36e législature, 1re session

No. 148 No 148

Votes and



Legislative Assembly

of Ontario

Assemblée législative

de l'Ontario

1st Session,

36th Parliament

1re session,

36e législature


January 21, 1997


21 janvier 1997


1:30 P.M.


13 H 30



On motion by Mr Johnson (Don Mills),

Sur la motion de M. Johnson (Don Mills),

Ordered, That the following substitution be made to the membership of the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly:-

Mr Clement for Mr O'Toole



Petition relating to North York Branson Hospital (Sessional Paper No. P-15) (Tabled January 21, 1997) Mr M. Kwinter.

Petition relating to the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (Sessional Paper No. P-57) (Tabled January 21, 1997) Mr R. Bartolucci.

Petition relating to Banning the Spring Bear Hunt (Sessional Paper No. P-84) (Tabled January 21, 1997) Mr L. Jordan.

Petition relating to Workers Health and Safety Centre and Occupational Health Clinics (Sessional Paper No. P-118) (Tabled January 21, 1997) Mr D. Christopherson.

Petitions relating to Solving the WCB's problems without attacking injured workers (Sessional Paper No. P-125) (Tabled January 21, 1997) Mr D. Christopherson and Ms S. Martel.

Petition relating to Not altering the Occupational Health and Safety Act or eroding the rights of workers (Sessional Paper No. P-162) (Tabled January 21, 1997) Mr D. Christopherson.

Petition relating to Resolving the fisheries management crisis on Lake Huron (Sessional Paper No. P-192) (Tabled January 21, 1997) Mrs B. Fisher.

Petition relating to Opposing Huron County hospital closures (Sessional Paper No. P-199) (Tabled January 21, 1997) Mrs B. Fisher.

Petition relating to Withdrawing proposed changes to the Employment Standards Act (Sessional Paper No. P-205) (Tabled January 21, 1997) Mr M. Sergio.



The following Bill was introduced and read the first time:-

Le projet de loi suivant est présenté et lu une première fois:-

Bill 110, An Act respecting the number of pupils that may be enrolled in a school class. Mr R. Bartolucci.

Projet de loi 110, Loi concernant le nombre d'élèves pouvant être inscrits dans une classe scolaire. M. R. Bartolucci.



A debate arose on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 104, An Act to improve the accountability, effectiveness and quality of Ontario's school system by permitting a reduction in the number of school boards, establishing an Education Improvement Commission to oversee the transition to the new system, providing for certain matters related to elections in 1997 and making other improvements to the Education Act and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.

Il s'élève un débat sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 104, Loi visant à accroître l'obligation de rendre compte, l'efficacité et la qualité du système scolaire ontarien en permettant la réduction du nombre des conseils scolaires, en créant la Commission d'amélioration de l'éducation, chargée d'encadrer la transition vers le nouveau système, en prévoyant certaines questions liées aux élections de 1997 et en apportant d'autres améliorations à la Loi sur l'éducation et à la Loi de 1996 sur les élections municipales.

After some time, pursuant to Standing Order 9(a), the motion for the adjournment of the debate was deemed to have been made and carried.

Après quelque temps, conformément à l'article 9(a) du Règlement, la motion d'ajournement du débat est réputée avoir été proposée et adoptée.

The House then adjourned

at 6:00 p.m.

À 18 h, la chambre a ensuite

ajourné ses travaux.

le président

Christopher M. Stockwell


Sessional Papers Presented Pursuant to Standing Order 39(c):-

Documents Parlementaires Déposés Conformément à l'article 39(c) du Règlement:-

Ontario Housing Corporation / Société de logement de l'Ontario, Annual Report 1995 (No. 326) (Tabled January 21, 1997).

Toronto Area Transit Operating Authority / Régie des transports en commun de la région de Toronto, Annual Report for the year ended March 31, 1996 (No. 325) (Tabled January 21, 1997).

Questions Answered (see Sessional Paper No. 5):-

Final Answers to Question Numbers: 341, 344, 345, 346, 561 to 572, 574, 583, 678, 679, 699 to 704, 711 to 713, 722, 723, 761 and 762.

Responses to Petitions:-

Réponses aux Pétitions:-

Petition relating to Postponing Tax Cuts (Sessional Paper No. P-33):

(Tabled December 11, 1996) Mr M. Gravelle.

Petitions relating to Workers Health and Safety Centre and Occupational Health Clinics (Sessional Paper No. P-118):

(Tabled December 10, 16, 19, 1996) Mr D. Christopherson.

Petition relating to Cam Jackson's discussion paper on the Workers' Compensation Board (Sessional Paper No. P-121):

(Tabled December 4, 1996) Mr T. Clement.

Petitions relating to Not altering the Occupational Health and Safety Act or eroding the rights of workers (Sessional Paper No. P-162):

(Tabled December 16, 19, 1996) Mr D. Christopherson.

(Tabled December 18, 1996) Mr P. Kormos.

(Tabled December 18, 1996) Ms S. Martel.

(Tabled December 18, 1996) Mr L. Wood (Cochrane North).

Petition relating to the Previous NDP Government's Bill 40 (Sessional Paper No. P-182):

(Tabled December 10, 1996) Mr D. Christopherson.

Petitions relating to Public hearings on any proposed amendments to the Workers Compensation Legislation (Sessional Paper No. P-188):

(Tabled December 5, 1996) Mr D. Christopherson.

(Tabled December 19, 1996) Mr P. Kormos.