37e législature, 1re session

No. 65

No 65

Votes and Proceedings


Legislative Assembly
of Ontario

Assemblée législative
de l'Ontario

June 1, 2000

Morning and
Daytime Meeting - Sessional Day 97

1er juin 2000

Séance du matin et
de l'après-midi - jour de session 97

1st Session,
37th Parliament

1re session
37e législature

10:00 A.M.

10 H

Ms. Martel moved,

Mme Martel propose,

Second Reading of Bill 71, An Act to freeze development on the Oak Ridges Moraine and to amend the Planning Act to increase and strengthen the protection of natural areas across Ontario.

Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 71, Loi imposant un moratoire sur les aménagements dans la moraine d'Oak Ridges et modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire de manière à accroître et à renforcer la protection des sites naturels partout en Ontario.

A debate arising, at 11:00 a.m., further proceedings were reserved until 12:00 noon.

À 11 h, la suite du débat est réservée jusqu'à midi.

Mr. Mazzilli then moved,

Ensuite, M. Mazzilli propose,

Be it resolved that the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario,

(a) be committed to establish an all party committee to investigate and draft legislation that would give municipalities better tools to regulate and control "Body Rub Parlours";

(b) believes "Body Rub Parlours" do not reflect the values of Ontario communities;

(c) condemns "Body Rub Parlours'" presence in retail districts because they drive away business patrons; and

(d) particularly condemns "Body Rub Parlours" that have insisted on locating across or near schools and churches.

The question having been put on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 71, An Act to freeze development on the Oak Ridges Moraine and to amend the Planning Act to increase and strengthen the protection of natural areas across Ontario, it was carried on the following division:-

La motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 71, Loi imposant un moratoire sur les aménagements dans la moraine d'Oak Ridges et modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire de manière à accroître et à renforcer la protection des sites naturels partout en Ontario, mise aux voix, est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 34





Di Cocco





































NAYS / CONTRE - Continued



























And the Bill was accordingly read the second time and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une deuxième fois et déféré au Comité permanent des affaires gouvernementales.

The question having been put on Mr. Mazzilli's Resolution Number 17, it was declared carried.

La motion, mise aux voix, sur la résolution numéro 17 de M. Mazzilli est déclarée adoptée.

1:30 P.M.

13 H 30

The Speaker addressed the House as follows:-

Earlier today, the Member for Hamilton West, Mr. Christopherson, provided me with written notice of a point of privilege, as required by Standing Order 21(c). I would like to thank the Member for giving me sufficient time to carefully review this matter.

I wish to advise that I will be deciding on this matter without further hearing directly from the Member at this time, as Standing Order 21(d) permits me to do. This is not a dismissal of the matter or a reflection on the merits of the issue the Member raises, or on the seriousness with which the Member holds his views.

However, because the issue the Member has raised relates entirely to proceedings that have taken place in a Committee of this Legislature, I am not in a position to consider the matter. Our precedents abound with numerous examples of Speakers declining to become involved in procedural issues arising in Committees. This is properly so, since the Committee itself is the place for the Member to raise this issue and for it to be dealt with; indeed, this may already have occurred. Alternately, the Committee would have to report to the House on this matter for it to properly be in this forum.

I therefore find the member does not have a point of privilege.

Reports by Committees

Rapports des Comités

Mr. Kennedy from the Standing Committee on Estimates presented the Committee's report as follows:-

Pursuant to Standing Order 59, your Committee has selected the Estimates (2000-2001) of the following ministries and offices for consideration:-

Ministry of the Environment 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Education 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Health and Long Term Care 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Community and Social Services 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Tourism 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Labour 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Management Board Secretariat 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of the Attorney General 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Northern Development and Mines 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of the Solicitor General 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Correctional Services 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Pursuant to Standing Order 60, the Estimates (2000-2001) of the following ministries and offices not selected for consideration are deemed passed by the Committee and reported to the House in accordance with the terms of the Standing Order and are deemed to be received and concurred in:-


Ministry Administration $ 15,813,800

Agricultural Services and Rural Affairs 200,271,800

Food Industry 19,360,700

Education, Research and Laboratory Services 64,355,500

Policy and Farm Finance 145,369,800


Cabinet Office $ 18,861,600


Ministry Administration $ 78,001,500

Citizenship 132,512,100

Culture 153,590,600

Sport and Recreation 15,268,400

Ontario Women's Directorate 15,219,600

Ontario Seniors' Secretariat 1,485,600

Regional Services and Ontario 2000 13,065,600


Ministry Administration $ 37,002,800

Commercial Registries 45,408,800

Consumer Protection and Public Safety/Business Standards 8,528,600

Vital Statistics 11,276,500

Gaming and Alcohol Control 39,956,000

Service Delivery 7,035,100


Ministry Administration $ 13,154,100

Industry and Trade Support 84,920,600


Ministry Administration $ 6,833,700

Energy Development and Management 22,230,700

Science and Technology 715,759,500


Ministry Administration $ 59,720,200

Tax Policy, Budget and Revenue Operations 486,750,500

Economic, Fiscal, and Financial Policy 866,057,700

Financial Services Industry Regulation 42,996,300


Francophone Affairs $ 3,846,000


Ministry Administration $ 1,876,000

Federal and Interprovincial Relations 2,896,900


Office of the Lieutenant Governor $ 692,600


Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat $ 23,833,800


Ministry Administration $ 34,272,000

Geographic Information 41,122,500

Natural Resource Management 257,922,500

Public Safety and Emergency Response 63,927,400


Office of the Premier $ 3,206,100


Ministry Administration $ 10,159,800

Postsecondary Education 3,268,753,400

Training and Employment 349,884,200


Ministry Administration $ 43,962,100

Transportation Policy and Planning 59,039,700

Road User Safety 143,093,500

Provincial Highways Management 1,081,500,700

Transportation Information and Information Technology

Cluster 25,856,000

Mrs. Bountrogianni from the Standing Committee on General Government presented the Committee's Report which was read as follows and adopted:-

Mme Bountrogianni du Comité permanent des affaires gouvernementales présente le rapport du comité qui est lu comme suit et adopté:-

Your Committee begs to report the following Bill as amended:-

Votre comité propose qu'il soit permis de faire rapport sur le projet de loi suivant avec des amendements:-

Bill 68, An Act, in memory of Brian Smith, to amend the Mental Health Act and the Health Care Consent Act, 1996. Ordered for Second Reading pursuant to Standing Order 72(b).

Projet de loi 68, Loi à la mémoire de Brian Smith modifiant la Loi sur la santé mentale et la Loi de 1996 sur le consentement aux soins de santé. Ordonné pour la deuxième lecture conformément à l'article 72(b) du Règlement.

Introduction of Bills

Dépôt des Projets de Loi

The following Bill was introduced and read the first time:-

Le projet de loi suivant est présenté et lu une première fois:-

Bill 83, An Act to create affordable housing by enabling municipalities to offer incentives for development and re-development of properties. Mr. Caplan.

Projet de loi 83, Loi créant des logements à prix abordable en permettant aux municipalités d'offrir des stimulants pour l'aménagement ou le réaménagement de biens-fonds. M. Caplan.



Petition relating to the Link between cancer and occupation (Sessional Paper No. P-32) Mr. Christopherson.

Petition relating to the Government of Ontario ensuring that Karla Homolka serves her full sentence in prison (Sessional Paper No. P-38) Mrs. Mushinski.

Petition relating to Prohibiting lawyers from representing clients in small claims court (Sessional Paper No. P-39) Mrs. Boyer.

Petition relating to Restructuring of Developmental Services and services to the developmentally disabled (Sessional Paper No. P-42) Mr. Smitherman.

Petitions relating to Saving the Oak Ridges Moraine (Sessional Paper No. P-44) Mr. Colle and Mr. O'Toole.

Petition relating to Maintaining the Lord's Prayer in the Parliament of Ontario (Sessional Paper No. P-76) Mr. Tascona.

Petition relating to Farm Fare Program (Sessional Paper No. P-78) Mr. Johnson.

Petitions relating to Holding public hearings on Bill 74 (Sessional Paper No. P-107) Mr. Bradley, Mr. Gerretsen, Mr. Marchese, and Mr. Wood.

Orders of the Day

Ordre du Jour

The Order of the Day for resuming the adjourned debate on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 74, An Act to amend the Education Act to increase education quality, to improve the accountability of school boards to students, parents and taxpayers and to enhance students' school experience, having been read,

À l'appel de l'ordre du jour concernant la suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 74, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'éducation pour rehausser la qualité de l'éducation, accroître la responsabilité des conseils scolaires devant les élèves, les parents et les contribuables et enrichir l'expérience scolaire des élèves,

In accordance with the Order of the House passed on May 31, 2000, the Speaker put the question forthwith on the motion which question was carried on the following division:-

Le Président met la motion aux voix immédiatement, conformément à l'ordre adopté par l'Assemblée le 31 mai 2000, et cette motion est adoptée par le vote suivant :-

AYES / POUR - 45






















































Di Cocco


















And the Bill was accordingly read the second time and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une deuxième fois et déféré au Comité permanent de la justice et des affaires sociales.

A debate arose on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 62, An Act to enact, amend and repeal various Acts in order to encourage direct democracy through municipal referendums, to provide additional tools to assist restructuring municipalities and to deal with other municipal matters.

Il s'élève un débat sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 62, Loi édictant, modifiant et abrogeant diverses lois en vue d'encourager la démocratie directe au moyen de référendums municipaux, de fournir des outils supplémentaires pour aider les municipalités restructurées et de traiter d'autres questions municipales.

Pursuant to the Order of the House of May 1, 2000, the Deputy Speaker (Mr. Johnson) interrupted the proceedings and put the question, and declared his opinion that the Ayes had it, and a recorded vote having been demanded,

Conformément à l'ordre adopté par l'Assemblée le 1er mai 2000, le vice-président, M. Johnson interrompt les délibérations, met la motion aux voix, et déclare qu'à son avis les voix favorables l'emportent et un vote inscrit a été exigé,

The Deputy Speaker directed that the Members be called in, for which purpose the division bells were rung.

Le Vice-Président donne des directives pour convoquer les députés et la sonnerie d'appel est retentit à cette fin.

During the ringing of the bells, the Deputy Speaker addressed the House as follows:-

Pendant la sonnerie d'appel, le Vice-Président s'adresse à l'Assemblée en ces mots:-

I have received a request from the Chief Government Whip, under Standing Order 28(h), that the vote on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 62, An Act to enact, amend and repeal various Acts in order to encourage direct democracy through municipal referendums, to provide additional tools to assist restructuring municipalities and to deal with other municipal matters be deferred until June 5, 2000.

J'ai reçu une requête du Whip en chef du gouvernement, conformément à l'article 28(h) du Règlement, que le vote sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 62, Loi édictant, modifiant et abrogeant diverses lois en vue d'encourager la démocratie directe au moyen de référendums municipaux, de fournir des outils supplémentaires pour aider les municipalités restructurées et de traiter d'autres questions municipales soit différé jusqu'au 5 juin 2000.

Therefore the vote is accordingly deferred.

En conséquence, le vote est différé.

Debate was resumed on the Amendment to the motion by Mr. Klees relating to the Young Offenders Act.

After some time, the question having been put, the Deputy Speaker (Mr. Johnson) declared his opinion that the Nayes had it, and a recorded vote having been demanded,

Après quelque temps, la motion mise aux voix, le vice-président, M. Johnson déclare qu'à son avis les voix opposées l'emportent et un vote inscrit a été exigé,

The Deputy Speaker directed that the Members be called in, for which purpose the division bells were rung.

Le Vice-Président donne des directives pour convoquer les députés et la sonnerie d'appel est retentit à cette fin.

During the ringing of the bells, the Deputy Speaker addressed the House as follows:-

Pendant la sonnerie d'appel, le Vice-Président s'adresse à l'Assemblée en ces mots:-

I have received a request from the Chief Government Whip, under Standing Order 28(h), that the vote on the Amendment to the motion be deferred until June 5, 2000.

J'ai reçu une requête du/de la Whip en chef du gouvernement, conformément à l'article 28(h) du Règlement, que le vote sur le sous-amendement soit différé jusqu'au 5 juin 2000.

Therefore the vote is accordingly deferred.

En conséquence, le vote est différé.

Mr. Klees moved, That the House do now adjourn.

M. Klees propose que l'Assemblée ajourne les débats maintenant.

The question, having been put on the motion, was declared carried.

Cette motion, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée.

The House then adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

À 17 h 15, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux.

le président



Sessional Papers Presented Pursuant to Standing Order 39(A):-

Documents Parlementaires Déposés Conformément à l'Article 39(A) du Règlement

Responses to Petitions

Réponses aux Pétitions

Petition relating to Compensating family members who develop occupational illness due to workplace toxins brought home inadvertently (Sessional Paper No. P-34):

(Tabled May 8 and 9, 2000) Mr. Christopherson.

Petition relating to Restructuring of Developmental Services and services to the developmentally disabled (Sessional Paper No. P-42):

(Tabled April 25, 2000) Mr. Caplan.

(Tabled April 25; May 1, 2000) Mr. Curling.

(Tabled April 17, 2000) Mr. Kwinter.

(Tabled April 12, 13; May 2, 2000) Mr. Peters.

(Tabled April 27, 2000) Mr. Phillips.

Status of Legislation

État de L'avancement Des Projets De Loi

Public Bills Index

Index Des Projets De Loi D'Intérêt Public

(Government and Private Members')

(Gouvernement et Députés)

Accountability for Ministerial Travel. Mr. Bartolucci Bill - 77
Affordable Housing Incentives. Mr. Caplan Bill - 83
Air Traffic Noise (see Assessment (Air Traffic Noise))

Ambulance (Minimum readiness). Mr. Lalonde. Bill - 29

Ancient Parliamentary Right. Hon. Mr. Harris. Bill - 1

Amendments Because of the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H.

Hon. Mr. Flaherty. Bill - 5

Assessment. Mr. Christopherson. Bill - 43

Assessment (Air Traffic Noise). Mr. DeFaria. Bill - 19

Audit. Hon. Mr. Sterling. Bill - 26

Benefits (see Pension Benefits)

Brians Law (Mental Health Legislative Reform) Bill - 68

Budget (see Taxpayer Protection and Balanced Budget)

Care Homes. Mrs. McLeod Bill - 53

Children (see Protection of Children involved in Prostitution)

Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry). Hon. Mr. Tsubouchi. Bill - 31

City of Ottawa. Mrs. Boyer Bill - 79

Classrooms (see Technology for Classrooms Tax Credit)

Collection Agencies. Hon. Mr. Runciman. Bill - 37
Compensation for Victims of Crime. Mr. Duncan Bill - 80
Construction Industry (see Labour Relations)

Dangerous Goods Transportation (Nuclear Material). Ms. Churley. Bill - 34

Direct Democracy through municipal referendums. Hon. Mr. Clement Bill - 62

E-Commerce. Mr. Hastings Bill - 70
Education Accountability. Hon. Mrs. Ecker Bill - 74

Emergency (see State of Emergency Consumer Protection)

Employment Standards (Raising the Minimum Wage) Bill - 59

Environmental Protection (see Great Lakes Environmental Protection)

Fair Gasoline Marketing Practices. Mr. Crozier Bill - 60

Fairness for Taxpayers Bill The more days in the House for the Premier and Fewer Cheap Photo
Ops Act. Mr. Phillips. Bill - 46

Fairness for Tenants (see Tenant Protection (Towards Fairness for Tenants))

Fairness is a Two-Way Street (Miners and Forestry Workers). Mr. Ramsay. Bill - 21

Fewer Municipal Politicians. Hon. Mr. Clement. Bill - 25

Fish and Wildlife Conservation (Double-Crested Cormorants) Bill - 76

Food Bank Accountability. Mr. Spina. Bill - 20

Franchise Disclosure. Hon. Mr. Runciman. Bill - 33

Funeral Directors and Establishments (Funeral Services). Mr. Sergio Bill - 54

Franchises. Mr. Martin. Bill - 35

Gasoline Pricing. Mr. Bradley. Bill - 16

Gas Price Watchdog. Mr. Colle. Bill - 18
Genocide Memorial Week. Mr. Wood. Bill - 38

German Pioneers Day. Mr. Wettlaufer. Bill - 28

Government Advertising Standards (see Taxpayer Protection (Government Advertising Standards)

Great Lakes Environmental Protection. Mr. Ouellette. Bill - 15

Health and Safety (see Student Health and Safety Programs)

Highway 407. Mr. Bisson Bill - 63

Highway Traffic (Studded Tires) Mr. Bartolucci Bill - 57

Highway Traffic (Youth Protection). Mr. Bartolucci. Bill - 32
Human Tissue Gift. Ms Lankin Bill - 82

Ipperwash. (see Truth About Ipperwash)

Jobs (see More Tax Cuts for Jobs, Growth and Prosperity)

Judicial Accountability. Mrs. Mushinski Bill - 66

Labour Relations (Construction Industry) Bill - 69

Legislative Assembly. Hon. Mr. Sterling. Bill - 4

Long-Term Care (see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Statute Law)

M. v. H. (see Amendments Because of the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H.)

Medicine. Mr. Kwinter. Bill - 2

Mental Health Legislative Reform (see Brians Law (Mental Health Legislative Reform).

Mine Rescue Personnel Long Service Awards. Ms. Martel. Bill - 47

Miners and Forestry Workers (see Fairness is a Two-Way Street (Miners and Forestry Workers))

Minimum readiness (see Ambulance (minimum readiness))

Ministry of Correctional Services (Public Ownership and Staffing) Bill - 61

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Statute Law. Hon. Mrs. Witmer. Bill - 23

More Tax Cuts for Jobs, Growth and Prosperity. Hon. Mr. Eves. Bill - 14

Municipal (Rental Housing Protection). Mr. Marchese. Bill - 30

Municipal Politicians (see Fewer Municipal Politicians)

Municipal (Simcoe Day). Mr. Hastings. Bill - 50

Non-profit Agencies (see Police Records Checks by Non-profit Agencies)

Nouveaux Misérables. Mr. Kormos Bill - 51

Nuclear Material (see Dangerous Goods Transportation (Nuclear Material))

Oak Ridges Moraine Green Planning. Ms. Martel Bill - 71

Oak Ridges Moraine Protection and Preservation. Mr. Colle. Bill - 12

Ontario Association of Former Parliamentarians. Mr. Gilchrist Bill - 65

Ontario Marine Heritage. Mr. Barrett. Bill - 13

Ontario Natural Heritage. Mr. Gilchrist Bill - 78

Ontario Realty Corporation Clean Up. Mr. Agostino Bill - 56

Parental Responsibility. Hon. J. Flaherty Bill - 55

Partisan Signs (see Public Transportation and Highway Improvement (Partisan Signs))

Pension Benefits. Hon. Mr. Eves. Bill - 27

Petroleum Products Price Freeze. Mr. Bartolucci. Bill - 52

Police Records Checks by Non-profit Agencies. Mr. Kormos. Bill - 9

Protection of Children involved in Prostitution. Mr. Bartolucci. Bill - 6

Protection of Children on School Buses. Mr. Hoy. Bill - 24

Public Ownership and Staffing (see Ministry of Correctional Services (Public Ownership and Staffing))

Public Transportation and Highway Improvement (Partisan Signs). Mr. Gravelle. Bill - 44

Raising the Minimum Wage (see Employment Standards (Raising the Minimum Wage))

Raves. Mrs. Pupatello Bill - 73

Red Tape Reduction. Hon. Mr. Runciman. Bill - 11

Rental Housing Protection (see Municipal (Rental Housing Protection))

Replica Firearms Regulation and Protection. Mr. Bryant Bill - 67

Rescue (see Mine Rescue Personnel Long Service Awards)

Robert Baldwin Day. Mr. Galt Bill - 75

Safe Schools. Hon. Mrs. Ecker Bill - 81

Safe Streets. Hon. Mr. Flaherty. Bill - 8

Safe Streets. Mr. Crozier Bill - 64

School Buses (see Protection of Children on School Buses)

Sergeant Rick McDonald Memorial (Suspect Apprehension Pursuits). Hon. Mr. Tsubouchi. Bill - 22

Sex Offender Registry (see Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry))

Simcoe Day (see Muncipal (Simcoe Day))

State of Emergency Consumer Protection. Mr. Bartolucci. Bill - 41

Studded Tires (see Highway Traffic (Studded Tires))

Student Health and Safety Programs. Mr. Gravelle. Bill - 10

Supply. Hon. Mr. Eves. Bill - 48

Suspect Apprehension (see Sergeant Rick McDonald Memorial (Suspect Apprehension Pursuits))

Tartan. Mr. Murdoch. Bill - 49

Tax Credit (see Technology for Classrooms Tax Credit)

Taxpayer Dividend. Hon. Mr. Eves Bill - 72

Taxpayer Protection and Balanced Budget. Hon. Mr. Harris. Bill - 7

Taxpayer Protection (Government Advertising Standards). Mr. McGuinty. Bill - 17
Technical Standards and Safety. Hon. Mr. Runciman. Bill - 42

Technology for Classrooms Tax Credit. Mr. Hastings. Bill - 40

Tenant Protection (Towards Fairness for Tenants). Mr. Caplan. Bill - 36

Toronto Waterfront Fair Housing. Mr. Hampton. Bill - 45

Truth About Ipperwash. Mr. Phillips. Bill - 3

University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Hon. Mrs. Witmer. Bill - 39

Waterfront Fair Housing (Toronto Waterfront Fair Housing)

Youth News Network-Style Marketing Prohibition Bill - 58

Youth Protection (see Highway Traffic (Youth Protection))

Private Bills Index

Index Des Projets De Loi D'intèrêt Privé

Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario. Mr. Wood. Bill - Pr6

Blue Mountain Village Association. Mr. Murdoch. Bill - Pr14

Certified General Accountants Association. Mr. Wood. Bill - Pr4

Harbourfront Trailer Park Ltd. Mr. Dunlop. Bill - Pr1

Kincardine, Municipality of. Mr. Murdoch. Bill - Pr15

Napanee, Town of. Mrs. Dombrowsky Bill - Pr22

Ner Israel Yeshiva College. Mr. Young. Bill - Pr20

North Kawartha, Township of. Mr. Stewart. Bill - Pr8

Pembridge Insurance Company. Mr. Wood. Bill - Pr13

Peterborough Regional Health Centre. Mr. Stewart. Bill - Pr3

Pickering, Town of. Mr. O'Toole. Bill - Pr7

Redeemer University College. Mr. Clark Bill - Pr19

Registered Interior Designers of Ontario (see Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario)

Ross Memorial Hospital. Mr. Stewart. Bill - Pr5

Talpiot College. Mr. Colle. Bill - Pr16
Tilbury Area Public School (William J. Miller Trust). Mr. Hoy. Bill - Pr18

Government Bills And Private Members' Public Bills

Projets de loi émanant du Gouvernement Et Projets De loi d'intérêt public émanant des députés

Bill 1, An Act to perpetuate an Ancient Parliamentary Right/Loi visant à perpétuer un ancien droit parlementaire. Hon. Mr. Harris (Premier and President of the Council). First Reading October 21, 1999.

Bill 2, Medicine Amendment Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant la Loi sur les médecins. Mr. Kwinter (L./York Centre). First Reading October 25, 1999. Second Reading April 27, 2000. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 3, Truth About Ipperwash Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 concernant la vérité sur Ipperwash. Mr. Phillips (L./Scarborough--Agincourt). First Reading October 25, 1999. Second Reading lost on division December 9.

Bill 4, Legislative Assembly Statute Law Amendment Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant des lois en ce qui a trait à l'Assemblée législative. Hon. Mr. Sterling (Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Government House Leader). First Reading October 25, 1999. Second Reading and Third Reading October 27. Royal Assent October 28. S.O. 1999, Chapter 5.

Bill 5, Amendments Because of the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant des lois en raison de la décision de la Cour suprême du Canada dans l'arrêt M. c. H. Hon. Mr. Flaherty (Attorney General (and Native Affairs)). First Reading October 25, 1999. Second Reading and Third Reading October 27. Royal Assent October 28. S.O. 1999, Chapter 6.

Bill 6, Protection of Children involved in Prostitution Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la protection des enfants qui se livrent à la prostitution. Mr. Bartolucci (L./Sudbury). First Reading October 26, 1999. Second Reading May 11, 2000. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 7, Taxpayer Protection and Balanced Budget Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la protection des contribuables et l'équilibre budgétaire. Hon. Mr. Harris (Premier and President of the Council). First Reading October 26, 1999. Second Reading debated November 2, 4, 15. Time allocated November 17. Second Reading carried November 22. Ordered for Third Reading pursuant to the Order of the House of November 17, 1999. Third Reading debated November 22. Carried on division November 23. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1999, Chapter 7.

Bill 8, Safe Streets Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la sécurité dans les rues. Hon. Mr. Flaherty (Attorney General (and Native Affairs)). First Reading November 2, 1999. Second Reading debated November 15, 16, 17. Time allocated November 18. Second Reading carried November 22. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Considered November 29, 30. Reported without amendment December 1. Ordered for Third Reading pursuant to the Order of the House of November 18, 1999. Third Reading debated December 7. Carried on division December 8. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1999, Chapter 8.

Proclaimed to come into force January 31, 2000. O.C. 2422/99 dated December 15, 1999.

Bill 9, Police Records Checks by Non-profit Agencies Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur les vérifications des dossiers de police par les agences sans but lucratif. Mr. Kormos (N.D./Niagara Centre). First Reading November 2, 1999. Second Reading November 4. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Considered November 23; December 6, 7.

Bill 10, Student Health and Safety Programs Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur les programmes de santé et de sécurité pour étudiants. Mr. Gravelle (L./Thunder Bay--Superior North). First Reading November 3, 1999. Second Reading carried on division December 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy.

Bill 11, Red Tape Reduction Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 visant à réduire les formalités administratives. Hon. Mr. Runciman (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading November 4, 1999. Second Reading debated November 25. Carried on division November 29. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Time allocated December 1. Considered December 6. Reported without amendment December 7. Ordered for Third Reading pursuant to the Order of the House of December 1, 1999. Third Reading debated December 16. Carried on division December 20. Royal Assent December 22. S.O. 1999, Chapter 12.

A proclamation be issued under Subsection 20(4) of Schedule B naming February 14, 2000 as the day on which Section 16 of Schedule B comes into force. O.C. 208/2000 dated February 9, 2000.

Schedule P proclaimed to come into force February 4, 2000. O.C. 187/2000 dated February 2, 2000.
A proclamation be issued naming February 16, 2000 as the effective date upon which the following provisions of Schedule J (Amendments proposed by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care) of this Act shall come into force: s.s. 22(1), s.s. 22(4), s.s. 22(5), s.s. 22(6), s.s. 23(1), and s.s. 23(2). These provisions have not yet been proclaimed in force. O.C. 330/2000 dated February 16, 2000.

Section 3 of Schedule R proclaimed to come into force February 21, 2000. O.C. 335/2000 dated February 16, 2000.

A proclamation be issued naming April 1, 2000 or the date of this order, whichever is the later date, as the date on which the Licence Appeal Tribunal Act, 1999, Schedule G comes into force. O.C. 559/2000 dated March 21, 2000.

The following provisions of Schedule F: Sections 1 to 9, Sections 21, 22 and 23 and Section 26 proclaimed to come into force March 27, 2000. O.C. 558/2000 dated March 21, 2000.

A proclamation be issued naming May 1, 2000 as the effective date upon which the following provisions of Schedule J (Amendments Proposed by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care) of the Red Tape Reduction Act, 1999, shall come into force: all provisions except s.s. 22(1), s.s. 22(4), s.s. 22(5), s.s. 22(6), s.s. 23(1) and s.s. 23(2). The provisions of Schedule J, with the exception of those listed above, have not yet been proclaimed in force. O.C. 806/2000 dated April 19, 2000.

Bill 12, Oak Ridges Moraine Protection and Preservation Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la protection et la préservation de la moraine d'Oak Ridges. Mr. Colle (L./Eglinton--Lawrence). First Reading November 4, 1999.

Bill 13, Ontario Marine Heritage Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur le patrimoine marin de l'Ontario. Mr. Barrett (P.C./Haldimand--Norfolk--Brant). First Reading November 15, 1999. Second Reading November 25, 1999. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 14, More Tax Cuts for Jobs, Growth and Prosperity Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 réduisant de nouveau les impôts pour stimuler l'emploi, la croissance et la prospérité. Hon. Mr. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading November 16, 1999. Second Reading debated November 22, 23, 24. Time allocated November 29. Second Reading carried on division November 30. Ordered for Third Reading pursuant to the Order of the House of November 29, 1999. Third Reading debated November 30. Carried on division December 1. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1999, Chapter 9.

Sections 1 to 9 of Part I (Ambulance Act) which have not yet been proclaimed in force shall come into force December 23, 1999. O.C. 2426/99 dated December 22, 1999.

Bill 15, Great Lakes Environmental Protection Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la protection environnementale des Grands Lacs. Mr. Ouellette (P.C./Oshawa). First Reading November 16, 1999. Second Reading December 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 16, Gasoline Pricing Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur le prix de l'essence. Mr. Bradley (L./St. Catharines). First Reading November 17, 1999.

Bill 17, Taxpayer Protection Act (Government Advertising Standards), 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la protection des contribuables (normes concernant la publicité gouvernementale). Mr. McGuinty (L./Ottawa South). First Reading November 22, 1999.

Bill 18, Gas Price Watchdog Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur l'agent de surveillance des prix du carburant. Mr. Colle (L./Eglinton--Lawrence). First Reading November 23, 1999.

Bill 19, Assessment Amendment Act (Air Traffic Noise), 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant la Loi sur l'évaluation foncière (bruit provoqué par la circulation aérienne). Mr. DeFaria (P.C./Mississauga East). First Reading November 24, 1999. Second Reading December 16. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 20, Food Bank Accountability Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la responsabilité des banques d'alimentation. Mr. Spina (P.C./Brampton Centre). First Reading November 24, 1999. Second Reading lost on division December 9.

Bill 21, Fairness is a Two-Way Street Act (Miners and Forestry Workers), 1999/Loi de 1999 portant que la justice n'est pas à sens unique (mineurs et travailleurs forestiers). Mr. Ramsay (L./Timiskaming--Cochrane). First Reading November 24, 1999.

Bill 22, Sergeant Rick McDonald Memorial Act (Suspect Apprehension Pursuits), 1999/Loi de 1999 commémorant le sergent Rick McDonald (poursuites en vue d'appréhender des suspects). Hon. Mr. Tsubouchi (Solicitor General). First Reading November 25, 1999. Second Reading December 6. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Considered December 13. Reported without amendment December 14. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading December 20. Royal Assent December 22. S.O. 1999, Chapter 13.

This Act proclaimed into force January 1, 2000. O.C. 2429/99 dated December 23, 1999.

Bill 23, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Statute Law Amendment Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne le ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée. Hon. Mrs. Witmer (Minister of Health and Long-Term Care). First Reading November 30, 1999. Second Reading debated December 2, 6, 7. Time allocated December 8. Second Reading carried on division December 9. Ordered for Third Reading pursuant to the Order of the House of December 8, 1999. Third Reading debated December 9. Carried on division December 13. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1999, Chapter 10.

A proclamation be issued naming January 5, 2000 as the date which sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Parts I and II) of this Act which have not yet been proclaimed in force, shall come into force. O.C. 2427/99 dated December 22, 1999.

Bill 24, Protection of Children on School Buses Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la protection des enfants dans les autobus scolaires. Mr. Hoy (L./Chatham--Kent Essex). First Reading December 2, 1999.

Bill 25, Fewer Municipal Politicians Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 réduisant le nombre de conseillers municipaux. Hon. Mr. Clement (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing). First Reading on division December 6, 1999. Second Reading debated December 13, 14, 15. Time allocated December 16. Second Reading carried on division December 20. Ordered for Third Reading pursuant to the Order of the House of December 16, 1999. Third Reading carried on division December 20. Royal Assent December 22. S.O. 1999, Chapter 14.

A proclamation be issued naming December 24, 1999 as the day on which the following provisions come into force: (a) section 1 and 18 to 35, subsections 36(2) to (5) and section 37 of the City of Greater Sudbury Act, 1999; (b) sections 1 and 21 to 45, subsections 46(2) to (5) and section 47 of the Town of Haldimand Act, 1999; (c) sections 1 and 18 to 35, subsections 36(2) to (5) and section 37 of the City of Hamilton Act, 1999; (d) sections 1 and 21 to 36, subsections 37(2) to (5) and section 38 of the Town of Norfolk Act, 1999; (e) sections 1 and 19 to 36, subsections 37(2) to (5) and section 38 of the City of Ottawa Act, 1999; O.C. 2428/99 dated December 23, 1999.

Bill 26, Audit Amendment Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant la Loi sur la vérification des comptes publics. Hon. Mr. Sterling (Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs). First Reading December 6, 1999. Second Reading and Third Reading December 9. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1999, Chapter 11.

Bill 27, Pension Benefits Statute Law Amendment Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant des lois concernant les régimes de retraite. Hon. Mr. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading December 7, 1999. Second Reading debated December 9, 13, 14. Time allocated December 15. Second Reading carried on division December 16. Ordered for Third Reading pursuant to the Order of the House of December 15, 1999. Third Reading debated December 16. Carried on division December 20. Royal Assent December 22. S.O. 1999, Chapter 15.

Sections 1 to 19 proclaimed to come into force March 3, 2000. O.C. 432/2000 dated March 1, 2000.

Bill 28, German Pioneers Day Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur le Jour des pionniers allemands. Mr. Wettlaufer (P.C./Kitchener Centre). First Reading December 7, 1999. Second Reading April 6, 2000. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered April 26. Reported without amendment April 27. Ordered for Third Reading.

Bill 29, Ambulance Amendment Act (Minimum readiness), 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant la Loi sur les ambulances (disponibilité minimale). Mr. Lalonde (L./Glengarry--Prescott--Russell). First Reading December 7, 1999. Second Reading carried on division December 16. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 30, Municipal Amendment Act (Rental Housing Protection), 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités en ce qui concerne la protection des logements locatifs. Mr. Marchese (N.D./Trinity--Spadina). First Reading December 8, 1999. Second Reading lost on division April 6, 2000.

Bill 31, Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry), 1999/Loi Christopher de 1999 sur le registre des délinquants sexuels. Hon. Mr. Tsubouchi (Solicitor General). First Reading December 9, 1999. Second Reading December 22. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Considered February 28, 2000. Reported as amended April 3. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading on division April 4. Royal Assent April 12. S.O. 2000, Chapter 1.

Bill 32, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Youth Protection), 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant le Code de la route (protection de la jeunesse). Mr. Bartolucci (L./Sudbury). First Reading December 9, 1999.

Bill 33, Franchise Disclosure Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la divulgation relative aux franchises. Hon. Mr. Runciman (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading on division December 14, 1999. Order for Second Reading discharged pursuant to Standing Order 72 and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills December 23. Considered March 6, 7, 8, 9, April 19, May 10, 2000. Reported as amended May 10. Ordered for Second Reading pursuant to Standing Order 72(b). Second and Third Reading May 17.

Bill 34, Dangerous Goods Transportation Amendment Act (Nuclear Material), 1999/Loi de 1999 amendant la Loi sur le transport de matières dangereuses (matières nucléaires). Ms. Churley (N.D./Broadview--Greenwood). First Reading December 14, 1999.

Bill 35, Franchises Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur les franchises. Mr. Martin (N.D./Sault Ste. Marie). First Reading December 15, 1999.

Bill 36, Tenant Protection Amendment Act (Towards Fairness for Tenants), 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant la Loi sur la protection des locataires en vue du traitement équitable des locataires. Mr. Caplan (L./Don Valley East). First Reading December 16, 1999. Second Reading lost on division April 27, 2000.

Bill 37, Collection Agencies Amendment Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant la Loi sur les agences de recouvrement. Hon. Mr. Runciman (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading December 16, 1999. Second Reading December 22. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered February 16, 2000. Reported without amendment April 3. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading April 6. Royal Assent April 12. S.O. 2000, Chapter 2.

Bill 38, Genocide Memorial Week Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la Semaine commémorative des génocides. Mr. Wood (P.C./London West). First Reading December 16, 1999.

Bill 39, University of Ottawa Heart Institute Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur l'Institut de cardiologie de l'Université d'Ottawa. Hon. Mrs. Witmer (Minister of Health and Long-Term Care). First Reading December 16, 1999. Second Reading debated December 20. Carried on division December 21. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading December 22. Royal Assent December 23. S.O. 1999, Chapter 16.

Proclaimed to come into force April 1, 2000. O.C. 582/2000 dated March 21, 2000.

Bill 40, Technology for Classrooms Tax Credit Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur le crédit d'impôt favorisant l'emploi de la technologie dans les salles de classe. Mr. Hastings (P.C./Etobicoke North). First Reading December 20, 1999.

Bill 41, State of Emergency Consumer Protection Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur la protection des consommateurs dans une situation d'urgence. Mr. Bartolucci (L./Sudbury). First Reading December 20, 1999.

Bill 42, Technical Standards and Safety Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur les normes techniques et la sécurité. Hon. Mr. Runciman (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading December 20, 1999. Second Reading debated April 11, May 10, 2000. Carried May 10. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.

Bill 43, Assessment Amendment Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant la Loi sur l'évaluation foncière. Mr. Christopherson (N.D./Hamilton West). First Reading December 20, 1999.

Bill 44, Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act (Partisan Signs), 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement des voies publiques et des transports en commun (panneaux à caractère politique). Mr. Gravelle (L./Thunder Bay--Superior North). First Reading December 21, 1999.

Bill 45, Toronto Waterfront Fair Housing Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur l'équité en matière de logement dans le secteur riverain de Toronto. Mr. Hampton (N.D./Kenora--Rainy River). First Reading December 21, 1999.

Bill 46, Fairness for Taxpayers Bill The more days in the House for the Premier and Fewer Cheap Photo Ops Act. Mr. Phillips (L./Scarborough--Agincourt). First Reading December 21, 1999. Ruled out of order and removed from the Orders and Notices Paper December 22. (Not Printed).

Bill 47, Mine Rescue Personnel Long Service Awards Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur les récompenses pour longs états de service décernées au personnel de sauvetage dans les mines. Ms. Martel (N.D./Nickel Belt). First Reading December 21, 1999.

Bill 48, Supply Act, 1999/Loi de crédits de 1999. Hon. Mr. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading on division December 21, 1999. Second Reading and Third Reading December 22. Royal Assent December 23. S.O. 1999, Chapter 17.

Bill 49, Tartan Act, 1999/Loi de 1999 sur le tartan. Mr. Murdoch (P.C./Bruce--Grey). First Reading December 22, 1999. Second Reading May 4, 2000. Ordered for Third Reading.

Bill 50, Municipal Amendment Act (Simcoe Day), 1999/Loi de 1999 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités (fête de Simcoe). Mr. Hastings (P.C./Etobicoke North). First Reading December 22, 1999.

Bill 51, Nouveaux Misérables Act, 2000/Loi sur les Nouveaux misérables, 2000. Mr. Kormos (N.D./Niagara Centre). First Reading April 3, 2000.

Bill 52, Petroleum Products Price Freeze Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur le gel du prix de certains produits pétroliers. Mr. Bartolucci (L./Sudbury). First Reading April 3, 2000.

Bill 53, Care Homes Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur les maisons de soins. Mrs. McLeod (L./Thunder Bay--Atikokan). First Reading April 3, 2000.

Bill 54, Funeral Directors and Establishments Amendment Act (Funeral Services), 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant la Loi sur les directeurs de services funéraires et les établissements funéraires (services funéraires). Mr. Sergio (L./York West). First Reading April 3, 2000. Second Reading carried on division April 20. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy.

Bill 55, Parental Responsibility Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur la responsabilité parentale. Hon. Mr. Flaherty (Attorney General). First Reading April 4, 2000. Second Reading debated April 13, 18, 19. Time allocated on April 25, 2000. Second Reading carried on division May 17. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading carried on division May 17.

Bill 56, Ontario Realty Corporation Clean Up Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur l'assainissement de la Société immobilière de l'Ontario. Mr. Agostino (L./Hamilton East). First Reading April 4, 2000. Second Reading lost on division April 13.

Bill 57, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Studded Tires) 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant le Code de la route (pneus cloutés). Mr. Bartolucci (L./Sudbury). First Reading April 5, 2000.

Bill 58, Youth News Network-Style Marketing Prohibition Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 interdisant la promotion faite notamment par le Youth News Network. Mr. Marchese (N.D./Trinity-Spadina). First Reading April 5, 2000.

Bill 59, Employment Standards Amendment Act (Raising the Minimum Wage), 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant la Loi sur les normes d'emploi (augmentation du salaire minimum). Mr. Hampton (N.D. Kenora-Rainy River). First Reading April 5, 2000.

Bill 60, Fair Gasoline Marketing Practices Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur l'équité des méthodes de commercialisation de l'essence. Mr. Crozier (L./Essex). First Reading April 10, 2000.

Bill 61, Ministry of Correctional Services Amendment Act (Public Ownership and Staffing), 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant la Loi sur le ministère des Services correctionnels (propriété publique et dotation en personnel). Mr. Kormos (N.D./Niagara Centre). First Reading April 11, 2000.

Bill 62, Direct Democracy through municipal referendums Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur la démocratie directe par voie de référendum municipal. Hon. Mr. Clement (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing). First Reading April 13, 2000. Second Reading debated April 20, 25, 27. Time allocated on May 1, 2000. Second Reading carried on division May 10. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy pursuant to the Order of the House of May 1, 2000. Considered May 15. Reported as amended May 16. Ordered for Third Reading. Debated June 1.

Bill 63, Highway 407 Amendment Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant la Loi sur l'autoroute 407. Mr. Bisson (N.D./Timmins--James Bay). First Reading April 17, 2000.

Bill 64, Safe Streets Amendment Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant la Loi sur la sécurité dans les rues. Mr. Crozier (L./Essex). First Reading April 17, 2000.

Bill 65, Ontario Association of Former Parliamentarians Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur l'Association ontarienne des ex-parlementaires. Mr. Gilchrist (P.C./Scarborough East). First Reading April 18, 2000. Second and Third Reading May 10.

Bill 66, Judicial Accountability Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur l'obligation de rendre des comptes en matière de justice. Mrs. Mushinski (P.C./Scarborough Centre). First Reading April 18, 2000. Second Reading carried on division May 4. Referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy.

Bill 67, Replica Firearms Regulation and Protection Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur la réglementation et la protection à l'égard des répliques d'armes à feu. Mr. Bryant (L./St. Paul's). First Reading April 19, 2000.

Bill 68, Brian's Law (Mental Health Legislative Reform), 2000/Loi Brian de 2000 sur la réforme législative concernant la santé mentale. Hon. Mrs. Witmer (Minister of Health and Long-Term Care). First Reading April 25, 2000. Order for Second Reading discharged pursuant to Standing Order 72 and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government May 3. Considered May 10, 15, 17, 24, 29. Reported as amended June 1. Ordered for Second Reading pursuant to Standing Order 72(b).

Bill 69, Labour Relations Amendment Act (Construction Industry), 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant la Loi sur les relations de travail (industrie de la construction). Hon. Mr. Stockwell (Minister of Labour). First Reading April 25, 2000. Second Reading debated May 1, 2, 8, 9. Carried on division May 10. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Considered May 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 29. Reported as amended May 30. Ordered for Third Reading.

Bill 70, E-Commerce Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur le commerce électronique. Mr. Hastings (P.C./Etobicoke North). First Reading April 26, 2000. Second Reading May 11, 2000. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 71, Oak Ridges Moraine Green Planning Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur l'aménagement écologique de la moraine d'Oak Ridges. Ms. Martel (N.D./Nickel Belt). First Reading April 27, 2000. Second Reading carried on division June 1. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 72, Taxpayer Dividend Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur le versement d'un dividende aux contribuable. Hon. Mr. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading May 2, 2000. Second Reading debated May 9, 10, 11. Time allocated on May 15. Second Reading carried on division May 16. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered May 18, June 1.

Bill 73, Raves Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur les raves. Mrs. Pupatello (L./Windsor West). First Reading May 3, 2000. Second Reading May 18. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy.

Bill 74, Education Accountability Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur la responsabilité en éducation. Hon. Mrs. Ecker (Minister of Education). First Reading on division May 10, 2000. Second Reading debated May 16, 17, 30. Time allocated on May 31. Second Reading carried on division June 1. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy.

Bill 75, Robert Baldwin Day Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur le Jour de Robert Baldwin. Mr. Galt (P.C./Northumberland). First Reading May 10, 2000.

Bill 76, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Act (Double-Crested Cormorants), 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant la Loi sur la protection du poisson et de la faune (cormoran à aigrettes). Mr. Brown (L./Algoma--Manitoulin). First Reading May 15, 2000.

Bill 77, Ministerial Travel Accountability Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur l'obligation de rendre compte des voyages ministériels. Mr. Bartolucci (L./Sudbury). First Reading May 16, 2000.

Bill 78, Ontario Natural Heritage Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur le patrimoine naturel de l'Ontario. Mr. Gilchrist (P.C./Scarborough East). First Reading May 30, 2000.

Bill 79, City of Ottawa Amendment Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant la Loi sur le cité d'Ottawa. Mrs. Boyer (L./Ottawa--Vanier). First Reading May 30, 2000.

Bill 80, Compensation for Victims of Crime Amendment Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant la Loi sur l'indemnisation des victimes d'actes criminels. Mr. Duncan (L./Windsor--St. Clair). First Reading May 31, 2000.

Bill 81, Safe Schools Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur la sécurité dans les écoles. Hon. Mrs. Ecker (Minister of Education). First Reading May 31, 2000.

Bill 82, Human Tissue Gift Amendment Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 modifiant la Loi sur le don de tissus humains. Ms. Lankin (N.D./Beaches--East York). First Reading May 31, 2000.

Bill 83, Affordable Housing Incentives Act, 2000/Loi de 2000 sur les stimulants au logement à prix abordable. Mr. Caplan (L./Don Valley East). First Reading June 1, 2000.

Private Bills

Projets De Loi D'intérêt Privé

Bill Pr1, Harbourfront Trailer Park Ltd. Act, 1999. Mr. Dunlop (P.C./Simcoe North). First Reading November 3, 1999. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment November 24. Second Reading and Third Reading December 22. Royal Assent December 23. S.O. 1999, Chapter Pr5.

Bill Pr3, Peterborough Regional Health Centre Act, 1999. Mr. Stewart (P.C./Peterborough). First Reading November 3, 1999. Referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills. Reported December 20, 1999 and referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment April 12, 2000.

Bill Pr4, Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario Act, 2000. Mr. Wood (P.C./London West). First Reading May 16, 2000. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 31.

Bill Pr5, Ross Memorial Hospital Act, 1999. Mr. Stewart (P.C./Peterborough). First Reading December 22, 1999. Referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills. Reported April 3, 2000 and referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment April 12, 2000.

Bill Pr6, Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario Act, 1999. Mr. Wood (P.C./London West). First Reading November 29, 1999. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment December 8. Second Reading and Third Reading December 22. Royal Assent December 23. S.O. 1999, Chapter Pr6.

Bill Pr7, Pickering Act, 1999, Town of. Mr. O'Toole (P.C./Durham). First Reading November 17, 1999. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment November 24. Second Reading and Third Reading December 22. Royal Assent December 23. S.O. 1999, Chapter Pr7.

Bill Pr8, North Kawartha, Act, 1999, Township of. Mr. Stewart (P.C./Peterborough). First Reading November 3, 1999. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported as amended November 24. Second Reading and Third Reading December 22. Royal Assent December 23. S.O. 1999, Chapter Pr8.

Bill Pr13, Pembridge Insurance Company Act, 1999. Mr. Wood (P.C./London West). First Reading November 15, 1999. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment November 24. Second Reading and Third Reading December 22. Royal Assent December 23. S.O. 1999, Chapter Pr9.

Bill Pr14, Blue Mountain Village Association Act, 1999. Mr. Murdoch (P.C./Bruce--Grey). First Reading November 23, 1999. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported as amended December 8. Second Reading and Third Reading December 22. Royal Assent December 23. S.O. 1999, Chapter Pr10.

Bill Pr15, Kincardine Act, 1999, Municipality of. Mr. Murdoch (P.C./Bruce--Grey). First Reading December 14, 1999. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment December 22. Second Reading and Third Reading December 22. Royal Assent December 23. S.O. 1999, Chapter Pr11.

Bill Pr16, Talpiot College Act, 1999. Mr. Colle (L./Eglinton--Lawrence). First Reading December 16, 1999. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment April 12, 2000.

Bill Pr18, Tilbury Area Public School Act (William J. Miller Trust), 2000. Mr. Hoy (L./Chatham--Kent Essex). First Reading May 16, 2000. Referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills.

Bill Pr 19, Redeemer University College Act, 2000. Mr. Clark (P.C./Stoney Creek). First Reading April 13, 2000. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 17.

Bill Pr20, Ner Israel Yeshiva College Act, 2000. Mr. Young (P.C./Willowdale). First Reading April 10, 2000. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 17.

Bill Pr22, Town of Greater Napanee Act, 2000. Mrs. Dombrowsky (L./Hastings--Frontenac--Lennox and Addington). First Reading May 9, 2000. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 17.