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MPP Sort descending Riding Party
Tabuns, Peter Toronto—Danforth New Democratic Party of Ontario
Tait, Joseph Toronto (3 seats) Ontario Liberal Party
Takhar, Harinder S. Mississauga—Erindale Ontario Liberal Party
Tangri, Hon. Nina Mississauga—Streetsville Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Tanner, Garnet Edward Simcoe East Ontario Liberal Party
Tascona, Joseph N. Barrie—Simcoe—Bradford Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Tatham, Charles Murray Oxford Ontario Liberal Party
Taylor, Calvin Howard Timiskaming Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Taylor, David James Grey North Liberal-Progressive
Taylor, George William Simcoe Centre Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Taylor, James A. Prince Edward—Lennox Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Taylor, Monique Hamilton Mountain New Democratic Party of Ontario
Taylor, Paul Frederick Carleton East Ontario Liberal Party
Taylor, Richard Allan Hugh Timiskaming Ontario Liberal Party
Taylor, Robert Hobbs Huron Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Taylor, William Henry Middlesex North Ontario Liberal Party
Tellier, Edward Philip Essex North Ontario Liberal Party
Temple, William Horace High Park Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Tett, Benjamin Leeds South Conservative Party
Thanigasalam, Hon. Vijay Scarborough—Rouge Park Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Thibeault, Glenn Sudbury Ontario Liberal Party
Thomas, Fletcher Stewart Elgin Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Thomas, Thomas David Oshawa Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Thompson, Alfred Burke Simcoe Centre Conservative Party
Thompson, Andrew Ernest Joseph Dovercourt Ontario Liberal Party
Thompson, Hon. Lisa M. Huron—Bruce Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Thompson, James Peterborough East Conservative Party
Thompson, Joseph Elijah St. David Conservative Party
Thompson, Robert Adam Wentworth North Ontario Liberal Party
Thompson, Thomas Alfred Lanark North Conservative Party
Thompson, Wesley Gardiner Kent East Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Thornberry, Robert Desmond Hamilton Centre Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Thrasher, Ivan Wilfred Windsor—Sandwich Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Tibollo, Hon. Michael A. Vaughan—Woodbridge Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Tilson, David Allan Dufferin—Peel—Wellington—Grey Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Timbrell, Dennis Roy Don Mills Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Tisdelle, Alphonse George Essex North United Farmers of Ontario
Tolmie, James Craig Windsor Ontario Liberal Party
Tooley, Richard Middlesex East Conservative Party
Tooms, Thomas Peterborough West Labour
Torrance, James Perth North Conservative Party
Tory, John Dufferin—Peel—Wellington—Grey Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Treleaven, Richard L. Oxford Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Trewartha, Nelson William Huron South Conservative Party
Triantafilopoulos, Effie J. Oakville North—Burlington Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Trotter, James Beecham Parkdale Ontario Liberal Party
Trottier, Adélard Charles Essex North Ontario Liberal Party
Trow, James Perth South Ontario Liberal Party
Troy, Martin Leo Nipissing Ontario Liberal Party
Truax, Rueben Eldridge Bruce South Ontario Liberal Party
Tsao, Jonathan Don Valley North Ontario Liberal Party
Tsubouchi, David H. Markham Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Tucker, George Wellington West Conservative-Protestant Protective Association
Tucker, James Wellington West Conservative Party
Tudhope, James Brockett Simcoe East Ontario Liberal Party
Turnbull, David Don Valley West Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Turner, John Melville Peterborough Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Tweed, Sydney Charles Waterloo North Ontario Liberal Party