39th Parliament, 1st Session

No. 115

No 115


Votes and Proceedings


Legislative Assembly
of Ontario

Assemblée législative
de l'Ontario


February 26, 2009

Sessional Day 123


26 février 2009

Jour de session 123

1st Session,
39th Parliament

1re session
39e législature




9:00 A.M.

9 H



Debate was resumed on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 150, An Act to enact the Green Energy Act, 2009 and to build a green economy, to repeal the Energy Conservation Leadership Act, 2006 and the Energy Efficiency Act and to amend other statutes.

Le débat reprend sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 150, Loi édictant la Loi de 2009 sur l'énergie verte et visant à développer une économie verte, abrogeant la Loi de 2006 sur le leadership en matière de conservation de l'énergie et la Loi sur le rendement énergétique et modifiant d'autres lois.


Pursuant to Standing Order 9(a), the Acting Speaker (Mr. Wilson) recessed the House at 10:15 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.

Conformément à l'article 9 a), le président par interim, M. Wilson ordonne une pause à l'Assemblée à 10 h 15 jusqu'à 10 h 30.


10:30 A.M.

10 H 30



Pursuant to Standing Order 36, visitors were introduced.

Conformément à l'article 36, les visiteurs sont présentés.


The Speaker addressed the House as follows:-

Le Président s'adresse à l'Assemblée comme suit:-

Later today I will be distributing letters to all Members referencing a special event taking place in the Legislative Precinct commencing next week.

Members are aware that we have, during this sitting period, been using the Province's first mace. This is because our current mace is out for a much needed cleaning and replating in preparation for its role in our "Mine to Mace" project.

Some time ago, DeBeers Canada sought to donate two diamonds extracted from Ontario's first diamond mine to the Legislative Assembly and the concept of mounting these diamonds on our mace was accepted. The design for the diamond setting in the mace will include one rough and one polished stone.

The letter I am sending each of you provides more extensive detail of this "Mine to Mace" project and identifies the numerous organizations who have generously donated time and effort to it.

This is an especially exciting project for the Assembly because the diamonds are to be cut on site here in the Legislative precinct. Commencing Monday in the North Heritage room adjacent to the Speaker's office a master diamond cutter will be cutting and polishing one of the diamonds.

This will mark the very first occasion in which a diamond has ever been cut in the Province of Ontario.

Anyone who is interested is invited to drop by the North Heritage Room next week and view this historic event in progress. A camera will also be installed so that you can get a close up view of the work being done.

Once the diamond has been cut and polished and is ready to be set, it will be laser etched with the number ONT-1-00001, signifying this finished stone as the first diamond to be mined, cut and polished in Ontario. The stone will also be etched with the latin motto found on the Legislative Assembly's coat of arms: audi alteram partem. By way of digression, I urge all Members to take note of and commit to memory the translation of that motto which is "hear the other side".

Upon completion of this project, there will be a ceremony in which we will formally retake possession of the mace which will now also hold evidence of the ancient geological history of Northern Ontario.




Pursuant to Standing Order 37, the House proceeded to Oral Questions.

Conformément à l'article 37, la chambre passe aux questions orales.


Pursuant to Standing Order 9(a), the Speaker recessed the House at 11:38 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Conformément à l'article 9 a), le Président ordonne une pause à l'Assemblée à 11 h 38  jusqu'à 13 h.


1:00 P.M.

13 H



Pursuant to Standing Order 36, visitors were introduced.

Conformément à l'article 36, les visiteurs sont présentés.




Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.

Conformément à l'article 31, des députés font des déclarations.


The Speaker addressed the House as follows:-

Le Président s'adresse à l'Assemblée comme suit:-

I beg to inform the House that, pursuant to Standing Order 98(c), a change has been made to the Order of Precedence on the ballot list for Private Members' Public Business, such that:-

Mr. Colle assumes ballot item number 5 and Mrs. Sandals assumes ballot item number 23 on the list drawn on January 28, 2009.




Pursuant to Standing Order 35, Ministers made statements and Opposition Members responded.

Conformément à l'article 35, des ministres font des déclarations et des députés de l'opposition y répondent.




Petition relating to construction of an Ambulatory Surgery Centre to serve the Mississauga Halton area (Sessional Paper No. P-23) Mr. Delaney, Mr. Dunlop and Mr. Leal.

Petition relating to fraudulent loans involving notarized affidavits (Sessional Paper No. P-44) Ms. Horwath.

Petition relating to unlawful firearms in vehicles (Sessional Paper No. P-75) Mr. Sergio.

Petition relating to requesting an amendment to the Children's Law Reform Act (Sessional Paper No. P-95) Mr. Brownell.

Petition relating to treating workplace harassment and violence as a serious health and safety issue by passing Bill 29 (Sessional Paper No. P-126) Ms. Horwath.

Petition relating to Charlotte Eleanor Englehart (CEE) Hospital emergency room (Sessional Paper No. P-197) Mr. Bailey.

Petition relating to Safety-Net payment program (Sessional Paper No. P-199) Mr. Dunlop.




Mr. Berardinetti moved,

M. Berardinetti propose,

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Canada should commit itself to reducing child poverty by 25% over 5 years.

A debate arising, further proceedings were reserved until the end of the time allotted for Private Members' Public Business.

Un débat s'ensuit; la suite de la discussion est renvoyée à la fin du temps imparti pour les affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députés.

Mr. Dunlop then moved,

Ensuite, M. Dunlop propose,

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should provide adequate funding to Community Based Literacy and Basic Skills Programs so that the agencies can properly address the growing enrolment.

A debate arising, further proceedings were reserved until the end of the time allotted for Private Members' Public Business.

Un débat s'ensuit; la suite de la discussion est renvoyée à la fin du temps imparti pour les affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députés.

Mr. Arthurs then moved,

Ensuite, M. Arthurs propose,

Second Reading of Bill 148, An Act respecting visual fire alarm systems in public buildings.

Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 148, Loi sur les systèmes d'alarme-incendie à affichage visuel dans les édifices publics.

There being no further debate, pursuant to Standing Order 98(e), the Acting Speaker (Mr. Wilson) suspended the proceedings until the end of the time allotted for Private Members' Public Business.

En l'absence d'autres débats, conformément à l'alinéa 98 e) du Règlement, le président par intérim, M. Wilson suspend la séance jusqu'à la fin du temps imparti pour les affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députés.

The question having been put on Mr. Berardinetti's Resolution Number 77, it was declared carried.

La motion, mise aux voix, sur la résolution numéro 77 de M. Berardinetti est déclarée adoptée.

The question having been put on Mr. Dunlop's Resolution Number 75, it was declared carried.

La motion, mise aux voix, sur la résolution numéro 75 de M. Dunlop est déclarée adoptée.

The question having been put on the motion for Second Reading of  Bill 148, An Act respecting visual fire alarm systems in public buildings, it was declared carried and the Bill was accordingly read the second time and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.

La motion portant deuxième lecture du  projet de loi 148, Loi sur les systèmes d'alarme-incendie à affichage visuel dans les édifices publics, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée et le projet de loi est en conséquence lu une deuxième fois et renvoyé au Comité permanent de l'Assemblée législative.


Mr. Duguid moved, That the House do now adjourn.

M. Duguid propose que l'Assemblée ajourne les débats maintenant.

The question, having been put on the motion, was declared carried.

Cette motion, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée.


The House then adjourned at 4:23 p.m.

À 16 h 23, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux.


le président

Steve  Peters

