Monday 5 March 2012 Lundi 5 mars 2012
The committee met at 1404 in committee room 1.
The Clerk of the Committee (Mr. Katch Koch): Good afternoon, honourable members. Welcome to the Standing Committee on Social Policy. My name is Katch Koch and I’m the clerk of your committee. It is my duty to call upon you to elect a Chair. Are there any nominations? Mr. Flynn.
Mr. Kevin Daniel Flynn: I would move that Ernie Hardeman be appointed the Chair of the Standing Committee on Social Policy.
The Clerk of the Committee (Mr. Katch Koch): Mr. Flynn has nominated Mr. Hardeman. Mr. Hardeman, do you accept the nomination?
Mr. Ernie Hardeman: I accept it. With a heavy heart.
The Clerk of the Committee (Mr. Katch Koch): Are there further nominations?
Ms. Cheri DiNovo: For Chair?
The Clerk of the Committee (Mr. Katch Koch): For Chair.
Ms. Cheri DiNovo: No.
The Clerk of the Committee (Mr. Katch Koch): There being no further nominations, I declare Mr. Hardeman elected Chair of the committee.
The Clerk of the Committee (Mr. Katch Koch): Mr. Hardeman?
The Chair (Mr. Ernie Hardeman): Thank you very much for the honour of chairing this committee. The reason, of course, that I accepted with heavy heart: I’m not sure I’m capable, but with your trust I’m sure I can get it done. Thank you very much.
The Chair (Mr. Ernie Hardeman): The next order of business, of course, is the election of the Vice-Chair. Ms. DiNovo?
Ms. Cheri DiNovo: Yes; thank you, Mr. Chair. I move that Mr. Ted Chudleigh be appointed Vice-Chair.
The Chair (Mr. Ernie Hardeman): You heard the motion that we nominate Mr. Chudleigh. Any further nominations?
Any further motions?
If not, the motions and nominations will be closed. All those in favour? Opposed? Motion’s carried. I will declare Mr. Chudleigh elected as Vice-Chair.
Mr. Ted Chudleigh: Thank you for your confidence.
The Chair (Mr. Ernie Hardeman): Thank you.
The Chair (Mr. Ernie Hardeman): Now the next order of business is the appointment of a subcommittee for committee business. Mr. Chudleigh?
Mr. Ted Chudleigh: I move that a subcommittee on committee business be appointed to meet from time to time at the call of the Chair or on the request of any member thereof, to consider and report to the committee on the business of the committee;
That the presence of all members of the subcommittee is necessary to constitute a meeting;
That the subcommittee be composed of the following members: the Chair as chair, Ms. DiNovo, Mr. Flynn and Ms. McKenna; and
That substitution be permitted on the subcommittee.
So moved.
The Chair (Mr. Ernie Hardeman): Thank you very much. You’ve heard the motion. Any discussion? Hearing none, all those in favour? Opposed? The motion is carried.
That concludes the organizational meeting for your committee. Item 4 on your agenda is other business, and the clerk has offered to speak a little bit about the workings of the committee and how it works. We have a lot of members on the committee that are here for the first time, and this will be kind of a crash course in how committees work. Then, when you’ve got that all down, we’ll change the rules as I proceed.
The committee continued in closed session at 1408.
Monday 5 March 2012
Election of Chair SP-1
Election of Vice-Chair SP-1
Appointment of subcommittee SP-1
Chair / Président
Mr. Ernie Hardeman (Oxford PC)
Vice-Chair / Vice-Président
Mr. Ted Chudleigh (Halton PC)
Mr. Ted Chudleigh (Halton PC)
Ms. Dipika Damerla (Mississauga East–Cooksville / Mississauga-Est–Cooksville L)
Ms. Cheri DiNovo (Parkdale–High Park ND)
Mr. Kevin Daniel Flynn (Oakville L)
Mr. Ernie Hardeman (Oxford PC)
Ms. Tracy MacCharles (Pickering–Scarborough East / Pickering–Scarborough-Est L)
Mrs. Amrit Mangat (Mississauga–Brampton South / Mississauga–Brampton-Sud L)
Mr. Michael Mantha (Algoma–Manitoulin ND)
Ms. Jane McKenna (Burlington PC)
Clerk / Greffier
Mr. Katch Koch
Staff / Personnel
Ms. Carrie Hull, research officer,
Legislative Research Service