Tous les députés de la 4e législature :

Député Circonscription
Appleby, Nathaniel Stephen Hastings-Est
Baker, Adam Jacob Russell
Balfour, William Douglas Essex-Sud
Ballantyne, Thomas Perth-Sud
Barr, John Dufferin
Baskerville, Patrick Ottawa
Baxter, Jacob Haldimand
Bettes, James Whitney Muskoka and Parry Sound
Bishop, Archibald Huron-Sud
Blezard, Thomas Peterborough-Est
Bonfield, James Renfrew-Sud
Brereton, Charles Herbert Durham-Est
Broder, Andrew Dundas
Caldwell, William Clyde Lanark-Nord
Calvin, Delino Dexter Frontenac
Cascaden, John Elgin-Ouest
Chisholm, Kenneth Peel
Cook, Herman Henry Simcoe-Est
Crooks, Adam Oxford-Sud
Deroche, Hammel Madden Addington
Drury, Charles Alfred Simcoe-Est
Dryden, John Ontario-Sud
Ferris, James Marshall Northumberland-Est
Field, John Collard Northumberland-Ouest
Fraser, Christopher Finlay Brockville
Freeman, John Bailey Norfolk-Nord
Gibson, John Morison Hamilton
Graham, Peter Lambton-Est
Hagar, Albert Peter Prescott
Harcourt, Richard Monck
Hardy, Arthur Sturgis Brant-Sud
Harkin, William Prescott
Hawley, George Douglas Lennox
Hunter, James Hill Grey-Sud
Jelly, William Dufferin
Kerr, Joseph Stormont
Kerr, Joseph Stormont
Kincaid, Robert Peterborough-Ouest
Laidlaw, James Wellington-Sud
Lauder, Abraham William Grey-Est
Lees, William Lanark-Sud
Livingston, James Waterloo-Sud
Lyon, Robert Adam Algoma
Mack, William Cornwall
Madill, Frank Ontario-Nord
Master, Isaac Waterloo-Sud
McAllister, William Balmer Renfrew-Nord
McKim, Robert Wellington-Ouest
McMahon, James Wentworth-Nord
Meredith, William Ralph London
Metcalfe, James Henry Kingston
Miller, John Classon Muskoka and Parry Sound
Monk, George William Carleton
Morgan, William Norfolk-Sud
Mowat, Oliver Oxford-Nord
Murray, Thomas Renfrew-Nord
Nairn, Thomas McIntyre Elgin-Est
Near, Daniel Welland
Neelon, Sylvester Lincoln
Pardee, Timothy Blair Lambton-Ouest
Parkhill, William James Simcoe-Sud
Patterson, Peter York-Ouest
Paxton, Thomas Ontario-Nord
Peck, Samuel Stanley Victoria-Nord
Rayside, James Glengarry
Richardson, William Leeds-Sud
Robertson, Alexander Hastings-Ouest
Robertson, Alexander Hastings-Ouest
Robertson, David Halton
Robinson, Edward Kent-Ouest
Robinson, Charles Cardwell
Rose, Baltis Hastings-Ouest
Rosevear, John Durham-Est
Ross, Alexander McLagan Huron-Ouest
Scott, William Hepburn Peterborough-Ouest
Sinclair, Donald Bruce-Nord
Snider, Elias Weber Bingeman Waterloo-Nord
Springer, Moses Waterloo-Nord
Striker, Gideon Prince Edward
Tooley, Richard Middlesex-Est
Watterworth, John Middlesex-Ouest
Wells, Rupert Mearse Bruce-Sud
Widdifield, Joseph Henry York-Nord
Wigle, Lewis Essex-Sud
Wood, Samuel Casey Victoria-Sud
Young, James Brant-Nord