Paul Calandra headshot

Hon. Paul Calandra

Current roles

  • Commissioner, Board of Internal Economy
  • Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing


Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario

Riding representation


43rd Parliament

– present

42nd Parliament

Dates of service

(General Election) – present

Career details

43rd Parliament (August 8, 2022 – present)

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
– present

Commissioner, Board of Internal Economy
– present

Minister of Long-Term Care

Minister of Legislative Affairs

Government House Leader

42nd Parliament (July 11, 2018 – May 3, 2022)

Minister of Long-Term Care

Minister of Legislative Affairs

Minister Without Portfolio

Government House Leader

Member, Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills

Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (Energy)

Party affiliation(s)

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
– present

Member's expenses