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MPP Sort descending Riding Party
Labrosse, Joseph Louis Prescott Ontario Liberal Party
Lackner, Henry George Waterloo North Conservative Party
Laidlaw, James Wellington South Ontario Liberal Party
Lalonde, Jean-Marc Glengarry—Prescott—Russell Ontario Liberal Party
Lalonde, Marie-France Orléans Ontario Liberal Party
Lamarche, Charles Nipissing East Conservative Party
Lamport, Allan Austin St. David Ontario Liberal Party
Lancaster, Thomas Percival Peterborough Conservative Party
Lane, John York East Ontario Liberal Party
Lane, John Gordon Algoma—Manitoulin Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Lang, Malcolm Cochrane Ontario Liberal Party
Langford, George Edward Muskoka Conservative-Protestant Protective Association
Lankin, Frances Beaches—East York New Democratic Party of Ontario
Lapierre, Edmund Antoine Sudbury Ontario Liberal Party
Latchford, Francis Robert Renfrew South Ontario Liberal Party
Lauder, Abraham William Grey East Conservative Party
Laughren, Floyd Nickel Belt New Democratic Party of Ontario
Laughton, Fred Van Wyck Middlesex North Conservative Party
Laurier, Robert Ottawa East Ontario Liberal Party
Lavergne, Gordon Russell Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Lawlor, Patrick Daniel Lakeshore New Democratic Party of Ontario
Lawrence, Albert Benjamin Rutter Carleton East Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Lawrence, Allan Frederick St. George Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Lawrence, Samuel Hamilton East Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Leach, Allan F. St. George—St. David Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Leadston, Gary L. Kitchener—Wilmot Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Leal, Jeff Peterborough Ontario Liberal Party
Leardi, Anthony Essex Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Leavens, Bertram Elijah Woodbine Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Leavine, Stanley Francis Waterloo North Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
LeBourdais, Linda Lillian Etobicoke West Ontario Liberal Party
Lecce, Hon. Stephen King—Vaughan Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Leduc, Marie Charles Denis Paul Ottawa East Ontario Liberal Party
Lee, John Kent East Ontario Liberal Party
Lees, William Lanark South Conservative Party
Leeson, George Mansfield Grey South United Farmers of Ontario
Legault, Théodore Nipissing Ontario Liberal Party
Léger, Marcel Cochrane North Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Leluk, Nicholas Georges York West Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Lennox, Robin Hamilton Centre New Democratic Party of Ontario
Lennox, Thomas Herbert York North Conservative Party
Leone, Laureano Downsview Ontario Liberal Party
Leone, Rob Cambridge Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Leslie, John A. York East Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Lessard, Wayne Windsor—Riverside New Democratic Party of Ontario
Lethbridge, John Giles Middlesex West Progressive
Letherby, Lloyd Averall Simcoe East Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Levac, Dave Brant Ontario Liberal Party
Lewis, Alexander Cameron Toronto Northeast — Seat A Conservative Party
Lewis, Frederick William Dufferin Conservative Party
Lewis, Stephen Henry Scarborough West New Democratic Party of Ontario
Lewis, Thomas Henry Welland Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Lewis, William Beverley Humber Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Leys, Francis Baxter London Ontario Liberal Party
Leys, John Toronto (3 seats) Ontario Liberal Party
Lindo, Laura Mae Kitchener Centre New Democratic Party of Ontario
Lipsett, Ronald F. Grey Ontario Liberal Party
Little, Archibald Norfolk North Ontario Liberal Party
Little, Edward Alfred Cardwell Conservative Party
Livingston, James Waterloo South Ontario Liberal Party
Lockhart, George Edward Rainy River Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Lockhart, William Thomas Durham West Ontario Liberal Party
Long, Thomas Simcoe West Conservative Party
Loughrin, John Nipissing Ontario Liberal Party
Lount, William Simcoe North Ontario Liberal Party
Lowe, William James Peel Ontario Liberal Party
Lucas, Isaac Benson Grey Centre Conservative Party
Luckock, Rae Bracondale Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Lumsden, Alexander Ottawa (2 Seats) Ontario Liberal Party
Lumsden, Hon. Neil Hamilton East—Stoney Creek Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Lupusella, Antonio Dovercourt Ontario Liberal Party
Luton, Daniel Elgin East Conservative Party
Lyon, Robert Carleton Ontario Liberal Party
Lyon, Robert Adam Algoma East Ontario Liberal Party
Lyon, William Durie Halton Ontario Liberal Party
Lyons, Clayton Harry Sault Ste. Marie Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Lyons, James Sault Ste. Marie Conservative Party