No. 4 |
No 4 |
Orders and Notices Paper |
Feuilleton et Avis |
Legislative Assembly of Ontario |
Assemblée législative de l’Ontario |
2nd Session |
2e session |
Monday |
Lundi |
10:30 A.M. |
10 H 30 |
Introduction of Visitors |
Présentation des visiteurs |
Oral Questions |
Questions orales |
Deferred Votes |
Votes différés |
Recess |
Pause |
1:00 P.M. |
13 H |
Introduction of Visitors |
Présentation des visiteurs |
Members’ Statements |
Déclarations des députés |
Reports by Committees |
Rapports des comités |
Introduction of Bills |
Dépôt des projets de loi |
Motions |
Motions |
Statements by the Ministry and Responses |
Déclarations ministérielles et réponses |
Petitions |
Pétitions |
Government Order Number 1 |
Ordre numéro 1 émanant du gouvernement |
1. Resuming the debate adjourned on February 21, 2013 on the motion for an Address in Reply to the Speech of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor at the Opening of the Session. (Time used: 2 hr. 26 mins.). |
1. Suite du débat ajourné le 21 février 2013 sur la motion portant l'Adresse en réponse au discours prononcé par Son Honneur le lieutenant-gouverneur à l'ouverture de la session. (Durée du débat : 2 h 26). |
The Standing Committee on General Government will meet for the purpose of organization, as follows: | |||
Today |
2:30 p.m. |
Room No. 228 | |
____________ | |||
The Standing Committee on Social Policy will meet for the purpose of organization, as follows: | |||
Today |
2:00 p.m. |
Room No. 1 | |
Legend“G” = Government Bill. “M” = Private Member’s Public Bill. “D” = Committee Bill. “Pr” = Private Bill. |
Légende«G» = projet de loi du gouvernement. «M» = projet de loi d’intérêt public émanant d’un député. «D» = projet de loi d’un comité. «Pr» = projet de loi d’intérêt privé. |
G1. Second Reading of Bill 1, An Act to perpetuate an ancient parliamentary right. Hon. Ms. Wynne. PRINTED. |
G1. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 1, Loi visant à perpétuer un ancien droit parlementaire. L’hon. Mme Wynne. IMPRIMÉ. |
M2. Second Reading of Bill 2, An Act to amend the Planning Act. Mr. Wilson. PRINTED. |
M2. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 2, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire. M. Wilson. IMPRIMÉ. |
M3. Second Reading of Bill 3, An Act to amend the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act with respect to matching rebates of gasoline tax that the Minister provides to municipalities. Mr. Yakabuski. PRINTED. |
M3. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 3, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement des voies publiques et des transports en commun à l'égard des remboursements de la taxe sur l'essence similaires consentis aux municipalités par le ministre. M. Yakabuski. IMPRIMÉ. |
M4. Second Reading of Bill 4, An Act respecting health profession corporations. Mr. O’Toole. |
M3. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 4, Loi relative aux sociétés professionnelles de la santé. M. O’Toole. |
1. Resuming the debate adjourned on February 21, 2013 on the motion for an Address in Reply to the Speech of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor at the Opening of the Session. (Time used: 2 hr. 26 mins.). |
1. Suite du débat ajourné le 21 février 2013 sur la motion portant l'Adresse en réponse au discours prononcé par Son Honneur le lieutenant-gouverneur à l'ouverture de la session. (Durée du débat : 2 h 26). |
Ms. Wong moved, seconded by Mr. McNeely, |
Mme Wong propose, appuyé par M. McNeely, |
That an Humble address be presented to His Honour the Lieutenant Governor as follows:- | |
“To the Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario: | |
We, Her Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, now assembled, beg leave to thank Your Honour for the gracious speech Your Honour has been pleased to address to us at the opening of the present Session.” (Debated February 20 and 21, 2013) (Time used: 2 hr. 26 mins.). | |
Precedence in accordance with Standing Order 98(b). |
Ordre de priorité conforme à l’article 98 b) du Règlement. |
Ballot Item Number 9 – To be debated March 21, 2013. | |
M3. Second Reading of Bill 3, An Act to amend the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act with respect to matching rebates of gasoline tax that the Minister provides to municipalities. Mr. Yakabuski. |
M3. Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 3, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement des voies publiques et des transports en commun à l'égard des remboursements de la taxe sur l'essence similaires consentis aux municipalités par le ministre. M. Yakabuski. |
1. Ms. MacLeod – That, in the opinion of this House, Ontario students and their parents deserve a world class education system with the best and brightest teachers that includes extra-curricular and co-curricular activities that are free from disruptions; And whereas, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities enrich our children's learning experience and the McGuinty-Wynne government have been unable to ensure that these programs are protected in our schools; And whereas, despite enacting and then repealing Bill 115, the Putting Students First Act which imposed union contracts on teachers and education workers, the government has not been able to ensure stability in Ontario's schools; And whereas, the House believes that teachers in our classrooms should be hired because they are the best qualified to teach our students rather than being hired based on seniority; therefore, The Premier and the Minister of Education should, within 72 hours of the passage of this motion, send a letter to all Directors of Education, Trustees of District School Boards and the union leaders at the Central offices and Local offices of all the provincial teachers' unions, that expresses the will of this duly and democratically elected Legislature that: ● The Government should introduce legislation that amends a teachers' job description to re-include certain co-instructional activities that the Liberal government removed. Said co-instructional activities to be re-introduced into a teacher’s legislated job description shall include, but not be limited to: timely and fully completed report cards; meeting with parents outside classroom hours; attending staff meetings; marking assignments; and helping students with remediation, special needs and extra work after school; ● That union leaders should no longer tell front-line teachers how those teachers may use their personal time both inside of or outside of the school day, including but not limited to: volunteering; helping students; supervising, performing or organizing extra-curricular or co-curricular activities; and that, contravening the aforementioned shall be considered by this House an abuse of union power and that those involved in such tactics should be referred to the Ministry of Labour for investigation for engaging in illegal labour action under Ontario's Labour Relations Act and subject to fines; and that, if fined, they should be reported to the Ontario College of Teachers for workplace harassment and conduct unbecoming of a teaching professional; ● That the Liberal government, through an order-in-council, should repeal all aspects of the controversial Ontario Regulation 274/12, Hiring Practices, that was instated on September 12, 2012. By repealing this regulation the Government recognizes that they have hindered student success by preventing principals in our schools to hire the best qualified teacher for the job. Addressed to the Premier. To be debated Tuesday, February 26, 2013. | |
1. Mr. Arnott — That, in the opinion of this House, the Minister of Transportation should prioritize the Highway 6 Morriston Bypass project by placing it on the Southern Highways Program, the Ministry's five-year investment plan in highway construction for Southern Ontario; and in the short term, support immediate measures to calm highway traffic though Morriston in the Township of Puslinch. Filed February 19, 2013. | |
2. Ms. Thompson — That, in the opinion of this House, a moratorium should be placed on further industrial wind energy development until a comprehensive Ontario-based factual social health study has been completed. Filed February 20, 2013. | |
3. Ms. Thompson — That, in the opinion of this House, a moratorium should be placed on further industrial wind energy development until the results of Health Canada’s health study on wind turbines has been completed. Filed February 20, 2013. | |
4. Ms. Thompson — That, in the opinion of this House, a moratorium should be placed on further industrial wind energy development until a comprehensive Ontario-based factual economical study into the viability and sustainability of wind power has been completed. Filed February 20, 2013. | |
5. Ms. Thompson — That, in the opinion of this House, a moratorium should be placed on further industrial wind energy development until a comprehensive Ontario-based factual environmental study has been completed. Filed February 20, 2013. | |
6. Mr. Hillier — That, in the opinion of this House, the government must recognize the need to continue on with the business of the prior session of the House with regards to Bill 16, the Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 of the first session of the fortieth Parliament of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, resurrect Bill 16 in the form it was in on the 10th of May 2012, that is ordered for third reading, and call the Bill for third reading in the House. Filed February 21, 2013. | |
Review of the matter of the Speaker's finding of a prima facie case of privilege, with respect to the production of documents by the Minister of Energy and the Ontario Power Authority to the Standing Committee on Estimates. Referred February 20, 2013. |
Étude sur la conclusion du Président sur une question de privilège jugée fondée de prime abord, relatif à la présentation de documents au Comité permanent des budgets des dépenses par le ministre de l’Énergie et l’Office de l’électricité de l’Ontario. Renvoyée le 20 février 2013. |
____________ | ||
The Standing Committee on Estimates will meet for the purpose of organization, as follows: | ||
Tuesday, February 26 |
9:00 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. |
Room No. 151 |
____________ | ||
The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs will meet for the purpose of organization, as follows: | ||
Thursday, February 28 |
9:00 a.m. and *2:00 p.m. |
Room No. 151 |
____________ | ||
The Standing Committee on General Government will meet for the purpose of organization, as follows: | ||
Today |
2:30 p.m. |
Room No. 228 |
____________ | ||
The Standing Committee on Government Agencies will meet for the purpose of organization, as follows: | ||
Tuesday, February 26 |
9:00 a.m. |
Room No. 1 |
____________ | ||
The Standing Committee on Justice Policy will meet for the purpose of organization, as follows: | ||
Thursday, February 28 |
9:00 a.m. and *2:00 p.m. |
Room No. 1 |
____________ | ||
The Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly will for the purpose of organization, as follows: | ||
Wednesday, February 27 |
1:00 p.m. |
Room No. 228 |
____________ | ||
The Standing Committee on Public Accounts will meet for the purpose of organization, as follows: | ||
Wednesday, February 27 |
9:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. |
Room No. 1 |
____________ | ||
The Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills will meet for the purpose of organization, as follows: | ||
Wednesday, February 27 |
9:00 a.m. |
Room No. 151 |
____________ | ||
The Standing Committee on Social Policy will meet for the purpose of organization, as follows: | ||
Today |
2:00 p.m. |
Room No. 1 |
Order of Precedence for Private Members' Public Business to be called during the Second Session of the Fortieth Parliament according to the draw on February 12, 2013 pursuant to Standing Order 98(b). |
Ordre de priorité des affaires d’intérêt public émanant des députés à être étudiées pendant la deuxième session de la quarantième législature d’après le tirage au sort tenu le 12 février 2013 conformément à l’alinéa 98 b) du Règlement. |
Effective February 21, 2013 – replaces previous lists |