Identifies that the information listed is the current state (i.e. a Member is Active when they are currently elected as an MPP, a Member Role is Active when they currently hold the role)

An Act to provide for the dissolution of The Regional Municipality of Peel
Steve Clark sponsor of Bill 112
Status Table
DateBill stageEventOutcomeCommittee
June 8, 2023Royal AssentRoyal Assent received--
June 6, 2023Third ReadingVoteCarried on division-
June 5, 2023Third ReadingQuestion putVote deferred-
June 5, 2023Third ReadingDebated--
June 1, 2023Third ReadingDebatedDebate adjourned-
May 31, 2023Second ReadingOrdered for Third Reading pursuant to the Order of the House--
May 31, 2023Second ReadingDischarge the Order of referral to Committee-Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy
May 31, 2023Second ReadingTime allocated-Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy
May 30, 2023Second ReadingOrdered referred to Standing Committee-Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy
May 30, 2023Second ReadingVoteCarried on division-
May 29, 2023Second ReadingQuestion putVote deferred-
May 29, 2023Second ReadingDebated--
May 18, 2023First ReadingOrdered for Second Reading--
May 18, 2023First ReadingVoteCarried-

An Act to amend the Greenbelt Act, 2005 to impose limitations on the exercise of powers conferred by the Act
Mike Schreiner sponsor of Bill 109
Status Table
DateBill stageEventOutcomeCommittee
May 17, 2023First ReadingOrdered for Second Reading--
May 17, 2023First ReadingVoteCarried-

An Act to amend the Greenbelt Act, 2005 to provide for a prohibition on pits and quarries in the Greenbelt Area and make related amendments
Mike Schreiner sponsor of Bill 111
Status Table
DateBill stageEventOutcomeCommittee
May 17, 2023First ReadingOrdered for Second Reading--
May 17, 2023First ReadingVoteCarried-

An Act to revive League Technique Inc.
Stephanie Bowman sponsor of Bill 22
Status Table
DateBill stageEventOutcomeCommittee
October 26, 2023Royal AssentRoyal Assent received--
October 25, 2023Third ReadingVoteCarried-
October 25, 2023Third ReadingQuestion put--
October 25, 2023Second ReadingOrdered for Third Reading--
October 25, 2023Second ReadingVoteCarried-
October 25, 2023Second ReadingQuestion put--
May 17, 2023First ReadingOrdered for Second Reading--
May 17, 2023First ReadingVoteCarried-