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Displaying 11536 - 11550 of 14003
  1. … RESTRAINT LEGISLATION MOTION ESTIMATES INTRODUCTION OF BILLS ALEX MANOOGIAN CULTURAL CENTRE ACT HUNGARIAN CANADIAN … ACT ORDERS OF THE DAY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF TREASURY AND ECONOMICS The House met at 2 p.m. Prayers. GREY CUP Hon. … Operation Aware, Operation Identification, and You and the Law. Another successful crime prevention program has been …
    House Hansard
  2. … help to improve the quality of life for senior citizens and persons with special needs. It allows them to stay in … On the standing committee on regulations and private bills, Mr Farnan for Mr Ferguson; Mr White for Mr O'Connor; … minority can expect for long to enjoy the advantages of a law that shows such reckless disregard for majority …
    House Hansard
  3. … Jan 2019 / Ven 25 jan 2019 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … almost one third of Canadians can’t afford their current bills and debt repayments. So any kind of movement with … we could fight endlessly against this threat using a law enforcement approach, the long-term solution to mitigate …
    Committee Hansard
  4. … week, we heard from, I think, seven different agencies and groups that were supportive of us making more changes to the Residential Tenancies Act than … the people who live in rental units across this province and who live in units that are in disrepair, of which we …
    Committee Hansard
  5. … BOARD SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY INTRODUCTION OF BILLS SECURITIES ACT BUSINESS CORPORATIONS AMENDMENT ACT … Minister of Housing (Mr. Rhodes), the Premier (Mr. Davis) and the Attorney General (Mr. McMurtry); that is, in view of … retailers mentioned in the letter are complying with the law? Hon. Mr. Kerr: Mr. Speaker, this is the matching …
    House Hansard
  6. … No. 87 No 87 Votes and Proceedings Procès-verbaux Legislative Assembly of … adopté et passage à la troisième lecture. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS DÉPÔT DES PROJETS DE LOI The following Bill was … de l'Ontario français. Mme Gélinas. The following Bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to …
    Votes & Proceedings
  7. … MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING OFFICE OF THE PREMIER CONTENTS Wednesday 21 … signed. The government has committed itself to continue making payments until the unfunded liability has been … by the year 2000-01. We scrapped the unfair job quota law and cut welfare benefits by over 20%. We created our …
    Committee Hansard
  8. … morning. We have permission from Mr Martin to proceed, and that will permit us to start as soon as possible, which … in tourists to the area, I'm sure. In your decision-making around what grants should be approved and not … number of lawyers and actuaries who have association with law firms and insurance companies and the like, so I'm sure …
    Committee Hansard
  9. … May 2024 / Mer 15 mai 2024 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … we have wasted so much time in this Legislature debating bills, going to committee, putting forward good amendments … Just to put it in context, there’s nothing in Ontario in law that requires the owner of the land to be the person …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … May 2024 / Mer 15 mai 2024 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … we have wasted so much time in this Legislature debating bills, going to committee, putting forward good amendments … Just to put it in context, there’s nothing in Ontario in law that requires the owner of the land to be the person …
    Committee Hansard
  11. … no further nominations, I declare nominations closed and Mr. Schein elected Acting Chair of the committee. … of our justice committee, because there are a lot of law-and-order bills that always come through the Parliament. That justice …
    Committee Hansard
  12. … HEALTHCARE SYSTEM CAW ONTARIO HEALTH CARE COUNCIL STEEVES AND ROZEMA NURSING HOMES CINDY RUDDY       The committee met … services provided in a hospital would be free. The money-making potential in home care is huge and the private sector … insurance will not cover anything to do with this law. The introduction of personal liability will make …
    Committee Hansard
  13. … 1 st session   43 e Législature, 1 re session   Votes and Proceedings   Procès-verbaux   No. 86   Nº 86   Tuesday … a suspendu la séance. 3:00 P.M. 15 H Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi The following bills were … should adopt mechanisms for disclosure outlined in Clare's Law to make information relating to intimate partner violence …
    Votes & Proceedings
  14. … Cancer Chiefs of Ontario Nishnawbe Aski Nation Addictions and Mental Health Ontario Association of Family Health Teams … models in long-term care. While we in Ontario require by law that an RN is on-site 24/7, in Finland they have an … take time off work and get the appointment. The physician bills OHIP. They go and get the test. They go back to the …
    Committee Hansard
  15. … NURSES' ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF ONTARIO MUKARRAM ALI ZAIDI       The … the adoption of the report of the subcommittee to commence making any preliminary arrangements to facilitate the … money. Years later, the Ontario government passed a law allowing all pharmacists to do what we regularly did, but …
    Committee Hansard