Wednesday 24 March 2021 Mercredi 24 mars 2021
The committee met at 0900 in committee room 1 and by video conference.
Keeping Polystyrene Out of Ontario’s Lakes and Rivers Act, 2021 Loi de 2021 sur la prévention de la pollution des lacs et des rivières de l’Ontario par le polystyrène
Consideration of the following bill:
Bill 228, An Act to prohibit unencapsulated expanded or extruded polystyrene in floating docks, floating platforms and buoys / Projet de loi 228, Loi interdisant le polystyrène expansé ou extrudé sans enveloppe de protection dans les quais flottants, les plateformes flottantes et les bouées.
The Vice-Chair (Mr. John Fraser): We’ll call the meeting to order. I’m just going to confirm everyone who’s here. We have MPP Pang in the room with us; also, MPP Bouma; MPP Ke; MPP Lindo; MPP Miller, Parry Sound–Muskoka; MPP Miller, Hamilton East–Stoney Creek; MPP Wai; and MPP West.
I’ll quickly go over the participation guidelines. For Zoom participants, please be aware that broadcast and recording will be controlling your microphone, as they usually would in committee. Depending on the version of Zoom you are using, you may have been asked to grant permission to unmute when you joined. If you accepted, the broadcast operator will be able to activate your microphone once I recognize you. Participants using older versions of Zoom may still get a request to unmute your microphone before you are able to speak. Please wait for the unmute notification before trying to unmute. If you accidentally get disconnected, please try to rejoin the meeting again with the information you used to join initially.
Today, we’re here for clause-by-clause meetings. I will go over the voting process for clarity. If we have to hold a vote during today’s meeting, it will be through a show of hands. I will start by asking, “Are the members ready to vote?” I will ask, “All those in favour, please raise your hands,” I will ask, “All those opposed, please raise your hands,” and then I will declare the vote.
Unless someone specifically asks for a recorded vote after I have asked whether the members are ready to vote, the breakdown of the vote will not show up in Hansard.
Are there any questions? No other members have joined us? Okay.
The Vice-Chair (Mr. John Fraser): Oh. MPP Smith, can you confirm who you are and that you are indeed in Ontario?
Mr. Dave Smith: I am MPP Dave Smith, and I’m in beautiful God’s country, Peterborough.
The Vice-Chair (Mr. John Fraser): Thanks for joining us.
Staff from Hansard, broadcast and recording, and legislative counsel are joining us remotely today.
To make sure that everyone can understand what is going on, it is important that participants speak slowly and clearly. Please wait until I recognize you before starting to speak. It could take some time for your audio to come on after I recognize you, so take a brief pause before beginning. As well, all comments should be made through the Chair.
The Clerk has distributed the amendment package to all members and staff electronically.
Are there any questions before I begin? Are there any comments or questions on any section of the bill? All right.
For section 1, there are no amendments. Is there any debate on section 1 of the bill? Are members ready to vote? Shall the section carry? All those in favour, please raise your hand. All those opposed? Section carried.
For section 2, we have an amendment. MPP Miller, Parry Sound–Muskoka.
Mr. Norman Miller: I move that section 2 of the bill be amended by adding “or reconstructs” after “A person who constructs”.
The Vice-Chair (Mr. John Fraser): Do you have any comments on the amendment, MPP Miller?
Mr. Norman Miller: We heard at committee from some of the presenters, including, I believe, Andy Blenkarn—that he regularly is asked to replace batts in older docks. This amendment is meant to capture that.
The Vice-Chair (Mr. John Fraser): Is there any debate? Are members ready to vote on the amendment? Shall the amendment carry? All those in favour, please raise their hands. All those opposed? The amendment is carried.
Is there any debate on section 2 of the bill? Are members ready to vote? Shall section 2, as amended, carry? All those in favour, please raise their hands. All those opposed? Section 2, as amended, is carried.
Is there any debate on section 3 of the bill? Are members ready to vote? All those in favour, please raise your hand. All those opposed? Section 3 is carried.
The short title, section 4: Is there any debate? Are members ready to vote? All those in favour, please raise your hand. All those opposed? Section 4 is carried.
Shall the title of the bill carry? Any debate? Are members ready to vote? All those in favour, please raise your hand. Opposed, please raise your hand. The title of the bill is passed.
Shall Bill 228, as amended, carry? Any debate? Are members ready to vote? All those in favour, please raise your hands. All those opposed, please raise your hands. Bill 228 shall carry, as amended.
Shall I report the bill to the House, as amended? Any debate? Are members ready to vote? All those in favour, please raise your hands. All those opposed? I shall report the bill to the House. Thank you very much.
That’s it. We’re done.
The committee adjourned at 0909.
Chair / Président
Mr. Logan Kanapathi (Markham–Thornhill PC)
Vice-Chair / Vice-Président
Mr. John Fraser (Ottawa South / Ottawa-Sud L)
Mr. Will Bouma (Brantford–Brant PC)
Mr. John Fraser (Ottawa South / Ottawa-Sud L)
Mr. Logan Kanapathi (Markham–Thornhill PC)
Mr. Vincent Ke (Don Valley North / Don Valley-Nord PC)
Ms. Laura Mae Lindo (Kitchener Centre / Kitchener-Centre ND)
Mr. Paul Miller (Hamilton East–Stoney Creek / Hamilton-Est–Stoney Creek ND)
Mr. Billy Pang (Markham–Unionville PC)
Mr. Jeremy Roberts (Ottawa West–Nepean / Ottawa-Ouest–Nepean PC)
Mr. Dave Smith (Peterborough–Kawartha PC)
Mrs. Daisy Wai (Richmond Hill PC)
Mr. Jamie West (Sudbury ND)
Substitutions / Membres remplaçants
Mr. Norman Miller (Parry Sound–Muskoka PC)
Clerk / Greffier
Mr. Isaiah Thorning
Staff / Personnel
Ms. Kristi Cairns, legislative counsel