38th Parliament, 1st Session

No. 158

No 158

Votes and Proceedings


Legislative Assembly
of Ontario

Assemblée législative
de l'Ontario

June 13, 2005

Daytime Meeting - Sessional Day 227

13 juin 2005

Séance de l'après-midi - jour de session 227

1st Session,
38th Parliament

1re session
38e législature

1:30 P.M.

13 H 30



Ms. Horwath from the Standing Committee on Estimates presented the Committee's report as follows:-

Pursuant to Standing Order 59, your Committee has selected the Estimates (2005-2006) of the following ministries and offices for consideration:-

Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal 7 hrs. 00 mins.

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care 8 hrs. 00 mins.

Ministry of Children and Youth Services 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Natural Resources 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Agriculture and Food 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Transportation 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Education 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Energy 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Tourism and Recreation 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Ministry of Northern Development and Mines 7 hrs. 30 mins.

Pursuant to Standing Order 60, the Estimates (2005-2006) of the following ministries and offices not selected for consideration are deemed passed by the Committee and reported to the House in accordance with the terms of the Standing Order and are deemed to be received and concurred in:-


Ministry Administration

Prosecuting Crime

Family Justice Services

Legal Services

Court Services

Victim Services









Cabinet Office




Ministry Administration

Adults' Services





Ministry Administration

Policing Services

Ontario Provincial Police

Correctional Services

Justice Technology Services

Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Policy and Public Safety Programs Division

Emergency Management Division











Ministry Administration


Consumer Protection and Public Safety/Business Standards

Alcohol and Gaming Management









Ministry Administration


Ontario Trillium Foundation

Culture Capital







Democratic Renewal Secretariat




Ministry Administration

Economic Development and Trade





Ministry Administration










Ministry Administration

Tax Policy, Budget and Revenue Operations

Economic, Fiscal, and Financial Policy

Financial Services Industry Regulation

Central Agencies Information and Information Technology


Results Office









Francophone Affairs




Ministry Administration

Intergovernmental Relations





Ministry Administration

Pay Equity Commission

Labour Relations

Occupational Health and Safety

Employment Rights and Responsibilities

Economics and Business Information and Information Technology










Office of the Lieutenant Governor




Ministry Administration

Realty Services

Corporate Controllership

Information and Information Technology

Ontario Shared Services

Archives of Ontario

Employee and Pensioner Benefits (Government Contribution)

Centre for Leadership and Human Resource Management











Ministry Administration

Local Government

Land Use Planning and Building Regulation

Affordable Housing

Rural Community Development








Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat




Office of the Premier





The following Bills were introduced and read the first time:-

Les projets de loi suivants sont présentés et lus une première fois:-

Bill 215, An Act to amend the Greenbelt Act, 2005 and the Municipal Act, 2001. Mr. Hudak.

Projet de loi 215, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2005 sur la ceinture de verdure et la Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités. Mr. Hudak.

Bill 216, An Act to amend the Apprenticeship and Certification Act, 1998. Ms. Scott.

Projet de loi 216, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur l'apprentissage et la reconnaissance professionnelle. Mme Scott.

With unanimous consent, the following Bill was read the second time and Ordered for Third Reading:-

Avec le consentement unanime, le projet de loi suivant est lu une deuxième fois et ordonée pour la troisième lecture:-

Bill 216, An Act to amend the Apprenticeship and Certification Act, 1998. Ms. Scott.

Projet de loi 216, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur l'apprentissage et la reconnaissance professionnelle. Mme Scott.

With unanimous consent, the following Bill was read the third time and was passed:-

Avec le consentement unanime, le projet de loi suivant est lu une troisième fois et adopté:-

Bill 216, An Act to amend the Apprenticeship and Certification Act, 1998. Ms. Scott.

Projet de loi 216, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur l'apprentissage et la reconnaissance professionnelle. Mme Scott.



With unanimous consent, on motion by Mr. Kormos,

Avec le consentement unanime, sur la motion de M. Kormos,

Ordered, That this House recommends that the Pages receive their full week's stipend for the week commencing June 13, 2005.

The question being put on the motion, it was carried.

With unanimous consent, on motion by Mr. Duncan,

Avec le consentement unanime, sur la motion de M. Duncan,

Ordered, That notwithstanding Standing Order 2, the New Democratic Party Caucus be afforded the status of Recognized Party in respect of all procedural and administrative matters pending the outcome of an eventual by-election in the riding of Toronto-Danforth, at which time the terms of the Standing Orders shall apply.

With unanimous consent, on motion by Mr. Duncan,

Avec le consentement unanime, sur la motion de M. Duncan,

Ordered, That the Orders of the House referring the following bills to the following committees be discharged, and that the bills be Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills:-

In the Standing Committee on Estimates:

Bill 137, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act to provide for a tax credit for expenses incurred in using public transit;

In the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs:

Bill 123, An Act to require that meetings of provincial and municipal boards, commissions and other public bodies be open to the public;

In the Standing Committee on General Government:

Bill 7, An Act to authorize a group of manufacturers of Ontario wines to sell Vintners Quality Alliance wines;

Bill 58, An Act to amend the Safe Streets Act, 1999 and the Highway Traffic Act to recognize the fund-raising activities of legitimate charities and non-profit organizations;

Bill 153, An Act in memory of Jay Lawrence and Bart Mackey to amend the Highway Traffic Act;

And, that pursuant to Standing Order 72(a), the Orders for Second Reading of Bill 101, An Act to amend the Health Insurance Act, and Bill 209, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to the suspension of drivers' licences, be discharged and the Bills be referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills.



The deferred vote on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 136, An Act respecting the establishment of growth plan areas and growth plans, was carried on the following division:-

La motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 136, Loi sur l'établissement de zones de croissance planifiée et de plans de croissance, mise aux voix sur le vote différé, est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 65


















Di Cocco










































Van Bommel




























And the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.

The deferred vote on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 186, An Act respecting the composition of the council of The Regional Municipality of Peel, was carried on the following division:-

La motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 186, Loi traitant de la composition du conseil de la municipalité régionale de Peel, mise aux voix sur le vote différé, est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 62

















Di Cocco








































Van Bommel































And the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.



Petition relating to OHIP coverage of chiropractic services (Sessional Paper No. P-119) Mr. Ouellette.

Petition relating to funding Brock CHC proposal (Sessional Paper No. P-146) Mr. Delaney.

Petitions relating to protecting the right of fire fighters to volunteer in their home communities on their own free time (Sessional Paper No. P-175) Mr. Arnott and Mr. Murdoch.

Petition relating to claiming public transit expenses on income tax (Sessional Paper No. P-191) Mr. O'Toole.

Petition relating to passing Bill 129 and to make it mandatory to wear certified helmets (Sessional Paper No. P-209) Mr. Milloy.

Petition relating to keeping the Rideau Regional Centre open (Sessional Paper No. P-258) Mr. Prue.

Petition relating to recommending real reforms to protect pensions (Sessional Paper No. P-264) Ms. Horwath.

Petitions relating to bed count at the Credit Valley hospital (Sessional Paper No. P-278) Mr. Leal and Ms. Scott.

Petition relating to creating a Standing Committee on education (Sessional Paper No. P-286) Mr. Marchese.

Petition relating to granting 2005 graduates of publicly funded faculties of education in Ontario a permanent Certificate of Qualification (Sessional Paper No. P-315) Mr. Fonseca.

Pétition ayant rapport au maintien du financement de base de TFO (Sessional Paper No. P-316) Mr. Bisson.



The Order of the Day for resuming the adjourned debate on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 144, An Act to amend certain statutes relating to labour relations, having been read,

À l'appel de l'ordre du jour concernant la suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 144, Loi modifiant des lois concernant les relations de travail,

Pursuant to the Order of the House dated June 9, 2005, the Deputy Speaker put the question forthwith on the motion which question was carried on the following division:-

Le vice-président met la motion aux voix immédiatement, conformément à l'ordre adopté par l'Assemblée le 9 juin 2005, et cette motion est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 62

















Di Cocco








































Van Bommel






























And the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.

With unanimous consent, it was agreed that, the House may continue to meet past 6:00 p.m. today to consider certain business.

A debate arose on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 214, An Act to amend the Election Act, the Election Finances Act and the Legislative Assembly Act, to repeal the Representation Act, 1996 and to enact the Representation Act, 2005.

Il s'élève un débat sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 214, Loi modifiant la Loi électorale, la Loi sur le financement des élections et la Loi sur l'Assemblée législative, abrogeant la Loi de 1996 sur la représentation électorale et édictant la Loi de 2005 sur la représentation électorale.

After some time, the motion was carried on the following division:-

Après quelque temps, la motion est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 69



















Di Cocco













































Van Bommel




















And the Bill was accordingly read the second time and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une deuxième fois et renvoyé au Comité permanent de l'assemblée législative.

A debate arose on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 213, An Act to amend the Election Act.

Il s'élève un débat sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 213, Loi modifiant la Loi électorale.

After some time, the motion was carried on the following division:-

Après quelque temps, la motion est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 56
















Di Cocco




































Van Bommel


























And the Bill was accordingly read the second time and Ordered for Third Reading.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une deuxième fois et ordonné pour la troisième lecture.

With unanimous consent, the motion for Third Reading of Bill 213, An Act to amend the Election Act, was carried on the following division:-

Avec le consentement unanime, la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 213, Loi modifiant la Loi électorale, est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 56
















Di Cocco




































Van Bommel


























And the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.

With unanimous consent, the following Bills were read the second time and Ordered for Third Reading:-

Avec le consentement unanime, les projets de loi suivants sont lus une deuxième fois et ordonnés pour la troisième lecture:-

Bill Pr7, An Act to revive Key Aircraft Services Inc.

Bill Pr9, An Act to revive Acton Disposal Services Limited.

Bill Pr11, An Act respecting The Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association.

Bill Pr12, An Act respecting Tyndale University College & Seminary.

Bill Pr14, An Act respecting the Institute for Christian Studies.

Bill Pr15, An Act respecting the Toronto Atmospheric Fund and the Clean Air Partnership (formerly known as the Toronto Atmospheric Fund Foundation).

With unanimous consent, the following Bills were read the third time and were passed:-

Avec le consentement unanime, les projets de loi suivants sont lus une troisième fois et adoptés:-

Bill Pr7, An Act to revive Key Aircraft Services Inc.

Bill Pr9, An Act to revive Acton Disposal Services Limited.

Bill Pr11, An Act respecting The Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association.

Bill Pr12, An Act respecting Tyndale University College & Seminary.

Bill Pr14, An Act respecting the Institute for Christian Studies.

Bill Pr15, An Act respecting the Toronto Atmospheric Fund and the Clean Air Partnership (formerly known as the Toronto Atmospheric Fund Foundation).

With unanimous consent, on motion by Mr. Duncan,

Avec le consentement unanime, sur la motion de M. Duncan,

Ordered, That the Orders of the House referring the following bills to the following committees be discharged and that the bills be Ordered for Third Reading:-

In the Standing Committee on Social Policy:

Bill 113, An Act to proclaim the month of May as Asian Heritage Month;

In the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly:

Bill 168, An Act to ensure fairness, to foster competition and consumer choice and to encourage innovation in the farm implement sector;

And that the Orders for Second and Third reading of Bill 203, An Act to proclaim Ontario Wine Week, be called concurrently.

The Order of the Day for Third Reading of Bill 113, An Act to proclaim the month of May as Asian Heritage Month, having been called,

À l'appel de l'ordre du jour portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 113, Loi proclamant le mois de mai Mois du patrimoine asiatique,

The question having been put was declared carried and the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

La motion, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée et en conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.

The Order of the Day for Third Reading of Bill 142, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to school crossing guards, having been called,

À l'appel de l'ordre du jour portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 142, Loi modifiant le Code de la route en ce qui a trait aux passeurs scolaires,

The question having been put was declared carried and the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

La motion, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée et en conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.

The Order of the Day for Third Reading of Bill 168, An Act to ensure fairness, to foster competition and consumer choice and to encourage innovation in the farm implement sector, having been called,

À l'appel de l'ordre du jour portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 168, Loi visant à assurer l'équité, à favoriser la concurrence et le choix chez le consommateur et à encourager l'innovation dans le secteur des appareils agricoles,

The question having been put was declared carried and the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

La motion, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée et en conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.

With unanimous consent, the following Bill was read the Second time and Ordered for Third Reading:-

Avec le consentement unanime, le projet de loi suivant est lu une deuxième fois et ordonée pour la troisième lecture:-

Bill 203, An Act to proclaim Ontario Wine Week.

Projet de loi 203, Loi proclamant la Semaine des vins de l'Ontario.

With unanimous consent, the following Bill was read the third time and was passed:-

Avec le consentement unanime, le projet de loi suivant est lu une troisième fois et adopté:-

Bill 203, An Act to proclaim Ontario Wine Week.

Projet de loi 203, Loi proclamant la Semaine des vins de l'Ontario.

With unanimous consent, on motion by Mr. Duncan,

Avec le consentement unanime, sur la motion de M. Duncan,

Ordered, That a Select Committee on Electoral Reform be appointed to consider and report on options for electoral reform.

The Committee shall, among other matters, review the current electoral system and alternative electoral systems. It may make recommendations on the viability of each alternative electoral system reviewed, taking into consideration the impact such alternatives may have on gender equality, full representation of Ontario's populace and the number and method of election of MPPs.

The Committee shall consider the procedure for the referendum to be held following a review of electoral reform by a citizen assembly as constituted pursuant to the Election Amendment Act, 2005 and may make recommendations on the requirements for a winning referendum.

The Committee shall be composed of six government members, two members of the Official Opposition and one member of the Third Party. It shall be chaired by a member of the Government, and a member of the Official Opposition shall serve as Vice-Chair. The membership of the Committee including the identification of the Chair and Vice-Chair shall be filed with the Clerk of the Assembly by the Whips of the recognized parties no later than Friday, July 8, 2005.

The Committee shall have the authority to meet concurrently with the House and during any adjournment of the House notwithstanding prorogation.

The Committee shall have the authority to commission reports relevant to the terms of reference, to employ staff and to travel outside of Ontario.

At its discretion, the Committee has the authority to present interim reports and the Committee shall present its final report to the Legislative Assembly no later than November 3, 2005. If the House is not sitting, the Committee has the authority to release any report by depositing a copy of it with the Clerk of the Assembly and upon resumption of the sittings of the House the Chair of the Committee shall present such report to the House in accordance with the Standing Orders.

With unanimous consent, on motion by Mr. Duncan,

Avec le consentement unanime, sur la motion de M. Duncan,

Ordered, That during the adjournment, in the event of the prorogation of the First Session of the 38th Parliament and notwithstanding such prorogation, the estimates selected for consideration by the Standing Committee on Estimates and the following bills remaining on the Orders and Notices paper be continued and placed on the Orders and Notices paper of the second sessional day of the Second Session of the 38th Parliament at the same stage of business for the House and its committees as at prorogation:

Bill 7, An Act to authorize a group of manufacturers of Ontario wines to sell Vintners Quality Alliance wines.

Bill 58, An Act to amend the Safe Streets Act, 1999 and the Highway Traffic Act to recognize the fund-raising activities of legitimate charities and non-profit organizations.

Bill 101, An Act to amend the Health Insurance Act.

Bill 123, An Act to require that meetings of provincial and municipal boards, commissions and other public bodies be open to the public.

Bill 128, An Act to amend various Acts with respect to enforcement powers, penalties and the management of property forfeited, or that may be forfeited, to the Crown in right of Ontario as a result of organized crime, marijuana growing and other unlawful activities.

Bill 137, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act to provide for a tax credit for expenses incurred in using public transit.

Bill 138, An Act to amend the Emergency Management Act and the Employment Standards Act, 2000.

Bill 153, An Act in memory of Jay Lawrence and Bart Mackey to amend the Highway Traffic Act.

Bill 159, An Act to revise the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act and to make a consequential amendment to the Licence Appeal Tribunal Act, 1999.

Bill 169, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act and to amend and repeal various other statutes in respect of transportation-related matters.

Bill 183, An Act respecting the disclosure of information and records to adopted persons and birth parents.

Bill 190, An Act to promote good government by amending or repealing certain Acts and by enacting one new Act.

Bill 197, An Act to implement Budget measures.

Bill 206, An Act to revise the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act.

Bill 209, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to the suspension of drivers' licences.

Bill 210, An Act to amend the Child and Family Services Act and make complementary amendments to other Acts.

Bill 211, An Act to amend the Human Rights Code and certain other Acts to end mandatory retirement.

Bill 214, An Act to amend the Election Act, the Election Finances Act and the Legislative Assembly Act, to repeal the Representation Act, 1996 and to enact the Representation Act, 2005.

With unanimous consent, on motion by Mr. Duncan,

Avec le consentement unanime, sur la motion de M. Duncan,

Ordered, That the following committees be authorized to meet during the Summer Adjournment in accordance with the schedule of meeting dates agreed to by the three Party Whips and tabled with the Clerk of the Assembly to examine and enquire into the following matters:-

Standing Committee on Estimates to consider the estimates of certain Ministries;

Standing Committee on General Government to consider Bill 169 An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act and to amend and repeal various other statutes in respect of transportation-related matters;

Standing Committee on Justice Policy to consider Bill 159, An Act to revise the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act and to make a consequential amendment to the Licence Appeal Tribunal Act, 1999;

Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly to consider Bill 214, An Act to amend the Election Act, the Election Finances Act and the Legislative Assembly Act, to repeal the Representation Act, 1996 and to enact the Representation Act, 2005;

And the Chair and Sub-committee to adjourn to Seattle, Washington to attend the annual meeting of the National Conference of State Legislatures;

Standing Committee on Public Accounts to adjourn to Niagara-on-the-Lake to attend the conference of the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees;

Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills to consider certain Private Members' Public Bills;

Standing Committee on Social Policy to conduct clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 183, An Act respecting the disclosure of information and records to adopted persons and birth parents;

And that the Committees be authorized to release reports by depositing a copy of any report with the Clerk of the Assembly during the Summer Adjournment and that upon resumption of the meetings of the House, the Chairs of such committees shall bring any such reports before the House in accordance with the Standing Orders.

With unanimous consent, on motion by Mr. Duncan,

Avec le consentement unanime, sur la motion de M. Duncan,

Ordered, That notwithstanding Standing Order 6(a), when the House adjourns today it stand adjourned until Monday, September 26, 2005.

His Honour the Administrator entered the Chamber of the Legislative Assembly and took his seat upon the Throne.

The Speaker addressed His Honour as follows:

"May it please Your Honour:

The Legislative Assembly of the Province has, at its present meetings thereof, passed certain bills to which, in the name and on behalf of the said Legislative Assembly, I respectfully request Your Honour's assent."

The Clerk Assistant then read the titles of the bills that had passed as follows:

"The following are the titles of the bills to which Your Honour's assent is prayed:

Bill 3, An Act to protect anaphylactic pupils.

Projet de loi 3, Loi visant à protéger les élèves anaphylactiques.

Bill 92, An Act to amend the Municipal Act, 2001.

Projet de loi 92, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités.

Bill 110, An Act to require the disclosure of information to police respecting persons being treated for gunshot wounds.

Projet de loi 110, Loi exigeant la divulgation à la police de renseignements en ce qui concerne les personnes traitées pour blessure par balle.

Bill 113, An Act to proclaim the month of May as Asian Heritage Month.

Projet de loi 113, Loi proclamant le mois de mai Mois du patrimoine asiatique.

Bill 118, An Act respecting the development, implementation and enforcement of standards relating to accessibility with respect to goods, services, facilities, employment, accommodation, buildings and all other things specified in the Act for persons with disabilities.

Projet de loi 118, Loi traitant de l'élaboration, de la mise en _uvre et de l'application de normes concernant l'accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées en ce qui concerne les biens, les services, les installations, l'emploi, le logement, les bâtiments et toutes les autres choses qu'elle précise.

Bill 133, An Act to amend the Environmental Protection Act and the Ontario Water Resources Act in respect of enforcement and other matters.

Projet de loi 133, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la protection de l'environnement et la Loi sur les ressources en eau de l'Ontario en ce qui a trait à l'exécution et à d'autres questions.

Bill 136, An Act respecting the establishment of growth plan areas and growth plans.

Projet de loi 136, Loi sur l'établissement de zones de croissance planifiée et de plans de croissance.

Bill 142, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to school crossing guards.

Projet de loi 142, Loi modifiant le Code de la route en ce qui a trait aux passeurs scolaires.

Bill 144, An Act to amend certain statutes relating to labour relations.

Projet de loi 144, Loi modifiant des lois concernant les relations de travail.

Bill 155, An Act to amend the Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act, 1996 and to make consequential amendments to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997.

Projet de loi 155, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1996 sur les obligations familiales et l'exécution des arriérés d'aliments et apportant des modifications corrélatives à la Loi de 1997 sur la protection du poisson et de la faune.

Bill 158, An Act to replace the Theatres Act and to amend other Acts in respect of film.

Projet de loi 158, Loi remplaçant la Loi sur les cinémas et modifiant d'autres lois en ce qui concerne les films.

Bill 164, An Act to rename and amend the Tobacco Control Act, 1994, repeal the Smoking in the Workplace Act and make complementary amendments to other Acts.

Projet de loi 164, Loi visant à modifier le titre et la teneur de la Loi de 1994 sur la réglementation de l'usage du tabac, à abroger la Loi limitant l'usage du tabac dans les lieux de travail et à apporter des modifications complémentaires à d'autres lois.

Bill 168, An Act to ensure fairness, to foster competition and consumer choice and to encourage innovation in the farm implement sector.

Projet de loi 168, Loi visant à assurer l'équité, à favoriser la concurrence et le choix chez le consommateur et à encourager l'innovation dans le secteur des appareils agricoles.

Bill 186, An Act respecting the composition of the council of The Regional Municipality of Peel.

Projet de loi 186, Loi traitant de la composition du conseil de la municipalité régionale de Peel.

Bill 194, An Act to amend the Education Act.

Projet de loi 194, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'éducation.

Bill 203, An Act to proclaim Ontario Wine Week.

Projet de loi 203, Loi proclamant la Semaine des vins de l'Ontario.

Bill 213, An Act to amend the Election Act.

Projet de loi 213, Loi modifiant la Loi électorale.

Bill 216, An Act to amend the Apprenticeship and Certification Act, 1998.

Projet de loi 216, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur l'apprentissage et la reconnaissance professionnelle.

Bill Pr7, An Act to revive Key Aircraft Services Inc.

Bill Pr9, An Act to revive Acton Disposal Services Limited.

Bill Pr11, An Act respecting The Kitchener-Waterloo Young Men's Christian Association.

Bill Pr12, An Act respecting Tyndale University College & Seminary.

Bill Pr14, An Act respecting the Institute for Christian Studies.

Bill Pr15, An Act respecting the Toronto Atmospheric Fund and the Clean Air Partnership (formerly known as the Toronto Atmospheric Fund Foundation).

To these Acts the Royal Assent was announced by the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly in the following words:

"In Her Majesty's name, His Honour the Administrator doth assent to these bills."

«Au nom de Sa Majesté, Son Honneur le lieutenant-gouverneur sanctionne ces projets de loi.»

His Honour was then pleased to retire.

Mr. Duncan moved, That the House do now adjourn.

M. Duncan propose que l'Assemblée ajourne les débats maintenant.

The question, having been put on the motion, was declared carried.

Cette motion, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée.

The House then adjourned at 6:28 p.m.

À 18 h 28, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux.

le président

Alvin Curling



Petition relating to OHIP coverage of chiropractic services (Sessional Paper No. P-119) Ms. Scott.

Petition relating to reversing the decision to close the Leslie M. Frost Centre (Sessional Paper No. P-169) Ms. Scott.

Petition relating to claiming public transit expenses on income tax (Sessional Paper No. P-191) Mr. O'Toole.

Petition relating to removing the present minimum amount regarding non-refundable income tax credit prescribed in the Income Tax Act (Sessional Paper No. P-200) Mr. O'Toole.

Petition relating to re-evaluating and considering the pending law to ban Pit Bulls (Sessional Paper No. P-261) Mr. O'Toole.

Petition relating to restoring funding under the Municipal Outlet Drainage program (Sessional Paper No. P-249) Ms. Scott.

Petitions relating to bed count at the Credit Valley hospital (Sessional Paper No. P-278) Ms. Broten and Mr. Delaney.



Certificate pursuant to Standing Order 106(e)(1) re intended appointments dated June 10, 2005 (No. 506) (Tabled June 10, 2005).



Petition relating to conducting an official audit of all resources and finances in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent (Sessional Paper No. P-300).

(Tabled May 30, 2005) Mr. Hoy.

Status of Business

État des Travaux

1st Session,
38th Parliament

1re Session,
38e Législature

[June 13, 2005]

Section 1

Section 1


Projets de loi

Public Bills Index

Index des Projets de Loi d'Intérêt Public

Government and Private Members'

Gouvernement et Députés

Private Bills Index

Index des Projets de Loi d'Intérêt Privé



Bill 1, An Act to perpetuate an ancient parliamentary right/Loi visant à perpétuer un ancien droit parlementaire. Hon. Mr. McGuinty (Premier). First Reading on division November 20, 2003.

Bill 2, Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 sur la gestion responsable des finances. Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading on division November 24, 2003. Second Reading debated November 25, 26, 27, December 8. Second Reading carried December 8. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered December 9, 10. Reported without amendment December 11. Ordered for Third Reading. Debated December 16, 17. Third Reading December 17. Royal Assent December 18. S.O. 2003, Chapter 7.

Bill 3, Sabrina's Law, 2005/Loi Sabrina de 2005. Mr. Levac (Brant). First Reading on division November 24, 2003. Second Reading December 4, 2003. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered May 4, 2005. Reported as amended May 5. Ordered Third Reading. Third Reading carried on division May 16. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 4, Ontario Energy Board Amendment Act (Electricity Pricing), 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur la Commission de l'énergie de l'Ontario (établissement du coût de l'électricité). Hon. Mr. Duncan (Minister of Energy). First Reading on division November 25, 2003. Second Reading debated November 26, 27, December 1, 8. Second Reading carried on division December 8. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Considered December 9, 10. Reported without amendment December 11. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated December 11. Third Reading on division December 15. Royal Assent December 18. S.O. 2003, Chapter 8.

Bill 5, Automobile Insurance Rate Stabilization Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 sur la stabilisation des taux d'assurance-automobile. Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading on division November 26, 2003. Second Reading debated December 1, 2, 3, 9. Second Reading carried on division December 9. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered December 15, 16. Reported without amendment December 17. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading carried on division December 18. Royal Assent December 18. S.O. 2003, Chapter 9.

Bill 6, Labour Relations Amendment Act (Replacement Workers), 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur les relations de travail (travailleurs suppléants). Mr. Kormos (Niagara Centre). First Reading November 26, 2003.

Bill 7, VQA Wine Stores Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur les magasins de vins de la Vintners Quality Alliance. Mr. Hudak (Erie-Lincoln). First Reading November 27, 2003. Second Reading debated and carried March 3, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Referral discharged and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills June 13.

Bill 8, Commitment to the Future of Medicare Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur l'engagement d'assurer l'avenir de l'assurance-santé. Hon. Mr. Smitherman (Minister of Health and Long-Term Care). First Reading November 27, 2003. Order for Second Reading discharged pursuant to Standing Order 72(a) and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy December 18. Considered February 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26; March 9, 2004. Reported as amended March 22. Ordered for Second Reading. Second Reading debated March 23, 31, April 1, 5, 6, 13. Second Reading carried on division April 14. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Considered May 3, 4, 10 11, 17, 31. Reported as amended June 1. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 3. Third Reading carried on division June 7. Royal Assent June 17. S.O. 2004, Chapter 5.

Bill 9, Environmental Protection Amendment Act (Industrial Facilities), 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur la protection de l'environnement (installations industrielles). Mr. Levac (Brant). First Reading November 27, 2003.

Bill 10, Pierre Elliott Trudeau Highway Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 sur l'Autoroute Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Mr. Lalonde (Glengarry--Prescott--Russell). First Reading December 1, 2003.

Bill 11, Michael Maxwell Act (Health Insurance Amendment), 2003/Loi Michael Maxwell de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur l'assurance-santé. Ms. Martel (Nickel Belt). First Reading December 1, 2003.

Bill 12, Ontarians with Disabilities Amendment Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur les personnes handicapées de l'Ontario. Mr. Jackson (Burlington). First Reading December 4, 2003.

Bill 13, Macdonald-Cartier Freeway Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 sur l'autoroute Macdonald-Cartier. Mr. Lalonde (Glengarry--Prescott--Russell). First Reading on division December 4, 2003.

Bill 14, Adoption Disclosure Statute Law Amendment Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne la divulgation de renseignements sur les adoptions. Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading December 4, 2003.

Bill 15, Public Sector Salary Disclosure Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la divulgation des traitements dans le secteur public. Hon. Mr. Duncan (Minister of Energy). First Reading December 8, 2003. Second Reading debated March 31, 2004. Second Reading and Third Reading carried April 8. Royal Assent April 15. S.O. 2004, Chapter 1.

Bill 16, Ontario Heritage Day Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 sur le Jour du patrimoine de l'Ontario. Mr. Brownell (Stormont-Dundas-Charlottenburgh). First Reading December 8, 2003. Second Reading debated and carried December 11. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government December 11.

Bill 17, Executive Council Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur le Conseil exécutif. Hon. Mr. Bryant (Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Native Affairs and Minister Responsible for Democratic Renewal). First Reading December 9, 2003. Second Reading debated December 1, 2004. Second Reading carried on division December 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly. Order discharged and Ordered for Third Reading December 15. Third Reading debated December 15. Third Reading carried on division December 16. Royal Assent December 16. S.O. 2004, Chapter 25.

Bill 18, Audit Statute Law Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne la vérification des comptes publics. Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading December 9, 2003. Second Reading debated April 19, May 10, 17; October 25; November 1, 2004. Second Reading November 1. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly. Referral discharged and ordered for Third Reading November 18. Third Reading debated November 18. Third Reading carried on division November 22. Royal Assent November 30. S.O. 2004, Chapter 17.

Bill 19, Children's Health and the Environment Branch Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 sur la Direction de la santé des enfants et de l'environnement. Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading December 9, 2003.

Bill 20, Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité au travail. Mr. Kormos (Niagara Centre). First Reading December 10, 2003.

Bill 21, Ontario Water Resources Amendment Act (Water Source Protection), 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur les ressources en eau de l'Ontario (protection des sources d'alimentation en eau). Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading December 10, 2003.

Bill 22, Tommy Douglas Act (Patients' Bill of Rights), 2003/Loi Tommy Douglas de 2003 sur la Déclaration des droits des patients. Ms. Martel (Nickel Belt). First Reading December 10, 2003.

Bill 23, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Cellular Phones), 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant le Code de la route (téléphones cellulaires). Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading December 11, 2003.

Bill 24, Electricity Amendment Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur l'électricité. Mr. Jackson (Burlington). First Reading December 11, 2003.

Bill 25, Government Advertising Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la publicité gouvernementale. Hon. Mr. Phillips (Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet). First Reading December 11, 2003. Second Reading debated April 26; May 6, 11; October 26; November 24, 2004. Second Reading carried on division November 25. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly. Considered December 1. Reported as amended December 2. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated December 2. Third Reading carried on division December 6. Royal Assent December 9. S.O. 2004, Chapter 20.

Bill 26, Strong Communities Act (Planning Amendment), 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le renforcement des collectivités (modification de la Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire). Hon. Mr. Gerretsen (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister Responsible for Seniors). First Reading December 15, 2003. Second Reading debated May 4, 12, 2004. Second Reading carried on division May 13. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered September 20. Reported as amended October 12. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated November 22, 23. Third Reading carried on division November 24. Royal Assent November 30. S.O. 2004, Chapter 18.

Bill 27, Greenbelt Protection Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la protection de la ceinture de verdure. Hon. Mr. Gerretsen (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister Responsible for Seniors). First Reading December 16, 2003. Second Reading debated March 30, April 6, 13, 27, 2004. Second Reading carried on division April 28. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered May 12, 17, 21, 31, June 2, 7, 9. Reported as amended June 10. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 23. Third Reading carried on division June 24. Royal Assent June 24. S.O. 2004, Chapter 9.

Bill 28, Supply Act, 2003/Loi de crédits de 2003. Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading December 16, 2003. Second Reading debated December 17. Second Reading carried on division December 17. Third Reading carried on division December 17. Royal Assent December 18. S.O. 2003, Chapter 10.

Bill 29, Electronic Waste Producer Responsibility Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 sur la responsabilité des producteurs de déchets électroniques. Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading December 16, 2003.

Bill 30, Ontario Disability Support Program Amendment Act (Fairness in Disability Income Support Payments), 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur le Programme ontarien de soutien aux personnes handicapées (équité dans les versements du soutien du revenu). Ms. Martel (Nickel Belt). First Reading December 16, 2003.

Bill 31, Health Information Protection Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la protection des renseignements sur la santé. Hon. Mr. Smitherman (Minister of Health and Long-Term Care). First Reading December 17, 2003. Order for Second Reading discharged pursuant to Standing Order 72(a) and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government December 18. Considered January 26, 27, 28; February 3, 4, 5, 9, 2004. Reported as amended March 22. Ordered for Second Reading. Second Reading debated March 30, April 5, 8. Second Reading carried April 8. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered April 28. Reported as amended April 29. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated May 13. Third Reading carried on division May 17. Royal Assent May 20. S.O. 2004, Chapter 3.

Bill 32, No Hog Factories Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 interdisant les porcheries industrielles. Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading December 17, 2003.

Bill 33, Irish Heritage Day Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le Jour du patrimoine irlandais. Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading December 17, 2003. Second and Third Reading June 23, 2004. Royal Assent June 24. S.O. 2004, Chapter 10.

Bill 34, Ontario Drinking Water Source Protection Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 sur la protection des sources d'eau potable de l'Ontario. Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading December 17, 2003.

Bill 35, Trust Beneficiaries' Liability Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 sur la responsabilité des bénéficiaires d'une fiducie. Mr. Baird (Nepean-Carleton). First Reading December 18, 2003.

Bill 36, Municipal Amendment Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités. Mr. Hudak (Erie-Lincoln). First Reading December 18, 2003.

Bill 37, Executive Council Amendment Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur le Conseil exécutif. Mr. Baird (Nepean-Carleton). First Reading December 18, 2003.

Bill 38, Balanced Budget Amendment Act, 2003/Loi de 2003 modifiant la Loi sur l'équilibre budgétaire. Mr. Baird (Nepean--Carleton). First Reading on division December 18, 2003.

Bill 39, Recall Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la révocation des députés. Mr. Barrett (Haldimand--Norfolk--Brant). First Reading March 22, 2004. Second Reading lost April 8.

Bill 40, Emergency Service Provider's Insurance Protection Act (Insurance Amendment), 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la protection des fournisseurs des services d'urgence (modification de la Loi sur les assurances). Mr. Wilkinson (Perth-Middlesex). First Reading March 22, 2004. Second Reading carried April 1. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered May 12. Reported as amended May 13. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading June 23. Royal Assent June 24. S.O. 2004, Chapter 11.

Bill 41, Keep Your Promises Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur l'obligation de tenir les promesses électorales. Mr. Wilson (Simcoe-Grey). First Reading March 23, 2004. Second Reading carried on division April 1. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 42, MPP Salary Freeze Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le gel des traitements des députés. Hon. Mr. McGuinty (Premier). First Reading March 29, 2004. Second Reading and Third Reading April 15. Royal Assent April 15. S.O. 2004, Chapter 2.

Bill 43, Sandy's Law (Liquor Licence Amendment), 2004/Loi Sandy de 2004 (modification de la Loi sur les permis d'alcool). Mr. Parsons (Prince Edward-Hastings). First Reading March 29, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried on division April 29. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered May 19. Reported as amended May 19. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 23. Third Reading carried on division June 24. Royal Assent June 24. S.O. 2004, Chapter 12.

Bill 44, Alexander Graham Bell Parkway Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la promenade Alexander Graham Bell. Mr. Levac (Brant). First Reading March 30, 2004.

Bill 45, Optometry Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les optométristes. Mr. Kormos (Niagara Centre). First Reading March 31, 2004.

Bill 46, Assessment Amendment Act (Maple Syrup), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur l'évaluation foncière (sirop d'érable). Mr. Sterling (Lanark-Carleton). First Reading April 1, 2004.

Bill 47, Safeguard Our Seniors Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la protection des personnes âgées. Mr. Hampton (Kenora-Rainy River). First Reading April 1, 2004.

Bill 48, Petroleum Products Price Freeze Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le gel du prix de certains produits pétroliers. Mr. Tascona (Barrie-Simcoe-Bradford). First Reading April 5, 2004. Second Reading carried on division June 10. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 49, Adams Mine Lake Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le lac de la mine Adams. Hon. Mrs. Dombrowsky (Minister of the Environment). First Reading April 5, 2004. Second Reading debated April 20, 22, 28, May 3, 5. Second Reading carried on division May 6. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly. Considered May 20, 21, June 3. Reported as amended June 7. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 15, 16. Third Reading carried on division June 17. Royal Assent June 17. S.O. 2004, Chapter 6.

Bill 50, Members' Integrity Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur l'intégrité des députés. Mr. Runciman (Leeds-Grenville). First Reading April 5, 2004.

Bill 51, Fixed Dates for Elections Act (October 4, 2007 Commencement), 2004/Loi de 2004 sur une date d'élection fixe (à compter du 4 octobre 2007). Mr. Sterling (Lanark-Carleton). First Reading April 7, 2004.

Bill 52, Volunteer Firefighters Employment Protection Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la protection de l'emploi des pompiers volontaires. Mr. Arnott (Waterloo-Wellington). First Reading April 7, 2004.

Bill 53, Protection of Minors from Sexually Explicit Goods and Services Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la protection des mineurs contre les biens et services sexuellement explicites. Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading April 7, 2004.

Bill 54, Fixed Dates for Elections Act (June 7, 2007 Commencement), 2004/Loi de 2004 sur une date d'élection fixe (à compter du 7 juin 2007). Mr. Sterling (Lanark-Carleton). First Reading April 7, 2004.

Bill 55, Health Insurance Amendment Act (Insulin Pumps for Diabetics), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur l'assurance-santé (pompes à insuline pour diabétiques). Mr. Gravelle (Thunder Bay-Superior North). First Reading April 8, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried on division April 22. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Referral discharged and ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy June 17, 2004.

Bill 56, Employment Standards Amendment Act (Family Medical Leave), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les normes d'emploi (congé familial pour raison médicale). Hon. Mr. Bentley (Minister of Labour). First Reading April 13, 2004. Second Reading debated April 21, 27, 29, May 31. Second Reading carried May 31. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 8. Third Reading carried June 29. Royal Assent June 29. S.O. 2004, Chapter 15.

Bill 57, Health Insurance Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur l'assurance-santé. Mrs. Witmer (Kitchener-Waterloo). First Reading April 13, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried April 29. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Referral discharged and ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy June 17, 2004.

Bill 58, Safe Streets Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne la sécurité dans les rues. Mr. Lalonde (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell). First Reading April 19, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried June 17. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Referral discharged and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills June 13, 2005.

Bill 59, Day Nurseries Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les garderies. Mr. Lalonde (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell). First Reading April 20, 2004.

Bill 60, Ontario Heritage Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur le patrimoine de l'Ontario. Hon. Mrs. Meilleur (Minister of Culture). First Reading April 21, 2004. Second Reading debated June 14, 24; October 26, 27, 28; November 1. Second Reading on division November 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy. Considered November 25; December 1. Reported as amended December 2. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated April 18, 2005. Third Reading carried on division April 19. Royal Assent April 28. S.O. 2005, Chapter 6.

Bill 61, LCBO Deposit and Return Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur les consignes et remises exigées par la RAO. Mr. Miller (Parry Sound-Muskoka). First Reading April 22, 2004.

Bill 62, Waste Disposal Site 41 in the Township of Tiny Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le lieu 41 d'élimination de déchets dans le canton de Tiny. Mr. Dunlop (Simcoe North). First Reading April 22, 2004.

Bill 63, Employment Standards Amendment Act (Hours of Work and Other Matters), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les normes d'emploi (heures de travail et autres questions). Hon. Mr. Bentley (Minister of Labour). First Reading April 26, 2004. Second Reading debated June 9, 17, 22; October 25, 28. Second Reading carried on division November 1. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy. Considered November 23, 29, 30. Reported as amended December 1. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated December 8. Third Reading carried on division December 9. Royal Assent December 9. S.O. 2004, Chapter 21.

Bill 64, Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les régimes de retraite. Mr. Kormos (Niagara Centre). First Reading April 26, 2004.

Bill 65, Collection Agencies Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les agences de recouvrement. Mr. Sergio (York West). First Reading April 26, 2004.

Bill 66, Private Investigators and Security Guards Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les enquêteurs privés et les gardiens. Mr. Sergio (York West). First Reading April 26, 2004.

Bill 67, Pipeline Excavation Safety and Accountability Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la sécurité et la responsabilisation relatives à l'excavation de pipelines. Mr. Sergio (York West). First Reading April 26, 2004.

Bill 68, Edible Oil Products Repeal Date Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la date d'abrogation de la Loi sur les produits oléagineux comestibles. Hon. Mr. Peters (Minister of Agriculture and Food). First Reading April 28, 2004. Second Reading and Third Reading carried May 11. Royal Assent May 20. S.O. 2004, Chapter 4.

Bill 69, Anti-Spam Act, 2004/Loi anti-pourriel de 2004. Ms. Marsales (Hamilton West). First Reading April 28, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried May 13. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 70, Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Statute Law Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne le ministère des Services aux consommateurs et aux entreprises. Hon. Mr. Watson (Minister of Consumer and Business Services). First Reading April 29, 2004. Second Reading debated June 15, 22; October 25; November 1. Second Reading on division November 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy. Considered November 24. Reported without amendment November 24. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading November 25. Royal Assent November 30. S.O. 2004, Chapter 19.

Bill 71, Olympic Day Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la Journée olympique. Mr. Fonseca (Mississauga East). First Reading April 29, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried May 13. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Referral discharged and ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy June 17, 2004.

Bill 72, Senatorial Selection Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le choix des sénateurs. Mr. Runciman (Leeds-Grenville). First Reading April 29, 2004.

Bill 73, Highway Traffic Statute Law Amendment Act (Child and Youth Safety), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne le Code de la route (sécurité des enfants et des jeunes). Hon. Mr. Takhar (Minister of Transportation). First Reading May 4, 2004. Second Reading debated June 1; October 21; November 1, 2, 24. Second Reading carried November 24. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered December 1. Reported as amended December 1. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated December 2. Third Reading carried on division December 6. Royal Assent December 9. S.O. 2004, Chapter 22.

Bill 74, Keep Your Promises at the Pump Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur l'obligation de tenir les promesses électorales à la pompe. Mr. Bisson (Timmins-James Bay). First Reading May 5, 2004.

Bill 75, Retail Sales Tax Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la taxe de vente au détail. Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading May 5, 2004.

Bill 76, Election Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi électorale. Mr. Patten (Ottawa Centre). First Reading May 5, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried on division May 20. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.

Bill 77, Retail Sales Tax Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la taxe de vente au détail. Mr. Arnott (Waterloo-Wellington). First Reading May 6, 2004.

Bill 78, Kevin's Law (Child and Family Services Statute Law Amendment), 2004/Loi Kevin de 2004 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les services à l'enfance et à la famille. Mr. Jackson (Burlington). First Reading May 10, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried May 20. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Referral discharged and ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy June 17, 2004.

Bill 79, Ontario Workers' Memorial Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le monument commémoratif des travailleurs de l'Ontario. Mr. Ramal (London-Fanshawe). First Reading May 10, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried June 3. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.

Bill 80, Gasoline Consumer Protection Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la protection des consommateurs d'essence. Mr. Crozier (Essex). First Reading May 11, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried June 24. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy.

Bill 81, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et la protection de la vie privée. Mr. Marchese (Trinity-Spadina). First Reading May 12, 2004.

Bill 82, Professional Learning Program Cancellation Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 annulant le programme de perfectionnement professionnel. Hon. Mr. Kennedy (Minister of Education). First Reading on division May 13, 2004. Second Reading debated June 16; October 19, 25, 26, 28. Second Reading carried October 28. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Time allocated December 13. Order for Committee of the Whole House discharged pursuant to the time allocation motion and Ordered for Third. Third Reading debated December 14. Third Reading carried on division December 15. Royal Assent December 16. S.O. 2004, Chapter 26.

Bill 83, Budget Measures Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur les mesures budgétaires. Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading May 18, 2004. Second Reading debated May 31, June 1, 2, 3, 7. Time allocated on June 10. Second Reading carried on division June 14. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Reported as amended June 17. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated and carried on division June 17. Royal Assent June 17. S.O. 2004, Chapter 7.

Bill 84, Fiscal Transparency and Accountability Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la transparence et la responsabilité financières. Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading May 18, 2004. Second Reading debated October 27; December 9. Second Reading carried on division December 13. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated December 15. Third Reading carried on division December 16. Royal Assent December 16. S.O. 2004, Chapter 27.

Bill 85, Taxpayer Protection Affirmation Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 confirmant la protection des contribuables. Mr. Klees (Oak Ridges). First Reading May 31, 2004. Second Reading lost on division June 24.

Bill 86, Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les élections. Hon. Mr. Bryant (Attorney General). First Reading June 1, 2004. Second Reading debated June 9, 14, 23; October 26.

Bill 87, Gareth Rodgers Act for Sport Parachuting (Freefalling Regulation), 2004/Loi Gareth Rodgers de 2004 sur le parachutisme sportif (réglementation du saut sans soutien). Mr. Tascona (Barrie-Simcoe-Bradford). First Reading June 1, 2004.

Bill 88, Private Investigators and Security Guards Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les enquêteurs privés et les gardiens. Mr. Dunlop (Simcoe North). First Reading June 1, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried on division June 3. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy. Referral discharged and ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy June 17, 2004.

Bill 89, Representation Amendment Act (Northern Ontario), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la représentation électorale (Nord de l'Ontario). Mr. Bisson (Timmins-James Bay). First Reading June 7, 2004.

Bill 90, Protection of Minors from Sexually Explicit Goods and Services Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la protection des mineurs contre les biens et services sexuellement explicites. Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading June 7, 2004.

Bill 91, Dental Hygiene Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les hygiénistes dentaires. Mrs. Cansfield (Etobicoke Centre). First Reading June 7, 2004.

Bill 92, Municipal Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités. Hon. Mr. Gerretsen (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister Responsible for Seniors). First Reading June 8, 2004. Second Reading debated April 4, 20; May 2, 2005. Second Reading carried May 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Order discharged and Ordered for Third Reading May 2. Third Reading debated and carried May 3. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 93, Keep your Promise on the Gas Price Watchdog Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur l'obligation de tenir les promesses électorales concernant l'agent de surveillance des prix du carburant. Mr. Bisson (Timmins-James Bay). First Reading June 9, 2004.

Bill 94, Public Accounting Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur l'expertise comptable. Hon. Mr. Bryant (Attorney General). First Reading June 9, 2004. Second Reading and Third Reading carried June 10. Royal Assent June 17. S.O. 2004, Chapter 8.

Bill 95, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la Société des loteries et des jeux de l'Ontario. Mr. Arnott (Waterloo-Wellington). First Reading June 9, 2004.

Bill 96, Liquor Licence Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les permis d'alcool. Hon. Mr. Watson (Minister of Consumer and Business Services). First Reading June 10, 2004. Second Reading debated October 13, 25, 26; November 1. Second Reading on division November 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered December 1. Reported as amended December 9. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated December 14. Third Reading carried on division December 15. Royal Assent December 16. S.O. 2004, Chapter 28.

Bill 97, First Nations Resource Revenue Sharing Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le partage avec les Premières nations des recettes tirées de l'exploitation des ressources. Mr. Bisson (Timmins-James Bay). First Reading June 10, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried June 17. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered September 20, 21, 22, 23.

Bill 98, Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la planification et l'aménagement de l'escarpement du Niagara. Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading June 10, 2004.

Bill 99, Transparency in Public Matters Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la transparence des questions d'intérêt public. Ms. Di Cocco (Sarnia--Lambton). First Reading June 10, 2004.

Bill 100, Electricity Restructuring Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la restructuration du secteur de l'électricité. Hon. Mr. Duncan (Minister of Energy). First Reading on division June 15, 2004. Order for Second Reading discharged pursuant to Standing Order 72(a) and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy June 29. Considered August 9, 12, 23, 24, 25, 26; September 15, 16. Reported as amended October 12. Ordered for Second Reading. Second Reading debated October 18, 19, 20. Time allocated on November 17. Second Reading carried on division November 22. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered November 23. Reported as amended November 24. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated and carried on division December 9. Royal Assent December 9. S.O. 2004, Chapter 23.

Bill 101, Health Insurance Amendment Act (Supplemental Newborn Screening), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur l'assurance-santé (dépistage complémentaire des nouveau-nés). Mr. Baird (Nepean--Carleton). First Reading June 15, 2004. Order for Second Reading discharged pursuant to Standing Order 72(a) and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills June 13, 2005.

Bill 102, Asian Longhorn Beetle Confinement Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la limitation de la propagation du capricorne d'Asie. Mr. Tascona (Barrie-Simcoe-Bradford). First Reading June 16, 2004.

Bill 103, Blind Persons' Rights Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur les droits des aveugles. Mr. Martiniuk (Cambridge). First Reading June 17, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried June 2, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 104, Transitional Physician Payment Review Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la révision provisoire des paiements d'honoraires de médecins. Hon. Mr. Smitherman (Minister of Health and Long-Term Care). First Reading June 21, 2004. Second and Third Reading June 23. Royal Assent June 24. S.O. 2004, Chapter 13.

Bill 105, Tax Terminology Harmonization Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur l'harmonisation de la terminologie fiscale. Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading June 21, 2004. Second Reading October 21. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading October 26. Royal Assent November 4. S.O. 2004, Chapter 16.

Bill 106, Budget Measures Act, 2004 (No. 2)/Loi de 2004 sur les mesures budgétaires (no 2). Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading on division June 21, 2004. Second Reading debated October 12, 14, 18. Time allocated on December 7. Second Reading carried on division December 8. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered December 9. Reported as amended December 9. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated and carried on division December 16. Royal Assent December 16. S.O. 2004, Chapter 29.

Bill 107, Trustee Statute Law Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les fiduciaires. Mr. Klees (Oak Ridges). First Reading June 22, 2004.

Bill 108, Carlie Myke and Brandon White Act (Safe School Zones Highway Traffic Amendment), 2004/Loi Carlie Myke et Brandon White de 2004 (modification du Code de la route sur la sécurité des zones d'école). Mr. Levac (Brant). First Reading June 22, 2004.

Bill 109, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Helmets), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant le Code de la route (casques). Mr. Levac (Brant). First Reading June 22, 2004.

Bill 110, Mandatory Gunshot Reporting Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la déclaration obligatoire des blessures par balle. Hon. Mr. Kwinter (Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services). First Reading June 23, 2004. Order for Second Reading discharged pursuant to Standing Order 72(a) and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy December 14. Considered March 2, 3, 9, 2005. Reported as amended March 9. Ordered for Second Reading. Second Reading debated April 11, 14, 27. Second Reading carried on division April 28. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated May 30. Third Reading carried on division May 31. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 111, Genocide Memorial Week Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la Semaine commémorative des génocides. Mr. Dunlop (Simcoe North). First Reading June 23, 2004.

Bill 112, Removing a Member from the Toronto Police Services Board Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 destituant un membre de la Commission de services policiers de Toronto. Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading June 23, 2004.

Bill 113, Asian Heritage Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur le patrimoine asiatique. Mr. Wong (Markham). First Reading June 23, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried February 17, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy. Referral discharged and Ordered for Third Reading June 13. Third Reading June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 114, Election Finances Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur le financement des élections. Hon. Mr. Bryant (Attorney General). First, Second and Third Reading June 23, 2004. Royal Assent June 24. S.O. 2004, Chapter 14.

Bill 115, Gas Price Watchdog Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur l'agent de surveillance des prix du carburant. Mr. Gravelle (Thunder Bay-Superior North). First Reading June 24, 2004.

Bill 116, Dental Hygiene Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi de 1991 sur les hygiénistes dentaires. Mr. Flaherty (Whitby-Ajax). First Reading June 24, 2004.Second Reading debated and carried December 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

Bill 117, Ottawa is a Bilingual City Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le statut bilingue de la ville d'Ottawa. Mr. Bisson (Timmins-James Bay). First Reading June 24, 2004.

Bill 118, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur l'accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées de l'Ontario. Hon. Mrs. Bountrogianni (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration). First Reading October 12, 2004. Second Reading debated November 18, 22, 25. Second Reading carried on division December 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy. Considered January 31; February 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 28; March 29; April 4, 11, 12, 2005. Reported as amended April 13. Ordered for Third Reading. Time allocated on May 9. Third Reading carried on division May 10. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 119, Archives Awareness Week Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la Semaine de sensibilisation aux archives. Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading October 12, 2004.

Bill 120, City of Toronto Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la cité de Toronto. Ms. Wynne (Don Valley West). First Reading October 12, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried October 21, 2004. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 121, Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur l'Assemblée législative. Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading October 13, 2004.

Bill 122, Corporations Tax Amendment Act (Fines and Penalties not Deductible), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur l'imposition des corporations (amendes et pénalités non déductibles). Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading October 13, 2004.

Bill 123, Transparency in Public Matters Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la transparence des questions d'intérêt public. Ms. Di Cocco (Sarnia--Lambton). First Reading October 13, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried on division October 28. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Referral discharged and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills June 13.

Bill 124, Health Protection and Promotion Amendment Act 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la protection et la promotion de la santé. Hon. Mr. Smitherman (Minister of Health and Long-Term Care). First Reading October 14, 2004. Second Reading debated December 9. Second Reading carried on division December 13. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated and carried December 15. Royal Assent December 16. S.O. 2004, Chapter 30.

Bill 125, Environmental Protection Amendment Act 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la protection de l'environnement. Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading October 14, 2004.

Bill 126, Occupational Health and Safety Act (Harassment), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité au travail (harcèlement). Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading October 14, 2004.

Bill 127, Physical Fitness Day Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la Journée de l'aptitude physique. Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading October 18, 2004.

Bill 128, Law Enforcement and Forfeited Property Management Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne l'exécution de la loi et l'administration des biens confisqués. Hon. Mr. Kwinter (Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services). First Reading October 19, 2004. Second Reading debated March 31; April 7, 11, 12, 2005. Second Reading carried on division April 13. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy. Considered May 4, 5, 11; June 1. Reported as amended June 1. Ordered for Third Reading.

Bill 129, Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant le Code de la route. Mr. Milloy (Kitchener Centre). First Reading October 19, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried November 4. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.

Bill 130, Kids First Licences Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur le plaques d'immatriculation en faveur des enfants. Ms. Broten (Etobicoke--Lakeshore). First Reading October 20, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried November 4. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs.

Bill 131, Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Workplace Violence and Workplace Harassment), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité au travail (violence et harcèlement au travail). Ms. Broten (Etobicoke--Lakeshore). First Reading October 20, 2004.

Bill 132, Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne la sécurité publique relative aux chiens. Hon. Mr. Bryant (Attorney General). First Reading October 26, 2004. Second Reading debated November 4, 15; December 8. Second Reading carried on division December 9. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly. Considered January 24, 27; February 2, 3, 10, 2005. Reported as amended February 15. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated February 28. Third Reading carried on division March 1. Royal Assent March 9. S.O. 2005, Chapter 2.

Bill 133, Environmental Enforcement Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois sur l'environnement en ce qui concerne l'exécution. Hon. Mrs. Dombrowsky (Minister of the Environment). First Reading October 27, 2004. Order for Second Reading discharged pursuant to Standing Order 72(a) and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly April 5, 2005. Considered May 12, 16, 19, 30. Reported as amended May 31. Ordered for Second Reading pursuant to Standing Order 72(b). Second Reading debated and carried June 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly. Considered June 6. Reported without amendment June 7. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 7, 8. Third Reading carried on division June 9. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 134, Municipal Amendment Act (Hospices Exemption), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités (exonération accordée aux hospices). Mr. Flynn (Oakville). First Reading October 27, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried November 18. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.

Bill 135, Greenbelt Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la ceinture de verdure. Hon. Mr. Gerretsen (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing). First Reading October 28, 2004. Second Reading debated November 15, 16, 17. Time allocated on December 6. Time allocation rescinded December 8. Second Reading carried December 8. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered January 31; February 1, 2, 3, 10, 2005. Reported as amended February 15. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated February 23. Third Reading carried on division February 24. Royal Assent February 24. S.O. 2005, Chapter 1.

Bill 136, Places to Grow Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur les zones de croissance. Hon. Mr. Caplan (Minister of Public Infrastructure). First Reading October 28, 2004. Second Reading debated March 2, 7, 8; April 5, 2005. Second Reading carried on division April 6. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered April 18, 20, 25, 27; May 2. Reported as amended May 3. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 6, 9. Third Reading carried on division June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 137, Income Tax Amendment Act (Public Transit Expense Tax Credit), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (crédit d'impôt pour dépenses de transports en commun). Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading October 28, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried February 17, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Estimates. Referral discharged and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills June 13.

Bill 138, Emergency Management Statute Law Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant des lois en ce qui a trait à la gestion des situations d'urgence. (Committee Bill) Primary Sponsor: Mr. Colle, Acting Chair, Standing Committee on Justice Policy. Secondary Sponsors: Mr. Arthurs, Ms. Broten, Mr. Brownell, Mr. Qaadri, Mrs. Sandals, Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Zimmer. First Reading November 1, 2004.

Bill 139, Remembrance Day Observance Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur l'observation du jour du Souvenir. Mr. Lalonde (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell). First Reading November 1, 2004.

Bill 140, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et la protection de la vie privée. Ms. Martel (Nickel Belt). First Reading November 1, 2004.

Bill 141, Home Fire Sprinkler Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur les extincteurs automatiques domiciliaires. Mrs. Jeffrey (Brampton Centre). First Reading November 2, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried November 25. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.

Bill 142, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (School Crossing Guards), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant le Code de la route (passeurs scolaires). Mr. Brown (Algoma-Manitoulin). First Reading November 2, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried April 28, 2005. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 143, Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Teachers' Assistants), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant des lois en ce qui a trait à l'éducation (aides-enseignants). Mr. Flaherty (Whitby-Ajax). First Reading November 3, 2004.

Bill 144, Labour Relations Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois concernant les relations de travail. Hon. Mr. Bentley (Minister of Labour). First Reading November 3, 2004. Second Reading debated March 29, 30; April 5, 12, 2005. Second Reading carried on division April 13. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy. Considered April 25, 26, 29; May 9. Reported as amended May 10. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated May 18. Time allocated on June 9. Third Reading carried on division June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 145, Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act (Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment Memorial Highway), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement des voies publiques et des transports en commun (route commémorative Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment). Mr. Parsons (Prince Edward-Hastings). First Reading November 3, 2004.

Bill 146, Frederick Banting Homestead Preservation Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 préservant la propriété familiale de Frederick Banting. Mr. Wilson (Simcoe-Grey). First Reading November 16, 2004.

Bill 147, Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les régimes de retraite. Mr. Levac (Brant). First Reading November 16, 2004.

Bill 148, Recall Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la révocation des députés. Mr. Flaherty (Whitby-Ajax). First Reading November 17, 2004.

Bill 149, Budget Measures Act (Fall), 2004/Loi de 2004 sur les mesures budgétaires (automne). Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading November 22, 2004. Second Reading debated November 29, 30; December 6. Time allocated on December 7. Second Reading carried on division December 8. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated and carried on division December 16. Royal Assent December 16. S.O. 2004, Chapter 31.

Bill 150, Celebration of Hellenic Heritage Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 sur la fête du patrimoine hellénique. Mr. Duguid (Scarborough Centre). First Reading November 23, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried December 9. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

Bill 151, Labour Relations Amendment Act (Certification), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur les relations de travail (accréditation). Mr. Kormos (Niagara Centre). First Reading November 25, 2004.

Bill 152, Labour Relations Statute Law Amendment Act (Successor Rights), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les relations de travail (succession aux qualités). Mr. Kormos (Niagara Centre). First Reading November 25, 2004.

Bill 153, Jay Lawrence and Bart Mackey Memorial Act (Highway Traffic Amendment), 2005/Loi de 2005 commémorant Jay Lawrence et Bart Mackey (modification du Code de la route). Mr. Rinaldi (Northumberland). First Reading November 30, 2004. Second Reading debated and carried February 24, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Referral discharged and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills June 13.

Bill 154, Income Tax Amendment Act (Medical Expense Tax Credit), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (crédit d'impôt pour frais médicaux). Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading December 2, 2004.

Bill 155, Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur les obligations familiales et l'exécution des arriérés d'aliments. Hon. Ms. Pupatello (Minister of Community and Social Services). First Reading December 2, 2004. Second Reading debated April 4, 6, 12, 18, 2005. Second Reading carried April 21. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered May 9, 16. Reported as amended May 17. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 8. Third Reading carried on division June 9. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 156, Trillium Gift of Life Network Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur le Réseau Trillium pour le don de vie. Mr. Kormos (Niagara Centre). First Reading December 2, 2004.

Bill 157, Greenbelt Protection Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la protection de la ceinture de verdure. Hon. Mr. Gerretsen (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister Responsible for Seniors). First, Second and Third Readings December 8, 2004. Royal Assent December 9. S.O. 2004, Chapter 24.

Bill 158, Film Classification Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur le classement des films. Hon. Mr. Watson (Minister of Consumer and Business Services). First Reading December 9, 2004. Second Reading debated February 15, 16; March 9; April 5, 2005. Second Reading carried on division April 6. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy. Considered April 20, 27. Reported without amendment April 27. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated May 19. Third Reading carried on division May 30. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 159, Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur les services privés de sécurité et d'enquête. Hon. Mr. Kwinter (Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services). First Reading December 9, 2004. Second Reading debated April 19, 21, 28, 2005. Second Reading carried on division May 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy.

Bill 160, Supply Act, 2004/Loi de crédits de 2004. Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading, Second Reading and Third Reading carried December 13, 2004. Royal Assent December 16. S.O. 2004, Chapter 32.

Bill 161, Dog Owners' Liability Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur la responsabilité des propriétaires de chiens. Mrs. Munro (York North). First Reading December 13, 2004.

Bill 162, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (School Bus Drivers' Licences), 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant le Code de la route (permis de conduire pour autobus scolaires). Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading December 13, 2004.

Bill 163, City of Ottawa Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur la ville d'Ottawa. Hon. Mr. Gerretsen (Minister of Municipal Affairs). First Reading December 14, 2004. Second Reading debated February 22; March 1, 2005. Second Reading carried March 1. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered March 2. Reported without amendment March 2. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated and carried March 2. Royal Assent March 9. S.O. 2005, Chapter 3.

Bill 164, Tobacco Control Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois en ce qui a trait à la réglementation de l'usage du tabac. Hon. Mr. Smitherman (Minister of Health and Long-Term Care). First Reading December 15, 2004. Second Reading debated February 15, 16, 21; April 13, 2005. Second Reading carried on division April 14. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered April 21, 22, 28, 29; May 5. Reported as amended May 9. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated May 30, 31; June 7. Third Reading carried on division June 8. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 165, Elected Officials Immunity Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur l'immunité des élus. Mr. Ouellette (Oshawa). First Reading December 15, 2004. Second Reading debated and lost on division April 7, 2005.

Bill 166, Corporations Tax Amendment Act, 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi sur l'imposition des sociétés. Mr. O'Toole (Durham). First Reading December 16, 2004.

Bill 167, Education Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur l'éducation. Hon. Mr. Kennedy (Minister of Education). First Reading on division December 16, 2004. Second Reading debated February 22; March 1, 3, 2005. Time allocated on March 7. Second Reading carried on division March 8. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading carried on division March 9. Royal Assent March 9. S.O. 2005, Chapter 4.

Bill 168, Farm Implements Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur les appareils agricoles. Mr. Hardeman (Oxford). First Reading February 16, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried February 24. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly. Referral discharged and Ordered for Third Reading June 13. Third Reading June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 169, Transportation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne la transport. Hon. Mr. Takhar (Minister of Transportation). First Reading February 21, 2005. Second Reading debated April 25; June 6, 8. Second Reading carried on division June 9. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 170, Fred Gloger Tenant Protection Amendment Act (Vital Services), 2005/Loi Fred Gloger de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur la protection des locataires (services essentiels). Ms. Horwath (Hamilton East). First Reading February 21, 2005.

Bill 171, Spousal Relationships Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les unions conjugales. Hon. Mr. Bryant (Attorney General). First Reading February 22, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried February 23. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading February 24. Royal Assent March 9. S.O. 2005, Chapter 5.

Bill 172, Education Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur l'éducation. Mr. Klees (Oak Ridges). First Reading February 22, 2005.

Bill 173, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act (Speaker of the Assembly), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et la protection de la vie privée (président de l'Assemblée). Mr. Kormos (Niagara Centre). First Reading March 1, 2005.

Bill 174, Consumer Reporting Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur les renseignements concernant le consommateur. Mr. Ruprecht (Davenport). First Reading March 3, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried April 7. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs.

Bill 175, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (No Conveying of Passengers for Compensation), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant le Code de la route (aucun transport de passagers moyennant rémunération). Mr. Jackson (Burlington). First Reading March 3, 2005.

Bill 176, Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les élections. Hon. Mr. Bryant (Attorney General). First Reading March 7, 2005. Second Reading debated May 5, 9.

Bill 177, Election Finances Amendment Act (Ongoing Disclosure of Contributions), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur le financement des élections (divulgation continue des contributions). Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading March 7, 2005.

Bill 178, Greenbelt Amendment Act (Permanent Greenbelt), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur la ceinture de verdure (ceinture de verdure permanente). Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading March 7, 2005.

Bill 179, Safe Needles Save Lives Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur l'utilisation d'aiguilles sûres pour sauver des vies. Ms. Martel (Nickel Belt). First Reading March 7, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried March 31. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy.

Bill 180, Election Finances Amendment Act (Publication of Contributions), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur le financement des élections (publication des contributions). Mr. Arnott (Waterloo-Wellington). First Reading March 8, 2005.

Bill 181, Protection Against Illicit Drug Grow Houses Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la protection contre les installations de culture intérieure de drogues illicites. Mr. Martiniuk (Cambridge). First Reading March 8, 2005.

Bill 182, Gender-Based Price Discrimination Prohibition Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 interdisant la discrimination des prix fondée sur le sexe. Mr. Berardinetti (Scarborough Southwest). First Reading March 9, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried April 14. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.

Bill 183, Adoption Information Disclosure Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la divulgation de renseignements sur les adoptions. Hon. Ms. Pupatello (Minister of Community and Social Services). First Reading March 29, 2005. Second Reading debated April 26; May 2. Second Reading carried on division May 3. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy. Considered May 18, 19, 30; June 6.

Bill 184, Fire Protection Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois en ce qui a trait à la protection contre l'incendie. Mr. Prue (Beaches-East York). First Reading April 7, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried April 21. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.

Bill 185, Inquiry into Police Investigations of Complaints of Sexual Abuse Against Minors in the Cornwall Area Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 prévoyant une enquête sur les enquêtes policières relatives aux plaintes de mauvais traitements d'ordre sexuel infligés à des mineurs dans la région de Corwall. Mr. Baird (Nepean-Carleton). First Reading April 11, 2005.

Bill 186, Regional Municipality of Peel Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la municipalité régionale de Peel. Hon. Mr. Gerretsen (Minister of Municipal Affairs). First Reading April 13, 2005. Second Reading debated April 25, 26; May 3. Second Reading carried on division May 4. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered May 6, 19. Reported as amended May 19. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated May 31; June 9. Third Reading carried on division June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 187, Eastern Ontario Economic Development Fund Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur le Fonds de développement économique de l'Est de l'Ontario. Mr. Sterling (Lanark-Carleton). First Reading April 13, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried April 28, 2005. Ordered for Third Reading.

Bill 188, Children's Law Reform Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi portant réforme du droit de l'enfance. Mr. Craitor (Niagara Falls). First Reading April 13, 2005.

Bill 189, Khalsa Day Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur le Jour du Khalsa. Mr. Dhillon (Brampton West-Mississauga). First Reading April 14, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried April 21. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.

Bill 190, Good Government Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la saine gestion publique. Hon. Mr. Bryant (Attorney General). First Reading April 27, 2005.

Bill 191, Apprenticeship and Certification Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant l a Loi sur l'apprentissage et la reconnaissance professionnelle. Ms. Scott (Haliburton-Victoria-Brock). First Reading April 27, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried May 12. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.

Bill 192, Breast Implant Registry Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur le Registre des implants mammaires. Ms. Churley (Toronto--Danforth). First Reading April 28, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried May 12. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.

Bill 193, Payday Loans Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur les prêts sur salaire. Mr. Kormos (Niagara Centre). First Reading April 28, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried May 19. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy.

Bill 194, Education Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur l'education. Hon. Mr. Kennedy (Minister of Education). First Reading May 4, 2005. Second Reading debated May 10, 16. Second Reading May 16. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated May 18. Third Reading carried on division May 19. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 195, Environmental Protection Amendment Act (Product Stewardship), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur la protection de l'environnement (gérance des produits). Mr. Miller (Parry Sound-Muskoka). First Reading May 4, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried May 19. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.

Bill 196, Legislative Assembly Amendment Act (Severance Allowance), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur l'Assemblée législative (allocations de départ). Mr. Murdoch (Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound). First Reading May 11, 2005.

Bill 197, Budget Measures Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur les mesures budgétaires. Hon. Mr. Sorbara (Minister of Finance). First Reading May 11, 2005.

Bill 198, Missing Persons Reporting Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur le signalement des personnes disparues. Mr. Racco (Thornhill). First Reading May 16, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried June 2, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 199, Rural Ontario Day Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur le Jour de l'Ontario rural. Mrs. Mitchell (Huron-Bruce). First Reading May 16, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried on division June 9. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.

Bill 200, Greenbelt Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur la ceinture de verdure. Mr. Hudak (Erie-Lincoln). First Reading May 17, 2005.

Bill 201, Health Insurance Amendment Act (PSA Tests for Prostate Cancer), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur l'assurance-santé (test PSA pour le dépistage du cancer de la prostate). Mr. Mauro (Thunder Bay-Atikokan). First Reading May 17, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried on division June 9. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 202, Victims' Bill of Rights Amendment Act (Crime Redepiction), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Charte des droits des victimes d'actes criminels (reconstitution d'actes criminels). Mr. Jackson (Burlington). First Reading May 18, 2005.

Bill 203, Ontario Wine Week Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la Semaine des vins de l'Ontario. Mr. Crozier (Essex). First Reading May 18, 2005. Second and Third Reading June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 204, Electoral Boundaries Commission (Ontario) Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la Commission ontarienne de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales. Mr. Sterling (Lanark-Carleton). First Reading May 19, 2005.

Bill 205, Developmental Services Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur les services aux personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Mr. Dunlop (Simcoe North). First Reading May 30, 2005.

Bill 206, Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur le régime de retraite des employés municipaux de l'Ontario. Hon. Mr. Gerretsen (Minister of Municipal Affairs). First Reading June 1, 2005.

Bill 207, Sexual Harassment Awareness Week Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la Semaine de la sensibilisation au harcèlement sexuel. Mr. Hoy (Chatham-Kent-Essex). First Reading June 2, 2005.

Bill 208, Public transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act (Assistance to Municipalities), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement des voies publiques et des transports en commun (aide aux municipalités). Mr. Yakabuski (Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke). First Reading June 2, 2005.

Bill 209, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Licence Suspensions), 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant le Code de la route (suspensions de permis). Mr. Zimmer (Willowdale). First Reading June 6, 2005. Order for Second Reading discharged pursuant to Standing Order 72(a) and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills June 13.

Bill 210, Child and Family Services Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les services à l'enfance et à la famille. Hon. Mrs. Bountrogianni (Minister of Children and Youth Services). First Reading June 6, 2005.

Bill 211, Ending Mandatory Retirement Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois pour éliminer la retraite obligatoire. Hon. Mr. Bentley (Minister of Labour). First Reading June 7, 2005.

Bill 212, Joe Cordiano Act, 2005/Loi de Joe Cordiano, 2005. Mr. Kormos (Niagara Centre). First Reading June 9, 2005.

Bill 213, Election Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi électorale. Hon. Mr. Bryant (Attorney General). First Reading June 9, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried on division June 13. Third Reading carried on division June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill 214, Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 sur la représentation électorale. Hon. Mr. Bryant (Attorney General). First Reading June 9, 2005. Second Reading debated and carried on division June 13. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.

Bill 215, Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant des lois en ce qui a trait à la ceinture de verdure. Mr. Hudak (Erie-Lincoln). First Reading June 13, 2005.

Bill 216, Apprenticeship and Certification Amendment Act, 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi sur l'apprentissage et la reconnaissance professionnelle. Ms. Scott (Haliburton-Victoria-Brock). First Reading June 13, 2005. Second Reading and Third Reading June 13. Royal Assent June 13.



Bill Pr2, The Malton Seventh-day Adventist Church Act, 2004. Mr. Qaadri (Etobicoke North). First Reading March 22, 2004. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered May 12. Reported as amended May 12. Second and Third Reading June 23. Royal Assent June 24. S.O. 2004, Chapter Pr1.

Bill Pr3, Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario Act, 2004. Mr. Peterson (Mississauga South). First Reading March 29, 2004. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered May 12. Reported without amendment May 12. Second and Third Reading June 23. Royal Assent June 24. S.O. 2004, Chapter Pr2.

Bill Pr4, Ontario Recreation Facilities Association Act, 2004. Mr. Brownell (Stormont-Dundas-Charlottenburgh). First Reading April 21, 2004. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered May 12.

Bill Pr5, Conrad Grebel University College Act, 2004. Mr. Arnott (Waterloo-Wellington). First Reading May 6, 2004. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Reported without amendment June 16. Second and Third Reading June 23. Royal Assent June 24. S.O. 2004, Chapter Pr3.

Bill Pr6, Redeemer University College Act, 2004. Mr. McMeekin (Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Aldershot). First Reading June 8, 2004. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Reported without amendment June 16. Second and Third Reading June 23. Royal Assent June 24. S.O. 2004, Chapter Pr4.

Bill Pr7, Key Aircraft Services Inc. Act, 2005. Mrs. Jeffrey (Brampton Centre). First Reading June 17, 2004. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered October 27. Reported without amendment October 27. Second and Third Reading June 13, 2005. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill Pr8, City of Ottawa Act (Licence Committee), 2004. Mr. McNeely (Ottawa-Orléans). First Reading October 18, 2004. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills.

Bill Pr9, Acton Disposal Services Limited Act, 2005. Mr. Racco (Thornhill). First Reading May 30, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Reported without amendment June 8. Second and Third Reading June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill Pr10, City of Brampton Act, 2004. Mrs. Jeffrey (Brampton Centre). First Reading November 17, 2004. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered December 15.

Bill Pr11, Kitchener-Waterloo Y.M.C.A. Act, 2005. Mrs. Witmer (Kitchener-Waterloo). First Reading February 28, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered March 9. Reported without amendment March 9. Second and Third Reading June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill Pr12, Tyndale University College & Seminary Act, 2005. Mr. Klees (Oak Ridges). First Reading May 19, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Reported without amendment June 8. Second and Third Reading June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill Pr14, Institute for Christian Studies Act, 2005. Mr. Marchese (Trinity-Spadina). First Reading May 31, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Reported without amendment June 8. Second and Third Reading June 13. Royal Assent June 13.

Bill Pr15, Toronto Atmospheric Fund Act, 2005. Mr. Duguid (Member Position). First Reading May 30, 2005. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Reported without amendment June 8. Second and Third Reading June 13. Royal Assent June 13.