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les relations de travail pour accroître les droits des membres des syndicats relativement à l’accréditation des syndicats. M. Hillier. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M63. Second Reading of Bill 63, An Act to amend the Labour Relations Act, 1995 with respect to the Ontario Labour Relations Board and other matters. Mr. Hillier. PRINTED. |
M63. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 63, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les relations de travail en ce qui concerne la Commission des relations de travail de l’Ontario et d’autres questions. M. Hillier. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M64. Second Reading of Bill 64, An Act to amend the Labour Relations Act, 1995 to protect the rights of employees in collective bargaining and the financial interests of members of trade unions. Mr. Hillier. PRINTED. |
M64. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 64, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les relations de travail pour protéger les droits des employés à la négociation collective et les intérêts financiers des membres des syndicats. M. Hillier. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M66. Second Reading of Bill 66, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act and the Civil Remedies Act, 2001 to promote public safety and suppress conditions leading to crime by prohibiting driving on the highway in a motor vehicle in which there is an unlawfully possessed handgun. Mr. Colle. PRINTED. |
M66. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 66, Loi modifiant le Code de la route et la Loi de 2001 sur les recours civils afin de promouvoir la sécurité publique et d’éliminer les conditions engendrant le crime en interdisant la conduite sur la voie publique d’un véhicule automobile dans lequel se trouve une arme de poing dont la possession est illégale. M. Colle. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M67. Second Reading of Bill 67, An Act to amend the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 with respect to post-traumatic stress disorder. Ms. DiNovo. PRINTED. |
M67. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 67, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la sécurité professionnelle et l’assurance contre les accidents du travail relativement au trouble de stress post-traumatique. Mme DiNovo. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M68. Second Reading of Bill 68, An Act to amend the Taxation Act, 2007 to provide for a tax credit to farmers for donating to Ontario food banks certain agricultural products that they have produced. Mr. Bailey. PRINTED. |
M68. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 68, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2007 sur les impôts pour prévoir un crédit d’impôt pour les agriculteurs qui font don de certains produits agricoles qu’ils ont produits à des banques alimentaires de l’Ontario. M. Bailey. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M73. Second Reading of Bill 73, An Act to amend the Labour Relations Act, 1995 with respect to certain public sector employers in the construction industry. Mr. Harris. PRINTED. |
M73. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 73, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les relations de travail en ce qui concerne certains employeurs du secteur public dans l’industrie de la construction. M. Harris. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M75. Second Reading of Bill 75, An Act to amend the Health Insurance Act with respect to celiac disease screening. Mr. Mauro. PRINTED. |
M75. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 75, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l’assurance-santé en ce qui concerne le dépistage de la maladie coeliaque. M. Mauro. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M76. Second Reading of Bill 76, An Act to amend the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 to protect benefits for spouses of deceased, retired workers. Mr. Bartolucci. PRINTED. |
M76. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 76, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la sécurité professionnelle et l’assurance contre les accidents du travail afin de protéger les prestations versées aux conjoints des travailleurs retraités décédés. M. Bartolucci. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M77. Second Reading of Bill 77, An Act to amend the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 to provide safety requirements related to the presence of unsafe levels of carbon monoxide on premises. Mr. Hardeman. PRINTED. |
M77. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 77, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la prévention et la protection contre l’incendie pour prévoir des exigences en matière de protection contre la présence, dans des lieux, de niveaux dangereux de monoxyde de carbone. M. Hardeman. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G78. Second Reading of Bill 78. An Act to amend certain Acts with respect to electronic health records. Hon. Ms. Matthews. PRINTED. |
G78. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 78, Loi modifiant certaines lois en ce qui concerne les dossiers de santé électroniques. L’hon. Mme Matthews. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M79. Second Reading of Bill 79, An Act to amend the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. Mr. Miller (Parry Sound–Muskoka). PRINTED. |
M79. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 79, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l’aménagement des voies publiques et des transports en commun. M. Miller (Parry Sound–Muskoka). IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M80. Second Reading of Bill 80, An Act respecting labour mobility in the construction industry aimed at restricting access to those taking advantage of Ontario’s policy of free mobility. Mr. MacLaren. PRINTED. |
M80. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 80, Loi sur la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre dans l’industrie de la construction visant à restreindre l’accès de ceux qui profitent de la politique de libre mobilité de l’Ontario. M. MacLaren. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M81. Second Reading of Bill 81, An Act to amend the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 with respect to firefighters and certain related occupations. Mr. Del Duca. PRINTED. |
M81. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 81, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la sécurité professionnelle et l'assurance contre les accidents du travail en ce qui concerne les pompiers et certaines professions connexes. M. Del Duca. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M82. Second Reading of Bill 82, An Act to amend the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 to extend rules governing rent increases to certain types of rental units. Ms. Forster. PRINTED. |
M82. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 82, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2006 sur la location à usage d’habitation afin d’étendre les règles régissant les augmentations de loyer à certains types de logements locatifs. Mme Forster IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G83. Second Reading of Bill 83, An Act to amend the Courts of Justice Act, the Libel and Slander Act and the Statutory Powers Procedure Act in order to protect expression on matters of public interest. Hon. Mr. Gerretsen. PRINTED. |
G83. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 83, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les tribunaux judiciaires, la Loi sur la diffamation et la Loi sur l’exercice des compétences légales afin de protéger l’expression sur les affaires d’intérêt public. L’hon. M. Gerretsen. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M84. Second Reading of Bill 84, An Act to amend the Metrolinx Act, 2006. Mr. Schein. PRINTED. |
M84. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 84, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2006 sur Metrolinx. M. Schein. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G85. Second Reading of Bill 85, An Act to amend various companies statutes and to amend other statutes consequential to the Not-For-Profit Corporations Act, 2010. Hon. Ms. MacCharles. PRINTED. |
G85. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 85, Loi modifiant diverses lois visant les compagnies et apportant à d’autres lois des modifications corrélatives découlant de la Loi de 2010 sur les organisations sans but lucratif. L’hon. Mme MacCharles. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M86. Second Reading of Bill 86, An Act to amend the Ministry of Infrastructure Act, 2011 with respect to public works agreements. Mr. Jackson. PRINTED. |
M86. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 86, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2011 sur le ministère de l’Infrastructure en ce qui concerne les ententes sur les ouvrages publics. M. Jackson. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M87. Second Reading of Bill 87, An Act to amend the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. Mr. MacLaren. PRINTED. |
M87. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 87, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Société de protection des animaux de l’Ontario. M. MacLaren. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M88. Second Reading of Bill 88, An Act to amend the Child and Family Services Act with respect to children 16 years of age and older. Mr. Jackson. PRINTED. |
M88. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 88, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les services à l’enfance et à la famille en ce qui concerne les enfants de 16 ans et plus. M. Jackson. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M89. Second Reading of Bill 89, An Act to amend the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. Mr. MacLaren. PRINTED. |
M89. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 89, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Société de protection des animaux de l’Ontario. M. MacLaren. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M90. Second Reading of Bill 90, An Act to amend the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. Mr. MacLaren. PRINTED. |
M90. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 90, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Société de protection des animaux de l’Ontario. M. MacLaren. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G91. Second Reading of Bill 91, An Act to establish a new regime for the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste and to repeal the Waste Diversion Act, 2002. Hon. Mr. Bradley. PRINTED. |
G91. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 91, Loi créant un nouveau cadre pour la réduction, la réutilisation et le recyclage des déchets et abrogeant la Loi de 2002 sur le réacheminement des déchets. L’hon. M. Bradley. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M92. Second Reading of Bill 92, An Act to amend the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act, 1999. Mr. McNaughton. PRINTED. |
M92. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 92, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1999 sur la Société des loteries et des jeux de l’Ontario. M. McNaughton. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M93. Second Reading of Bill 93, An Act to regulate the motor vehicle towing industry in Ontario. Mr. Ouellette. PRINTED. |
M93. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 93, Loi réglementant l’industrie du remorquage de véhicules automobiles en Ontario. M. Ouellette. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
M94. Second Reading of Bill 94, An Act to amend the Labour Relations Act, 1995 with respect to the determination of bargaining units and the certification of trade unions. Mr. McDonell. PRINTED. |
M94. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 94, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les relations de travail en ce qui concerne la détermination des unités de négociation et l’accréditation des syndicats. M. McDonell. IMPRIMÉ. | ||
G95. Second Reading of Bill 95, An Act to establish a Financial Accountability Officer. Hon. Mr. Sousa. |
G95. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 95, Loi créant le poste de directeur de la responsabilité financière. L’hon. M. Sousa. | ||
M96. Second Reading of Bill 96, An Act to raise awareness about radon, provide for the Ontario Radon Registry and reduce radon levels in dwellings and workplaces. Mr. Qaadri. |
M96. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 96, Loi visant à sensibiliser le public au radon, à prévoir la création du Registre des concentrations de radon en Ontario et à réduire la concentration de ce gaz dans les logements et les lieux de travail. M. Qaadri. | ||
2. Resuming the debate adjourned on April 30, 2013 on the motion for Adoption of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs on Pre-Budget Consultation 2013. |
2. Suite du débat ajourné le 30 avril 2013 sur la motion portant adoption des recommandations contenues dans le rapport du Comité permanent des finances et des affaires économiques concernant les Consultations prébudgétaires pour 2013. | ||
5. Resuming the debate adjourned on June 4, 2013 on the motion for Adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts on Ornge air ambulance and related services: interim report No. 1. |
5. Suite du débat ajourné le 4 juin 2013 sur la motion portant adoption du rapport du Comité permanent des comptes publics concernant les services d’ambulance aérienne et services connexes d’Ornge : rapport provisoire no 1. | ||
6. Resuming the debate adjourned on June 6, 2013 on the motion for Adoption of the recommendations contained in the First Report 2013 of the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. (Comprehensive response requested from the government pursuant to Standing Order 32(d)). |
6. Reprise du débat ajourné le 6 juin 2013 sur la motion portant sur l’adoption des recommandations contenues dans le rapport premier 2013 du Comité permanent des règlements et des projets de loi d’intérêt privé. (Le comité demande au gouvernement de déposer une réponse globale au rapport conformément à l'article 32(d) du Règlement). | ||
7. Resuming the debate adjourned on September 9, 2013 on the motion for Adoption of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Standing Committee on Government Agencies on Agencies, Boards and Commissions: Liquor Control Board of Ontario. (Comprehensive response requested from the government pursuant to Standing Order 32(d)). |
7. Suite du débat ajourné le 9 septembre 2013 sur la motion portant adoption des recommandations contenues dans le rapport du Comité permanent des organismes gouvernementaux sur les organismes, conseils et commissions : Régie des alcools de l’Ontario. (Le comité demande au gouvernement de déposer une réponse globale au rapport conformément à l'article 32(d) du Règlement). | ||
Precedence in accordance with Standing Order 98(b). |
Ordre de priorité conforme à l’article 98 b) du Règlement. | ||
Ballot Item Number 34 – To be debated September 12, 2013. | |||
M96. Second Reading of Bill 96, An Act to raise awareness about radon, provide for the Ontario Radon Registry and reduce radon levels in dwellings and workplaces. Mr. Qaadri. |
M96. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 96, Loi visant à sensibiliser le public au radon, à prévoir la création du Registre des concentrations de radon en Ontario et à réduire la concentration de ce gaz dans les logements et les lieux de travail. M. Qaadri. | ||
Ballot Item Number 35 – To be debated September 12, 2013. |
Private Members' Notice of Motion Number 41 |
Avis de motion numéro 41 émanant d'un député | ||
Mr. Flynn — That, in the opinion of this House, Ontario should endorse the new National Standard of Canada for psychological health and safety in the workplace entitled "Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace - Prevention, Promotion and Guidance to Staged Implementation". The National Standard of Canada is a voluntary standard developed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada that provides a systematic approach to develop and sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace by focusing on promoting employees' psychological health and preventing psychological harm due to workplace factors through: - The identification of psychological hazards in the workplace; - The assessment and control of the risks in the workplace associated with hazards that cannot be eliminated (e.g. stressors due to organizational change or reasonable job demands); - The implementation of practices that support and promote psychological health and safety in the workplace; - The growth of a culture that promotes psychological health and safety in the workplace; - The implementation of measurement and review systems to ensure sustainability. | |||
Ballot Item Number 36 – To be debated September 12, 2013. | |||
M80. Second Reading of Bill 80, An Act respecting labour mobility in the construction industry aimed at restricting access to those taking advantage of Ontario’s policy of free mobility. Mr. MacLaren. |
M80. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 80, Loi sur la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre dans l’industrie de la construction visant à restreindre l’accès de ceux qui profitent de la politique de libre mobilité de l’Ontario. M. MacLaren. | ||
Ballot Item Number 38 – To be debated September 19, 2013. | |||
M73. Second Reading of Bill 73, An Act to amend the Labour Relations Act, 1995 with respect to certain public sector employers in the construction industry. Mr. Harris. |
M73. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 73, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les relations de travail en ce qui concerne certains employeurs du secteur public dans l’industrie de la construction. M. Harris. | ||
DEBATS SPECIAUX - CENSURE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mr. Wilson – Whereas, the McGuinty-Wynne Governments have repeatedly put the political fortunes of the Liberal Party ahead of both the people and the Province of Ontario, abused their power and wasted hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to cancel gas plants in both Oakville and Mississauga so as to retain Liberal seats and save their own political skins in a desperate attempt to cling to power; Whereas, the Speaker of the Legislature made a finding of prima facie breach of privilege for nonproduction of documents requested by the Standing Committee on Estimates, which when finally provided, revealed that the Liberal Government had failed to report the true costs of the cancelled gas plants and also exposed inappropriate political interference at the highest levels of the Liberal Government; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Whereas, the Auditor General, in the wake of the growing scandal, sought to expose the true costs of the cancelled gas plants after numerous Liberal Ministers, including then Premier McGuinty and Premier Wynne in her previous Ministerial role, made public pronouncements, both in the House and to the media that were suspiciously low. The Auditor General confirmed on April 15th, 2013 that the true cost of cancelling the Mississauga Gas Plant was $275 million dollars, or 45% higher than what the Liberal Government had repeatedly told the people of Ontario; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Whereas, Premier Wynne, in her former Ministerial role personally Chaired the meeting and signed off on the process that cancelled the Oakville Gas Plant, yet never disclosed her role in this decision until evidence surfaced that showed Premier Wynne, in fact had known intimate details about the true costs associated with the Liberal Government's decision to cancel the Oakville gas plant; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Whereas, conflicting testimony before the Standing Committee on Justice has hindered the Committee's ability to get to the bottom of the gas plant scandal; Whereas, the gas plant scandals, combined with those at eHealth and ORNGE amount to literally billions of taxpayer dollars being wasted on scandals and expose the McGuinty-Wynne Liberal Government's utter lack of competence and its failure to get the basics right so as to get results for Ontarians; and, these scandals prove that the Liberals will put selfish interests of their Party ahead of the people and Province of Ontario; Therefore, the Government has lost the confidence of this House. Filed April 29, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AVIS DE MOTIONS ÉMANANT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Mr. Arnott — That, in the opinion of this House, the Minister of Transportation should prioritize the Highway 6 Morriston Bypass project by placing it on the Southern Highways Program, the Ministry's five-year investment plan in highway construction for Southern Ontario; and in the short term, support immediate measures to calm highway traffic though Morriston in the Township of Puslinch. Filed February 19, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. Ms. Thompson — That, in the opinion of this House, a moratorium should be placed on further industrial wind energy development until a comprehensive Ontario-based factual social health study has been completed. Filed February 20, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Ms. Thompson — That, in the opinion of this House, a moratorium should be placed on further industrial wind energy development until the results of Health Canada’s health study on wind turbines has been completed. Filed February 20, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. Ms. Thompson — That, in the opinion of this House, a moratorium should be placed on further industrial wind energy development until a comprehensive Ontario-based factual economical study into the viability and sustainability of wind power has been completed. Filed February 20, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. Ms. Thompson — That, in the opinion of this House, a moratorium should be placed on further industrial wind energy development until a comprehensive Ontario-based factual environmental study has been completed. Filed February 20, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the government must recognize the need to continue on with the business of the prior session of the House with regards to Bill 16, the Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 of the first session of the fortieth Parliament of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, resurrect Bill 16 in the form it was in on the 10th of May 2012, that is ordered for third reading, and call the Bill for third reading in the House. Filed February 21, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the House recommend to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly to: (a) consider the reform of Standing Order 39 to allow for electronically-signed petitions to be tabled before the Legislative Assembly of Ontario with equal standing to that of traditional petitions; (b) study the practices of other Westminster-style Parliaments in relation to e-petitions; (c) propose any necessary modifications to the Standing Orders and the practices of the House; and (d) report its findings to the House no later than four weeks following the adoption of this Order. Filed March 4, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the House recommend to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly that the Standing Orders of the House be amended such that any member is permitted during Introduction of Bills to table a motion requesting a review and debate upon the merits of any regulation filed with the Registrar of Regulations; and that, if this motion is passed, the government ensure the motion is debated within that session of Parliament and allow up to two hours of debate. Filed March 4, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the House recommend to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly that the Standing Orders of the House pertaining to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills be amended to include that the Committee shall review regulations to ensure that the regulation does not make any unusual or unexpected delegation of power. Filed March 4, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly should be instructed to propose modifications to the Standing Orders and the practices of the House requiring that the Assembly not be adjourned earlier than 6 p.m., except by unanimous consent, if there are private members' motions on the Order Paper that have not been debated and that those motions will be debated in the chronological order of their introduction. Debate should rotate between all parties starting with the Official Opposition; should a party not have a motion in the queue or a mover of a motion is not present at the time of debate, that party's slot is lost in that round. Filed March 19, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly should be instructed to (a) consider the removal of the Government's monopoly on calling Bills for third reading; (b) propose any necessary modifications to the Standing Orders and the practices of the House; and (c) report its findings to the House no later than six months following the adoption of this order. Filed March 19, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly should be instructed to propose modifications to the Standing Orders and the practices of the House so that all motions and resolutions presented to the Legislative Assembly be read aloud at the time of their tabling and be included in Routine Proceedings in the time allotted for "Motions". Filed March 19, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14. Mr. Singh — That, in the opinion of this House, the Minister of Transportation should prioritize the Highway 427 Extension project by placing it on the Southern Highways Program, the Ministry's five-year investment plan in highway construction for Southern Ontario. Filed March 19, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16. Mr. Mantha — That, in the opinion of this House, the "Graham Creek Bridge" on Highway 540, 24 kilometers west of Highway 6 at Little Current, should be renamed the Constable Lloyd C. Lackey Memorial Bridge, pursuant to the Highway Memorials for Fallen Police Officers Act, 2002. Filed March 28, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the House should recommend to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly that Standing Order 69(a) be amended to read: Private Members' Public Bills may be co-sponsored by up to four members of the House. It shall be the responsibility of the co-sponsors to select which among them will move the motion for introduction and first reading of the bill. Any of the co-sponsors shall be entitled to move the motions for second or third reading of the bill. The names of the co-sponsors shall be indicated on the introduction copy of the bill and shall thereafter be printed on the face of the bill. Filed March 28, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18. Ms. DiNovo — That, in the opinion of this House, April 9 be declared Equal Pay Day in Ontario. Filed April 9, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the House recommends to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly that the Standing Orders and practices of this House be changed to allow for the co-sponsorship of motions by up to four members of the House. Filed April 11, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the House recommends to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly that the Standing Orders and practices of this House be changed to allow motions, including Opposition Day motions, to be presented with a resolution that, if passed, is binding upon the Government and or the Assembly for implementation or for referral to a committee. Filed April 11, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the House recommends to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly that the Standing Orders and practices of this House be changed to require night sittings in the last two weeks of every session reserved for private members' public bills which await third reading and that their third reading be compelled in those reserved times. Filed April 11, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the House recommends to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly that Standing Order 43(b)(vi) be repealed. Filed April 11, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the House recommends to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly that Standing Order 28(d) be amended to remove the sentence "An abstention shall not be entered in the Votes and Proceedings or the Journals" and that Standing Order 28(e) be amended to read "The names of the members voting on each side of the question and members abstaining from the question shall be entered in the Votes and Proceedings and the Journals, except on dilatory motions when the number only shall be entered." Filed April 11, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the House recommends to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly that, should the Standing Orders be amended to compel the Speaker to call at least one backbench motion for debate each month or to reflect other practices regarding backbench motions before the House, the Standing Orders and practices of this House be changed to require that the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario record and publish the order of debate for all motions tabled before the House. Filed April 11, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28. Mr. Dunlop — That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario and its Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities should immediately take steps to abolish the Appointments Council of the Ontario College of Trades; and furthermore, to allow all tradespeople, who are required by law to be members of the Ontario College of Trades, the ability to democratically elect their own Board of Governors in an open and transparent manner. Filed April 23, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly be instructed to (a) study the cost and feasibility of streaming every committee room with simultaneous interpretation and multiple camera angles, as the Amethyst Committee room is; (b) propose any necessary modifications to the Standing Orders and the practices of the House; (c) report its findings to the House no later than six months following the adoption of this order; and (d) in the time before these recommendations are enacted, the Legislative Assembly make available streaming of all committee rooms even if they are only streamed in one language or presented in a static wide-angle shot. Filed April 29, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly be instructed to (a) consider changes to the Standing Orders which would compel the Speaker to call at least one backbench motion to be called for debate each month; (b) study the practices of other Westminster-style Parliaments with regards to backbench motions being called before the House and similar instruments in other Parliaments being called before the House; (c) propose any necessary modifications to the Standing Orders and the practices of the House; and (d) report its findings to the House no later than six months following the adoption of this order. Filed April 29, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
32. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the Ministry of Natural Resources should immediately reinstate the Conservationists of Frontenac and Addington's authority to use fry stocking as an effective means of contributing to the maintenance of Ontario's walleye population. Filed May 2, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
33. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care should direct the South-East Local Health Integration Network to begin the 20 year-old plan to build and fund an acquired brain injury facility in Napanee. Filed May 2, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
34. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care should direct the Capital Funding Branch to immediately approve and fund the Carleton Place Hospital redevelopment. Filed May 2, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, Standing Committees of this House should be compelled and required to hear all Bills ordered to them for review. Filed May 6, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
36. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, any modifications to the Standing Orders should be voted upon by secret ballot. Filed May 6, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
37. Ms. Scott — That, in the opinion of this House, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing immediately undertake a review of the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program to determine how the program could be improved to better meet the needs of individuals, businesses and municipalities who are impacted by disaster situations in Ontario, thereby making the program more applicable to those in the most need. Filed May 8, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
38. Ms. Forster — That, in the opinion of this House, provincial and federal legislation should be amended to ensure that workers are compensated for certain unpaid wages and benefits when an employer who operates in Canada declares bankruptcy in a foreign jurisdiction, since the federal Wage Earner Protection Program currently does not compensate workers for such amounts. Filed May 30, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
39. Mr. Arnott — That, in the opinion of this House, the Minister of Education should develop a strategy to actively promote and improve the opportunities for Ontario students to become functionally multilingual in English, French, and a key, third international language, to address the future economic challenges for Ontario and Canada that will require a significant increase in the number of residents who are not just bilingual, but functionally multilingual. Filed June 5, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40. Mrs. McKenna — That, in the opinion of this House, the Government should establish a memorial to Emergency Medical Services first responders whose lives are lost in the line of duty. Filed June 6, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
41. Mr. Flynn — That, in the opinion of this House, Ontario should endorse the new National Standard of Canada for psychological health and safety in the workplace entitled "Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace - Prevention, Promotion and Guidance to Staged Implementation". The National Standard of Canada is a voluntary standard developed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada that provides a systematic approach to develop and sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace by focusing on promoting employees' psychological health and preventing psychological harm due to workplace factors through: - The identification of psychological hazards in the workplace; - The assessment and control of the risks in the workplace associated with hazards that cannot be eliminated (e.g. stressors due to organizational change or reasonable job demands); - The implementation of practices that support and promote psychological health and safety in the workplace; - The growth of a culture that promotes psychological health and safety in the workplace; - The implementation of measurement and review systems to ensure sustainability. Filed September 9, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
42. Mr. Kwinter — That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should oppose any legislation that would restrict or prohibit people's freedom of expression and religion in public places and affirm that Ontario greatly values our diverse population and the social, cultural and economic contributions they make to help our society thrive. Filed September 9, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
COMITÉ PERMANENT DES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ÉTAT DES BUDGETS DES DÉPENSES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To be considered in the order shown |
À être étudiés dans l’ordre ci-dessous | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M20. Bill 20, An Act respecting the City of Toronto and the Ontario Municipal Board. Mr. Marchese. Referred March 7, 2013. |
M20. Projet de loi 20, Loi portant sur la cité de Toronto et la Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario. M. Marchese. Renvoyé le 7 mars 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M24. Bill 24, An Act to amend the Legislative Assembly Act with respect to prorogation. Ms. Fife. Referred March 7, 2013. |
M24. Projet de loi 24, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l’Assemblée législative relativement à la prorogation. Mme Fife. Renvoyé le 7 mars 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M74. Bill 74, An Act to amend the Labour Relations Act, 1995 to alter bargaining rights conferred by pre-1980 working agreements in the construction industry. Mr. McNaughton. Referred June 6, 2013. |
M74. Projet de loi 74, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les relations de travail pour modifier le droit de négocier conféré par des accords de fait conclus avant 1980 dans l’industrie de la construction. M. McNaughton. Renvoyé le 6 juin 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Review of the Aggregate Resources Act. Referred April 25, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G11. Bill 11, An Act to amend the Ambulance Act with respect to air ambulance services. Hon. Ms. Matthews. Referred April 16, 2013. |
G11. Projet de loi 11, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les ambulances en ce qui concerne les services d’ambulance aériens. L’hon. Mme Matthews. Renvoyé le 16 avril 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M12. Bill 12, An Act to amend various statutes with respect to worker safety at service stations. Mr. Colle. Referred February 28, 2013. |
M12. Projet de loi 12, Loi modifiant diverses lois en ce qui a trait à la sécurité des travailleurs dans les stations-service. M. Colle. Renvoyé le 28 février 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M28. Bill 28, An Act to amend the Electronic Commerce Act, 2000. Mr. Smith. Referred March 21, 2013. |
M28. Projet de loi 28, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2000 sur le commerce électronique. M. Smith. Renvoyé le 21 mars 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M41. Bill 41, An Act to amend the Places to Grow Act, 2005 with respect to the finality of certain municipal planning decisions. Mr. Klees. Referred April 18, 2013. |
M41. Projet de loi 41, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2005 sur les zones de croissance en ce qui concerne le caractère définitif de certaines décisions prises au niveau municipal en matière d’aménagement. M. Klees. Renvoyé le 18 avril 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M53. Bill 53, An Act to proclaim Children and Youth in Care Day. Ms. Wong. Referred May 9, 2013. |
M53. Projet de loi 53, Loi proclamant le Jour des enfants et des jeunes pris en charge. Mme Wong. Renvoyé le 9 mai 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M71. Bill 71, An Act to protect child performers in the live entertainment industry and the recorded entertainment industry. Mr. Miller (Hamilton East–Stoney Creek). Referred June 6, 2013. |
M71. Projet de loi 71, Loi visant à protéger les enfants artistes dans l’industrie du spectacle vivant et l’industrie du spectacle enregistré. M. Miller (Hamilton-Est–Stoney Creek). Renvoyé le 6 juin 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M3. Bill 3, An Act to amend the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act with respect to matching rebates of gasoline tax that the Minister provides to municipalities. Mr. Yakabuski. Referred March 7, 2013. |
M3. Projet de loi 3, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement des voies publiques et des transports en commun à l'égard des remboursements de la taxe sur l'essence similaires consentis aux municipalités par le ministre. M. Yakabuski. Renvoyé le 7 mars 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M42. Bill 42, An Act to amend the Ombudsman Act with respect to children’s aid societies. Miss Taylor. Referred April 11, 2013. |
M42. Projet de loi 42, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l’ombudsman en ce qui a trait aux sociétés d’aide à l’enfance. Mlle Taylor. Renvoyé le 11 avril 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
COMITÉ PERMANENT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Review of the matter of the Speaker's finding of a prima facie case of privilege, with respect to the production of documents by the Minister of Energy and the Ontario Power Authority to the Standing Committee on Estimates and to consider and report its observations and recommendations concerning the tendering, planning, commissioning, cancellation, and relocation of the Mississauga and Oakville gas plants. Referred February 20, 2013; March 5, 2013. Interim Report tabled May 21, 2013 – Sessional Paper No. 46. |
Étude sur la conclusion du Président sur une question de privilège jugée fondée de prime abord, relatif à la présentation de documents au Comité permanent des budgets des dépenses par le ministre de l’Énergie et l’Office de l’électricité de l’Ontario et pour étudier et faire rapport de ses observations et recommandations concernant l'appel d'offres, la planification, la mise en service, l'annulation et le déplacement des centrales au gaz de Mississauga et Oakville. Renvoyée le 20 février 2013 et le 5 mars 2013. Rapport Intérim présenté le 21 mai 2013 – document parlementaire no 46. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M5. Bill 5, An Act to freeze compensation for two years in the public sector. Mr. Shurman. Referred February 28, 2013. |
M5. Projet de loi 5, Loi visant à geler la rémunération pendant deux ans dans le secteur public. M. Shurman. Renvoyé le 28 février 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G14. Bill 14, An Act to amend the Co-operative Corporations Act and the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 in respect of non-profit housing co-operatives and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. Hon. Mrs. Jeffrey. The Lieutenant Governor’s recommendation, pursuant to S.O. 57, has been received. Referred May 14, 2013. |
G14. Projet de loi 14, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les sociétés coopératives et la Loi de 2006 sur la location à usage d’habitation en ce qui concerne les coopératives de logement sans but lucratif et apportant des modifications corrélatives à d’autres lois. L’hon. Mme Jeffrey. La recommandation du lieutenant-gouverneur a été reçue conformément à l’article 57 du Règlement. Renvoyé le 14 mai 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M16. Bill 16, An Act to amend the Municipal Act, 2001 to provide that the head of council of The Regional Municipality of York must be elected. Ms. Jaczek. Referred June 6, 2013. |
M16. Projet de loi 16, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités pour prévoir que le président du conseil de la municipalité régionale de York doit être élu. Mme Jaczek. Renvoyé le 6 juin 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M49. Bill 49, An Act to amend the Employment Standards Act, 2000 with respect to tips and other gratuities. Mr. Prue. Referred May 30, 2013. |
M49. Projet de loi 49, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2000 sur les normes d’emploi en ce qui concerne les pourboires et autres gratifications. M. Prue. Renvoyé le 30 mai 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M50. Bill 50, An Act to require the introduction of legislation to allow for pooled registered pension plans. Mrs. Munro. Referred April 25, 2013. |
M50. Projet de loi 50, Loi exigeant la présentation d’un projet de loi afin d’autoriser les régimes de pension agréés collectifs. Mme Munro. Renvoyé le 25 avril 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M70. Bill 70, An Act to amend the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. Mr. Clark. Referred May 30, 2013. |
M70. Projet de loi 70, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1991 sur les professions de la santé réglementées. M. Clark. Renvoyé le 30 mai 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M8. Bill 8, An Act to amend the Liquor Licence Act in relation to serving liquor in certain places. Mrs. Albanese. Referred February 28, 2013. |
M8. Projet de loi 8, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les permis d’alcool relativement au service d’alcool dans certains lieux. Mme Albanese. Renvoyé le 28 février 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M32. Bill 32, An Act respecting the Human Resources Professionals Association. Mr. Dhillon, Mrs. Elliott and Mr. Prue. Referred April 25, 2013. |
M32. Projet de loi 32, Loi concernant l’Association des professionnels en ressources humaines. M. Dhillon, Mme Elliott et M. Prue. Renvoyé le 25 avril 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M48. Bill 48, An Act to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act with respect to the relationship between a child and the child’s grandparents. Mr. Craitor, Ms. DiNovo and Mrs. Elliott. Referred April 18, 2013. |
M48. Projet de loi 48, Loi modifiant la Loi portant réforme du droit de l’enfance en ce qui concerne la relation entre un enfant et ses grands-parents. M. Craitor, Mme DiNovo et Mme Elliott. Renvoyé le 18 avril 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M54. Bill 54, An Act to establish the Alzheimer Advisory Council and develop a strategy for the research, treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Mrs. Cansfield and Mrs. Elliott. Referred May 9, 2013. |
M54. Projet de loi 54, Loi créant le Conseil consultatif de la maladie d’Alzheimer et élaborant une stratégie de traitement et de prévention de la maladie d’Alzheimer et d’autres formes de démence et de recherche en la matière. Mme Cansfield et Mme Elliott. Renvoyé le 9 mai 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M69. Bill 69, An Act respecting payments made under contracts and subcontracts in the construction industry. Mr. Del Duca. Referred May 16, 2013. |
M69. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 69, Loi concernant les paiements effectués aux termes de contrats et de contrats de sous-traitance dans l’industrie de la construction. M. Del Duca. Renvoyé le 16 mai 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M72. Second Reading of Bill 72, An Act to proclaim Pope John Paul II Day. Ms. Damerla. Referred May 30, 2013. |
M72. Projet de loi 72, Loi proclamant le Jour du Pape Jean-Paul II. Mme Damerla. Renvoyé le 30 mai 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pr18, Bill Pr18, An Act to revive Kingsgate II Limited. Ms. Armstrong. Referred May 29, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pr19, Bill Pr19, An Act to revive Kingsgate III Limited. Ms. Armstrong. Referred May 29, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pr20, Bill Pr20, An Act to revive Kingsgate IV Limited. Ms. Armstrong. Referred May 29, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pr21, Bill Pr21, An Act to revive Westmount Ridge Associates Limited. Ms. Armstrong. Referred May 29, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
COMITÉ PERMANENT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G36. Bill 36, An Act to enact the Local Food Act, 2013. Hon. Ms. Wynne. Referred May 15, 2013. |
G36. Projet de loi 36, Loi édictant la Loi de 2013 sur les aliments locaux. L’hon. Mme Wynne. Renvoyé le 15 mai 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M52. Bill 52, An Act to proclaim the month of April as Sikh Heritage Month. Mr. Singh. Referred May 16, 2013. |
M52. Projet de loi 52, Loi proclamant le mois d’avril Mois du patrimoine sikh. M. Singh. Renvoyé le 16 mai 2013. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SÉANCES DES COMITÉS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Standing Committee on Estimates will meet to review the 2013-2014 Estimates of the Ministry of Finance, as follows: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Today |
9:00 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. |
Room No. 151 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday, September 11 |
3:45 p.m. |
Room No. 151 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Standing Committee on Government Agencies will meet to consider intended appointments, as follows: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Today |
9:00 a.m. |
Room No. 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
and will meet for the purpose of report writing, as follows: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Today |
10:00 a.m. (closed session) |
Room No. 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Standing Committee on Justice Policy will meet to consider the Orders of the House dated February 20, 2013 and March 5, 2013, as follows: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Today |
8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. |
Room No. 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thursday, September 12 |
8:30 a.m. |
Room No. 151 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly will meet to consider Bill 14, An Act to amend the Co-operative Corporations Act and the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 in respect of non-profit housing co-operatives and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, as follows: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday, September 11 |
12:00 p.m. |
Room No. 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Standing Committee on Public Accounts will meet pursuant to Standing Order 108 h), as follows: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday, September 11 |
9:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. |
Room No. 151 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
QUESTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Questions are to appear on the day after they are received and on every subsequent day in that week and then subsequently only on each Monday until an Answer other than an Interim Answer is received. A question first appearing on a Thursday will appear on each day of the following week. |
Les questions seront publiées le jour suivant leur réception et tous les jours de la semaine. Elles seront ensuite publiées tous les lundis jusqu’à ce qu’une réponse autre qu’une réponse provisoire soit reçue. Une question publiée le jeudi pour la première fois sera publiée tous les jours de la semaine suivante. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
307. Mr. Yurek — Enquiry of the Ministry — Would the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care provide a detailed costing of the new build of the St. Joseph's Forensic Hospital in St. Thomas including the budgeted and actual amounts of the construction and furnishing for the hospital. June 10, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
308. Mr. Tabuns — Enquiry of the Ministry — Would the Minister of Education please indicate how much of the funding allocated across Ontario for Learning Opportunity Grants in 2012-2013 was diverted away from the children the money was intended to directly aid. September 9, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
309. Mr. Tabuns — Enquiry of the Ministry — Would the Minister of Education advise if your Ministry sanctions the use of Learning Opportunity Grants to top up computer purchases by the TDSB which allocates funds across the system without regard to the social and economic needs of the populations of the specific schools. September 9, 2013. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Order of Precedence for Private Members' Public Business to be called during the Second Session of the Fortieth Parliament according to the draw on February 12, 2013, pursuant to Standing Order 98(b). Ordre de priorité des affaires d’intérêt public émanant des députés à être étudiées pendant la deuxième session de la quarantième législature d'après le tirage au sort tenu le 12 février 2013, conformément à l’alinéa 98 b) du Règlement. Effective September 9, 2013 / - replaces previous lists
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* Revision + Notice waived |