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MPP Sort descending Riding Party
Van Bommel, Maria Lambton—Kent—Middlesex Ontario Liberal Party
Van Horne, Ronald George London North Ontario Liberal Party
Vankoughnet, Bill Frontenac—Addington Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Vanthof, John Timiskaming—Cochrane New Democratic Party of Ontario
Vaugeois, Lise Thunder Bay—Superior North New Democratic Party of Ontario
Vaughan, Marshall Welland Conservative Party
Velshi, Murad Don Mills Ontario Liberal Party
Vernile, Daiene Kitchener Centre Ontario Liberal Party
Vickers, Paul Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Villeneuve, Noble Stormont—Dundas—Glengarry and East Grenville Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Villeneuve, Osie F. Stormont—Dundas and Glengarry Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Vivian, Reginald Percival Durham Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Vrooman, Adam Edward Victoria West Conservative Party
Vrooman, John Perry Lennox Ontario Liberal Party