Absalom Greeley


Icône de Point de LocalisationPrince Edward

Dates d’entrée en fonction et de départ

(élection générale)


Prince Edward

1re législature


1re législature ( 27 décembre 1867 – 25 février 1871 )

Membre, Select Committee to inquire into and report upon the endowment and utility of Upper Canada College and its relationship to the educational system

Membre, Select Committee to enquire into the usefulness and cost of wooden railways as a means of furthering the settlement of the country

Membre, Select Committee on Printing

Membre, Comité permanent de l'impression

Membre, Comité permanent de l'impression

Membre, Comité permanent du Règlement

Membre, Select Committee to consider Bill 33 (Respecting Union Houses and Religious Worship)

Membre, Select Committee to consider Bill 14 (registration of births and deaths and marriages)

Membre, Select Committee appointed to examine in to the working of the common and grammar school system of Ontario

Membre, Comité permanent du Règlement

Membre, Select Committee to Revise the Standing Orders of this House Affecting Bills relating to Railways, Canals and Telegraphs

Membre, Select Committee to consider Bill 30, An Act for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Horticulture, Arts and Manufactures

Membre, Comité permanent du Règlement

Membre, Special Committee to consider the Municipal and Assessments Act

Membre, Comité permanent de l'impression


Parti libéral de l'Ontario