36th Parliament, 1st Session

No. 141 No 141

Orders and Notices

Legislative Assembly

of Ontario

Feuilleton et Avis

Assemblée législative

de l'Ontario

1st Session,

36th Parliament


December 18, 1996

1re session,

36e législature


18 décembre 1996













ESTIMATES 1996-1997 / BUDGETS DES DÉPENSES 1996-1997 25



An asterisk (*) appearing after the title of a Bill indicates the recommendation of the Lieutenant Governor, pursuant to Standing Order 56, has been received.

Un astérisque (*) se trouvant à la fin du titre d'un projet de loi indique que la recommandation du Lieutenant-gouverneur a été reçue, conformément à l'article 56 du Règlement.



1. Bill 52, An Act to promote resource development, conservation and environmental protection through the streamlining of regulatory processes and the enhancement of compliance measures in the Aggregate and Petroleum Industries. Hon. C. Hodgson.*

Projet de loi 52, Loi visant à promouvoir la mise en valeur des ressources, la conservation ainsi que la protection de l'environnement en simplifiant les processus de réglementation et en renforçant les mesures de conformité dans l'industrie pétrolière et l'industrie des agrégats. L'hon. C. Hodgson.*

2. Bill 53, An Act to promote Full Financial Accountability of Labour Unions and Employees Associations to their Members. Mr S. Gilchrist.

Projet de loi 53, Loi visant à promouvoir la responsabilité financière complète des syndicats et des associations d'employés envers leurs membres. M. S. Gilchrist.

3. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Third Reading Bill 57, An Act to improve the Efficiency of the Environmental Approvals Process and Certain Other Matters. Hon. N. Sterling.

Suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 57, Loi visant à améliorer l'efficience du processus d'autorisation environnementale et concernant certaines autres questions. L'hon. N. Sterling.

4. Bill 61, An Act to simplify government processes and to improve efficiency in the Ministry of the Attorney General. Hon. C. Harnick.

Projet de loi 61, Loi visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux et à améliorer l'efficience au ministère du Procureur général. L'hon. C. Harnick.

5. Bill 63, An Act to simplify government processes and to improve efficiency in the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. Hon. M. Mushinski.

Projet de loi 63, Loi visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux et à améliorer l'efficience au ministère des Affaires civiques, de la Culture et des Loisirs. L'hon. M. Mushinski.

6. Bill 64, An Act to simplify government processes and to improve efficiency in the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. Hon. D. Tsubouchi.

Projet de loi 64, Loi visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux et à améliorer l'efficience au ministère de la Consommation et du Commerce. L'hon. D. Tsubouchi.

7. Bill 65, An Act to simplify government processes and to improve efficiency in the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism. Hon. W. Saunderson.

Projet de loi 65, Loi visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux et à améliorer l'efficience au ministère du Développement économique, du Commerce et du Tourisme. L'hon. W. Saunderson.

8. Bill 66, An Act to simplify government processes and to improve efficiency in the Ministry of Environment and Energy. Hon. N. Sterling.

Projet de loi 66, Loi visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux et à améliorer l'efficience au ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie. L'hon. N. Sterling.

9. Bill 67, An Act to simplify government processes and to improve efficiency in the Ministry of Health. Hon. D. Johnson (Don Mills).

Projet de loi 67, Loi visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux et à améliorer l'efficience au ministère de la Santé. L'hon. D. Johnson (Don Mills).

10. Bill 68, An Act to simplify government processes and to improve efficiency in the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. Hon. C. Hodgson.

Projet de loi 68, Loi visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux et à améliorer l'efficience au ministère du Développement du Nord et des Mines. L'hon. C. Hodgson.

11. Bill 69, An Act to simplify government processes and to improve efficiency in the Ministry of the Solicitor General and the Ministry of Correctional Services. Hon. R. Runciman.

Projet de loi 69, Loi visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux et à améliorer l'efficience au ministère du Solliciteur général et au ministère des Services correctionnels. L'hon. R. Runciman.



12. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the Amendment to the Amendment to the motion that this House approves in general the Budgetary Policy of the Government.

Suite du débat ajourné concernant le sous-amendement à la motion portant que la présente Assemblée adopte les grands principes de la politique budgétaire du gouvernement.

13. Second Reading Bill 1, An Act to amend the Executive Council Act. Hon. E. Eves. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 1, Loi modifiant la Loi sur le Conseil exécutif. L'hon. E. Eves. IMPRIMÉ.

14. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Second Reading Bill 84, An Act to promote Fire Prevention and Public Safety in Ontario and to amend and repeal certain other Acts relating to Fire Services. Hon. R. Runciman. PRINTED.

Suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 84, Loi visant à promouvoir la prévention des incendies et la sécurité publique en Ontario et modifiant ou abrogeant certaines autres lois relatives aux services de lutte contre les incendies. L'hon. R. Runciman. IMPRIMÉ.

15. Second Reading Bill 96, An Act to Consolidate and Revise the Law with respect to Residential Tenancies. Hon. A. Leach. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 96, Loi codifiant et révisant le droit de la location à usage d'habitation. L'hon. A. Leach. IMPRIMÉ.

16. Second Reading Bill 98, An Act to promote job creation and increased municipal accountability while providing for the recovery of development costs related to new growth. Hon. A. Leach. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 98, Loi visant à promouvoir la création d'emplois et à accroître la responsabilité des municipalités tout en prévoyant le recouvrement des coûts d'aménagement liés à la croissance. L'hon. A. Leach. IMPRIMÉ.

17. Second Reading Bill 99, An Act to secure the financial stability of the compensation system for injured workers, to promote the prevention of injury and disease in Ontario workplaces and to revise the Workers' Compensation Act and make related amendments to other Acts. Hon. E. Witmer.* PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 99, Loi assurant la stabilité financière du régime d'indemnisation des travailleurs blessés, favorisant la prévention des lésions et des maladies dans les lieux de travail en Ontario et révisant la Loi sur les accidents du travail et apportant des modifications connexes à d'autres lois. L'hon. E. Witmer.* IMPRIMÉ.

18. Second Reading Bill 102, An Act to improve community safety by amending the Change of Name Act, the Ministry of Correctional Services Act and the Police Services Act. Hon. R. Runciman. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 102, Loi visant à accroître la sécurité de la collectivité en modifiant la Loi sur le changement de nom, la Loi sur le ministère des Services correctionnels et la Loi sur les services policiers. L'hon. R. Runciman. IMPRIMÉ.

19. Second Reading Bill 103, An Act to replace the seven existing municipal governments of Metropolitan Toronto by incorporating a new municipality to be known as the City of Toronto. Hon. A. Leach.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 103, Loi visant à remplacer les sept administrations municipales existantes de la communauté urbaine de Toronto en constituant une nouvelle municipalité appelée la cité de Toronto. L'hon. A. Leach.

20. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly prescribing ministries and offices assigned to committees pursuant to Standing Order 108(b).

Suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant adoption du rapport du Comité permanent de l'Assemblée législative recommandant que les ministères et bureaux soient assignés aux comités conformément à l'article 108(b) du Règlement.

21. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs on Pre-budget Consultations, 1996.

Suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant adoption du rapport du Comité permanent des finances et des affaires économiques concernant les Consultations prébudgétaires pour 1996.

22. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs on Draft Legislation on Auto Insurance.

Suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant adoption du rapport du Comité permanent des finances et des affaires économiques concernant l'Avant-projet de loi sur l'assurance-automobile.

23. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Adoption of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts on the Retail Sales Tax.

Suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant adoption des recommandations contenues dans le rapport du Comité permanent des comptes publics sur la taxe de vente au détail.

24. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Adoption of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Standing Committee on Government Agencies on Agencies, Boards and Commissions (No. 21).

Suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant adoption des recommandations contenues dans le rapport du Comité permanent des organismes gouvernementaux sur les organismes, conseils et commissions (no 21).

25. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Adoption of the Report of the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice on the Impact of Half-Way House Closures and the Introduction of Electronic Monitoring.

26. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for consideration of private members' public business.

27. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Adoption of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Standing Committee on Government Agencies on Agencies, Boards and Commissions (No. 22).

Suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant adoption des recommandations contenues dans le rapport du Comité permanent des organismes gouvernementaux sur les organismes, conseils et commissions (no 22).

28. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Adoption of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Standing Committee on Government Agencies on Agencies, Boards and Commissions (No. 23).

Suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant adoption des recommandations contenues dans le rapport du Comité permanent des organismes gouvernementaux sur les organismes, conseils et commissions (no 23).

29. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion for Adoption of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts on the Ontario Board of Parole.

Suite du débat ajourné sur la motion portant adoption des recommandations contenues dans le rapport du Comité permanent des comptes publics concernant la Commission ontarienne des libérations conditionelles.

30. Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Education and Training (including supplementaries).

Adoption du budget des dépenses du ministère de l'Éducation et de la Formation (supplémentaires inclus).

31. Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Health.

Adoption du budget des dépenses du ministère de la Santé.

32. Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism.

Adoption du budget des dépenses du ministère du Développement économique, du Commerce et du Tourisme.

33. Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs.

Adoption du budget des dépenses du ministère des Affaires intergouvernementales.

34. Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

Adoption du budget des dépenses du ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales.

35. Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Transportation (including supplementaries).

Adoption du budget des dépenses du ministère des Transports (supplémentaires inclus).

36. Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (including supplementaries).

Adoption du budget des dépenses du ministère du Développement du Nord et des Mines (supplémentaires inclus).

37. Concurrence in Supply for the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Adoption du budget des dépenses du ministère des Richesses naturelles.

38. Concurrence in Supply for the Office of Francophone Affairs.

Adoption du budget des dépenses de l'Office des affaires francophones.

39. Resuming the Adjourned Debate on the motion to consider government business on the morning of Thursday, December 12, 1996.



40. Committee of the Whole House:

Bill 2, An Act to amend the Election Act. Mr D. McGuinty. PRINTED.

Projet de loi 2, Loi modifiant la Loi électorale. M. D. McGuinty. IMPRIMÉ.

Bill 22, An Act to provide for an Oath of Allegiance for the Members of the Legislative Assembly. Mr D. Agostino. PRINTED.

Projet de loi 22, Loi prévoyant le serment d'allégeance pour les députés à l'Assemblée législative. M. D. Agostino. IMPRIMÉ.

Bill 27, An Act to amend the Children's Law Reform Act. Mr J. Hastings. PRINTED.

Projet de loi 27, Loi modifiant la Loi portant réforme du droit de l'enfance. M. J. Hastings. IMPRIMÉ.

Bill 41, An Act to protect the Rights of Persons receiving Health Services in Ontario. Mrs E. Caplan. PRINTED.

Projet de loi 41, Loi visant à protéger les droits des personnes qui reçoivent des services de santé en Ontario. Mme E. Caplan. IMPRIMÉ.

Bill 60, An Act respecting the participation of workers and contractors from Quebec in Ontario's construction industry workforce. Mr J.-M. Lalonde. PRINTED.

Projet de loi 60, Loi concernant la participation des travailleurs et entrepreneurs du Québec à la main-d'oeuvre de l'industrie de la construction de l'Ontario. M. J.-M. Lalonde. IMPRIMÉ.

Bill 90, An Act to establish the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators. Mrs L. McLeod. PRINTED.

Projet de loi 90, Loi créant l'Ordre des éducatrices et des éducateurs de la petite enfance de l'Ontario. Mme L. McLeod. IMPRIMÉ.

41. Second Reading Bill 3, An Act to amend the Solicitors Act. Mr R. Chiarelli. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 3, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les procureurs. M. R. Chiarelli. IMPRIMÉ.

42. Second Reading Bill 4, An Act to amend the Law Society Act. Mr R. Chiarelli. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 4, Loi modifiant la Loi sur le Barreau. M. R. Chiarelli. IMPRIMÉ.

43. Second Reading Bill 10, An Act respecting the Price of Motor Vehicle Fuel and protecting Whistleblowers in the Motor Vehicle Fuel Industry. Mr R. Chiarelli. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 10, Loi concernant le prix du carburant pour véhicules automobiles et visant à protéger les dénonciateurs dans l'industrie du carburant pour véhicules automobiles. M. R. Chiarelli. IMPRIMÉ.

44. Second Reading Bill 12, An Act to promote the Rights of Victims of Crime. Ms A. Castrilli. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 12, Loi visant à promouvoir les droits des victimes d'actes criminels. Mme A. Castrilli. IMPRIMÉ.

45. Second Reading Bill 14, An Act respecting the rounding of the Penny in Cash Transactions. Mr D. Tilson. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 14, Loi prévoyant l'arrondissement des sommes dans les opérations au comptant. M. D. Tilson. IMPRIMÉ.

46. Second Reading Bill 18, An Act to provide for the establishment of Citizens Assemblies and the expedited consideration by the Legislative Assembly of Legislation prepared by Citizens Assemblies. Mr R. Chiarelli. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 18, Loi prévoyant la mise sur pied d'assemblées de citoyens et une procédure accélérée pour l'étude, par l'Assemblée législative, des projets de loi rédigés par ces assemblées. M. R. Chiarelli. IMPRIMÉ.

47. Second Reading Bill 21, An Act to establish public hospital foundations. Mr J. Hastings. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 21, Loi créant des fondations pour les hôpitaux publics. M. J. Hastings. IMPRIMÉ.

48. Second Reading Bill 28, An Act to amend the Municipal Act to name Civic Holiday as Simcoe Day. Mr S. Gilchrist. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 28, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités en vue de désigner le Congé civique sous le nom de fête de Simcoe. M. S. Gilchrist. IMPRIMÉ.

49. Second Reading Bill 33, An Act to amend the Legislative Assembly Act. Mr J. Flaherty. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 33, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'Assemblée législative. M. J. Flaherty. IMPRIMÉ.

50. Second Reading Bill 40, An Act to provide for the licensing of locksmiths. Mr J. Hastings. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 40, Loi prévoyant la délivrance de permis de serrurier. M. J. Hastings. IMPRIMÉ.

51. Second Reading Bill 50, An Act to provide for Financial Disclosure by Trade Unions and Employees Associations. Mr D. Shea. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 50, Loi prévoyant la divulgation des renseignements financiers par les syndicats et les associations d'employés. M. D. Shea. IMPRIMÉ.

52. Second Reading Bill 58, An Act to amend the Education Act to provide for co-operation among boards. Mr B. Wildman. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 58, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'éducation afin de prévoir la collaboration entre conseils. M. B. Wildman. IMPRIMÉ.

53. Second Reading Bill 62, An Act to revise the Endangered Species Act and to protect Threatened and Vulnerable Species. Mr B. Wildman. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 62, Loi révisant la Loi sur les espèces en voie de disparition et visant à protéger les espèces vulnérables et les espèces menacées. M. B. Wildman. IMPRIMÉ.

54. Second Reading Bill 72, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act. Mr P. Kormos. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 72, Loi modifiant le Code de la route. M. P. Kormos. IMPRIMÉ.

55. Second Reading Bill 73, An Act to amend the Municipal Act. Mr D. Shea. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 73, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités. M. D. Shea. IMPRIMÉ.

56. Second Reading Bill 74, An Act to amend the Audit Act. Mr B. Grandmaître. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 74, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la vérification des comptes publics. M. B. Grandmaître. IMPRIMÉ.

57. Second Reading Bill 77, An Act to make Pension Plans accountable to Workers. Mr H. Hampton. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 77, Loi visant à rendre les régimes de retraite responsables devant les travailleurs. M. H. Hampton. IMPRIMÉ.

58. Second Reading Bill 80, An Act to curtail Repeat Offences by Juvenile Delinquents. Mr J. Brown (Scarborough West). PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 80, Loi visant à inciter les jeunes délinquants à ne pas récidiver. M. J. Brown (Scarborough-Ouest). IMPRIMÉ.

59. Second Reading Bill 88, An Act to amend the City of Hamilton Act, 1985. Mr D. Agostino. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 88, Loi modifiant la loi intitulée City of Hamilton Act, 1985. M. D. Agostino. IMPRIMÉ.

60. Second Reading Bill 94, An Act to amend the Child and Family Services Act. Mr J. Gerretsen. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 94, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les services à l'enfance et à la famille. M. J. Gerretsen. IMPRIMÉ.

61. Second Reading Bill 97, An Act to Accelerate the Use of Alternative Fuels in Motor Vehicles used by the Government of Ontario and its Agencies, Boards and Commissions. Mr D. McGuinty. PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 97, Loi visant à promouvoir l'utilisation de carburants de remplacement dans les véhicules automobiles utilisés par le gouvernement de l'Ontario ainsi que par ses organismes, ses conseils et ses commissions. M. D. McGuinty. IMPRIMÉ.

62. Second Reading Bill 100, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to Impaired Driving Offences. Mr J. Brown (Scarborough West). PRINTED.

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 100, Loi modifiant le Code de la route en ce qui concerne les infractions pour conduite avec facultés affaiblies. M. J. Brown (Scarborough-Ouest). IMPRIMÉ.



63. Second Reading Bill Pr31, An Act respecting the City of Brampton. Mr T. Clement. REPRINTED.

64. Second Reading Bill Pr35, An Act respecting the Ottawa Civic Hospital. Mr R. Patten. REPRINTED.

65. Second Reading Bill Pr40, An Act respecting the Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario. Mr J. Hastings. PRINTED.

66. Second Reading Bill Pr66, An Act respecting the City of Toronto. Ms I. Bassett. PRINTED.

67. Second Reading Bill Pr67, An Act respecting the Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association Inc. Mr J. Cleary. REPRINTED.

68. Second Reading Bill Pr68, An Act respecting the Huronia Airport Commission. Mr B. Grimmett. PRINTED.

69. Second Reading Bill Pr71, An Act respecting the City of Kitchener and the City of Waterloo. Mr G. Leadston. REPRINTED.

70. Second Reading Bill Pr72, An Act respecting the University of St. Jerome's College. Mr W. Wettlaufer. PRINTED.

71. Second Reading Bill Pr76, An Act respecting the Windsor Utilities Commission and the supply of heat energy within the City of Windsor. Ms S. Pupatello. REPRINTED.







6. Budget Motion. Debated May 7, 8, 9, 13, 1996.

12. Mr Johnson (Don Mills) - Resolution - That, pursuant to Standing Order 46 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order of the House relating to Bill 82, An Act to establish the Family Responsibility Office, protect the interests of children and spouses through the strict enforcement of support orders while offering flexibility to responsible payors and make consequential amendments to certain statutes, when Bill 82 is next called as a government order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the second reading stage of the bill without further debate or amendment, and at such time the bill shall be referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice;

That, the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice shall meet for 3 days to consider the bill as follows: Tuesday, December 3, 1996, at it's regularly scheduled time - following Routine Proceedings until 6:00 p.m., and be authorized to meet following Routine Proceedings Wednesday, December 4, 1996, and Thursday, December 5, 1996, until 9:00 p.m. to consider the bill for public hearings.

That, the Committee be authorized to meet one further day, December 9, 1996, to complete clause-by-clause consideration of the bill. All proposed amendments must be filed with the Clerk of the Committee prior to 12:00 noon on the above noted day. At 5:00 p.m. on that same day, those amendments which have not yet been moved shall be deemed to have been moved and the Chair of the Committee shall interrupt the proceedings and shall, without further amendment or debate, put every question necessary to dispose of all remaining sections of the bill and any amendments thereto. Any divisions required shall be deferred until all remaining questions have been put and taken in succession with one 20 minute waiting period allowed pursuant to Standing Order 128(a);

That, the Committee be authorized to continue to meet beyond 6:00 p.m. on December 9, 1996, if necessary until consideration of clause-by-clause has been completed. The Committee shall report the bill to the House on the first available day following completion of clause-by-clause consideration that reports from committees may be received. In the event that the Committee fails to report the bill on the date provided, the bill shall be deemed to be reported to and received by the House;

That, upon receiving the report of the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice, the Speaker shall put the question for adoption of the report forthwith, which question shall be decided without debate or amendment and at such time the bill shall be ordered for third reading;

That two hours be allotted for the third reading stage of the bill. At the end of that time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of this stage of the bill without further debate or amendment;

That in the case of any division relating to any proceedings on the bill, the division bell shall be limited to 5 minutes and no deferral of any division pursuant to Standing Order 28(g) shall be permitted. November 27, 1996.



2. Mr Tilson - Resolution - Whereas the Liberal Government of Canada has passed Bill C-68, an Act Respecting Firearms and Other Weapons,

and whereas Ontario welcomes real gun control, and supports those portions of Bill C-68 which provide tougher penalties for the criminal use of firearms, new offenses related to firearm smuggling and trafficking, and a ban on para-military weapons,

and whereas existing laws requiring the registration of handguns have done little to reduce the number of crimes committed with hand guns or lower the volume of handguns smuggled into Canada,

And whereas the national gun registration provisions of Bill C-68 will result in a massive misallocation of the limited resources available to law enforcement agencies, with no practical effect on the traffic in illegal firearms, or the use of guns by violent criminals,

And whereas the gun registration provisions of Bill C-68 will take police officers off the street and involve them in bureaucracy rather than fighting crime, and will make the task of real gun control more difficult and dangerous for police officers,

Now be it resolved that the Province of Ontario urge the House of Commons of the Government of Canada to sever from Bill C-68 those provisions for a compulsory registration of all firearms and implement the rest of the bill forthwith, and further, that the House of Commons introduce legislation aimed at real gun control that will include the creation of a national firearm enforcement unit, improve the enforcement of anti-smuggling measures by custom officials at border crossing points, enhance access to the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) computers for Customs officials, and electronically link Canadian police services with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in the United States. October 25, 1995.

6. Mr Wood (Cochrane North) - Resolution - That in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should recognize the uniqueness of northern Ontario, and in that recognition restore the funding cuts made to programs and services in the north so that the citizens of the north are provided with equitable services and programs similar to those provided to other areas of the province. November 21, 1995.

23. Mr Hudak - Resolution - That in the opinion of this House, since government intervention in the economy via regulation has become an increasingly popular policy option; and

since the regulatory burden has increased substantially in the Province of Ontario in the last ten years as a result; and

since the direct costs to government of regulation including monitoring and enforcing regulations are only a small portion of the total regulatory burden; and

since the bulk of the regulatory burden is borne by the private sector and consumers in the form of compliance costs; and

since increased costs of doing business result in higher prices, fewer products or services on the market and a consequent reduction in employment; and

since a reduction in the overall costs of regulation is a goal of the Red Tape Review Commission and the Government of Ontario;

Therefore, the Government of Ontario should design a regulatory envelope such that the total regulatory burden imposed upon private and public sector actors in Ontario will not increase and, should in fact, decrease in a fiscal year. June 11, 1996.

24. Mr Hastings - Resolution - That in the opinion of this House, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Energy should undertake a plan to rebalance environmental protection through strict regulatory mechanisms with other realistic, affordable and workable alternatives; and

since other jurisdictions throughout the world have successfully adopted other complementary market oriented solutions for air and water pollution; and

since the current regulatory system is multifaceted, complex and highly cost inefficient for our economy, the preservation of jobs and our vital health care system; and

since environmental compliance requires new approaches to achieve the ultimate goals of water pollution, prevention and enhanced air quality through balanced regulation and market oriented solutions; and

since the smog problem in urban Ontario requires innovative solutions and in conjunction with the financial services sector, requires a workable system of emission reduction tradable credits combined with absolute liability for the principal players and a new environmental regime for air and water pollution prevention;

Therefore, the Government of Ontario, working in conjunction with the financial services sector, should investigate and subsequently adopt new clean air incentives and strategies to realize the above referenced goals. June 27, 1996.

30. Mr Hastings - Resolution - That in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should undertake measures to improve customer service satisfaction at all levels of government agencies throughout the Ontario Public Service by adopting a Code of Customer Service Standards, thereby leading to a more effective customer service relationship between Ontarians and the Ontario Public Service. October 17, 1996.

34. Mr Cordiano - Resolution - That, in the opinion of this House, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has caused considerable concern and anxiety among the residents of Metropolitan Toronto over the issue of municipal amalgamation; and since enhanced public participation in the decision making process should be a requirement; the Government of Ontario should stop its proposed municipal amalgamation of Metropolitan Toronto until the residents have had an opportunity to participate in a referendum on this issue. December 17, 1996.


(Precedence in accordance with Standing Order 96(d).)


(Ordre de priorité conforme à l'article 96(d) du Règlement.)

Ballot Item Number 55 - To be debated December 19, 1996.

Mr Cordiano - Resolution - That, in the opinion of this House, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has caused considerable concern and anxiety among the residents of Metropolitan Toronto over the issue of municipal amalgamation; and since enhanced public participation in the decision making process should be a requirement; the Government of Ontario should stop its proposed municipal amalgamation of Metropolitan Toronto until the residents have had an opportunity to participate in a referendum on this issue.

Ballot Item Number 56 - To be debated December 19, 1996.

Second Reading Bill 80, An Act to curtail Repeat Offences by Juvenile Delinquents. Mr J. Brown (Scarborough West).

Deuxième lecture Projet de loi 80, Loi visant à inciter les jeunes délinquants à ne pas récidiver. M. J. Brown (Scarborough-Ouest).





Bill 11, An Act to amend the Expropriations Act and the Human Rights Code with respect to property rights. Mr T. Barrett. (Referred November 2, 1995).

Projet de loi 11, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'expropriation et le Code des droits de la personne relativement aux droits de propriété. M. T. Barrett. (Déféré le 2 novembre 1995).

Bill 25, An Act to provide for the Observance of Remembrance Day. Mr D. Boushy. (Referred December 14, 1995).

Projet de loi 25, Loi prévoyant la célébration du jour du Souvenir. M. D. Boushy. (Déféré le

14 décembre 1995).

Bill 83, An Act to amend the Consumer Protection Act. Mr B. Crozier. (Referred October 17, 1996).

Projet de loi 83, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la protection du consommateur. M. B. Crozier. (Déféré le 17 octobre 1996).

Bill 85, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to Impaired Driving Offences. Mrs M. Marland. (Referred October 24, 1996).

Projet de loi 85, Loi modifiant le Code de la route en ce qui concerne les infractions pour conduite avec facultés affaiblies. Mme M. Marland. (Déféré le 24 octobre 1996).

Bill 101, An Act to provide for the Arbitration of certain Disputes relating to Franchises. Mr R. Chiarelli. (Referred December 5, 1996).

Projet de loi 101, Loi prévoyant l'arbitrage de certains différends concernant les franchises. M. R. Chiarelli. (Déféré le 5 décembre 1996).


Bill 89, An Act to amend the Audit Act to improve the accountability of hospitals, school boards, universities and colleges, municipalities and other organizations which receive payments from the government. Mr B. Maves. (Referred November 21, 1996).

Projet de loi 89, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la vérification des comptes publics en vue d'améliorer la responsabilisation au sein des hôpitaux, des conseils scolaires, des universités et des collèges, des municipalités et d'autres organisations qui reçoivent des paiements du gouvernement. M. B. Maves. (Déféré le 21 novembre 1996).


Bill Pr39, An Act respecting Canadian Life Line Limited. Mr M. Kwinter. (Referred November 1, 1995).

Bill Pr46, An Act respecting the Township of Sidney. Mr D. Rollins. (Referred December 11, 1995).

Bill Pr49, An Act respecting the City of Oshawa. Mr J. Flaherty. (Referred December 11, 1995).

Bill Pr64, An Act respecting The National Ballet of Canada. Ms I. Bassett. (Referred June 26, 1996).

Bill Pr73, An Act respecting the City of Ottawa. Mr B. Grandmaître. (Referred December 4, 1996).


Bill 24, An Act to amend the Environmental Protection Act, the Ontario Water Resources Act and the Pesticides Act. Mr B. Wildman. (Referred May 9, 1996).

Projet de loi 24, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la protection de l'environnement, la Loi sur les ressources en eau de l'Ontario et la Loi sur les pesticides. M. B. Wildman. (Déféré le 9 mai 1996).

Bill 78, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act. Mr P. Hoy. (Referred November 28, 1996).

Projet de loi 78, Loi modifiant le Code de la route. M. P. Hoy. (Déféré le 28 novembre 1996).




Bill Pr63, An Act respecting the Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company, Montreal Trust Company of Canada and Montreal Trust Company. Ms I. Bassett (Referred June 18, 1996).



Bill 82, An Act to establish the Family Responsibility Office, protect the interests of children and spouses through the strict enforcement of support orders while offering flexibility to responsible payors and make consequential amendments to certain statutes.

Projet de loi 82, Loi créant le Bureau des obligations familiales, visant à protéger les intérêts des enfants et des conjoints grâce à l'exécution rigoureuse des ordonnances alimentaires tout en offrant une certaine souplesse aux payeurs responsables, et apportant des modifications corrélatives à des lois.

Bill 86, An Act to provide for better local government by updating and streamlining the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act and related statutes.

Projet de loi 86, Loi prévoyant l'amélioration des administrations locales en modernisant et simplifiant la Loi sur les élections municipales, la Loi sur les municipalités et d'autres lois connexes.

Bill 92, An Act to promote road safety by implementing a safety rating system for commercial carriers and other measures to encourage compliance with and improve enforcement of Ontario's road safety laws and to amend various Acts administered by or affecting the Ministry of Transportation.

Projet de loi 92, Loi visant à promouvoir la sécurité routière par la mise en oeuvre d'un programme de cotes de sécurité pour les véhicules de transport utilitaires et d'autres mesures conçues pour favoriser l'observation et améliorer l'application des lois de l'Ontario portant sur la sécurité routière et modifiant diverses lois dont l'application relève du ministère des Transports ou qui le concernent.

Bill 95, An Act to permit shopping on Boxing Day by amending the Retail Business Holidays Act and the Employment Standards Act.

Projet de loi 95, Loi visant à permettre l'ouverture des magasins le lendemain de Noël en modifiant la Loi sur les jours fériés dans le commerce de détail et la Loi sur les normes d'emploi.






Review and report on the matter of Referenda as set out in the Ministry of the Attorney General document.



The Standing Committee on Government Agencies will meet to review intended appointments as follows:

Today 10:00 a.m. Room No. 228

The Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly will meet to consider the matter of Referenda, as follows:

Today 3:30 p.m. Room No. 228

ESTIMATES 1996-1997






Time used in consideration of

all the Estimates 1996-1997 28 hrs. 09 mins.

Time remaining for Concurrence in Supply 6 hrs.

Education and Training (Completed October 1, 1996)

(Reported November 21, 1996)

Health (Completed October 30, 1996)

(Reported November 21, 1996)

Economic Development, Trade and Tourism (Completed November 20, 1996)

(Reported November 21, 1996)

Education and Training (supplementaries only) (Deemed passed November 21, 1996)

(Reported November 25, 1996)

Intergovernmental Affairs (Deemed passed November 21, 1996)

(Reported November 25, 1996)

Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Deemed passed November 21, 1996)

(Reported November 25, 1996)

Transportation (including supplementaries) (Deemed passed November 21, 1996)

(Reported November 25, 1996)

Northern Development and Mines

(including supplementaries) (Deemed passed November 21, 1996)

(Reported November 25, 1996)

Natural Resources (Deemed passed November 21, 1996)

(Reported November 25, 1996)

Office of Francophone Affairs (Deemed passed November 21, 1996)

(Reported November 25, 1996)


(Questions are to appear on the day after they are received and on every subsequent day in that week and then subsequently only on each Monday until an Answer (other than an Interim Answer) is received. A question first appearing on a Thursday will appear on each day of the following week.)


(Les questions seront publiées le jour suivant leur réception et tous les jours de la semaine. Elles seront ensuite publiées tous les lundis jusqu'à ce qu'une réponse autre qu'une réponse provisoire soit reçue. Une question publiée le jeudi pour la première fois sera publiée tous les jours de la semaine suivante.)

761. Mr Agostino - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Community and Social Services provide the codes or the coding system the medical adjudicator uses to distinguish between the different FBA Cases. December 16, 1996.

762. Mr Agostino - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Community and Social Services explain or provide the methodology by which the medical adjudicator classifies Permanently Unemployable (P.U.E) and Severely Disabled individuals. December 16, 1996.

763. Mr Wood (Cochrane North) - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Natural Resources provide data as of October 1, 1996 on the total number of positions eliminated from the ministry from June 1995 to October 1996; the number of ministry positions eliminated from their ministry offices within the riding of Cochrane North and the number of ministry positions transferred out of the riding of Cochrane North; and to which city these jobs were transferred. December 17, 1996.

764. Mr Wood (Cochrane North) - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Northern Development and Mines provide data as of October 1, 1996 on the total number of positions eliminated from the ministry from June 1995 to October 1996; the number of ministry positions eliminated from their ministry offices within the riding of Cochrane North and the number of ministry positions transferred out of the riding of Cochrane North; and to which city these jobs were transferred. December 17, 1996.

765. Mr Wood (Cochrane North) - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Health provide data as of October 1, 1996 on the total number of positions eliminated from the ministry from June 1995 to October 1996; the number of ministry positions eliminated from their ministry offices within the riding of Cochrane North and the number of ministry positions transferred out of the riding of Cochrane North; and to which city these jobs were transferred. December 17, 1996.

766. Mr Wood (Cochrane North) - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Transportation provide data as of October 1, 1996 on the total number of positions eliminated from the ministry from June 1995 to October 1996; the number of ministry positions eliminated from their ministry offices within the riding of Cochrane North and the number of ministry positions transferred out of the riding of Cochrane North; and to which city these jobs were transferred. December 17, 1996.

767. Mr Wood (Cochrane North) - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Community and Social Services provide data as of October 1, 1996 on the total number of positions eliminated from the ministry from June 1995 to October 1996; the number of ministry positions eliminated from their ministry offices within the riding of Cochrane North and the number of ministry positions transferred out of the riding of Cochrane North; and to which city these jobs were transferred. December 17, 1996.

768. Mr Wood (Cochrane North) - Enquiry of the Ministry - Would the Minister of Environment and Energy provide data as of October 1, 1996 on the total number of positions eliminated from the ministry from June 1995 to October 1996; the number of ministry positions eliminated from their ministry offices within the riding of Cochrane North and the number of ministry positions transferred out of the riding of Cochrane North; and to which city these jobs were transferred. December 17, 1996.