James P. Boyd
Dates of service
1st Parliament
1st Parliament (December 27, 1867 – February 25, 1871 )
Member, Standing Committee on Private Bills
Member, Select Committee to enquire into the circumstances connected with the printing, distribution and posting of Bills 43 and 44
Member, Select Committee to inquire into and report upon the endowment and utility of Upper Canada College and its relationship to the educational system
Member, Standing Committee on Private Bills
Member, Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections
Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 54 (The Jurors and Witnesses Affirmation Act)
Member, Select Committee to consider Bill 14 (registration of births and deaths and marriages)
Member, Select Committee appointed to examine in to the working of the common and grammar school system of Ontario
Member, Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections
Member, Standing Committee on Private Bills
Member, Select Committee Re Petition of the Congregational Union of Canada
Member, Special Committee to consider all petitions praying amendments to the Act Imposing a Tax on Dogs
Member, Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections
Member, Standing Committee on Private Bills
Ontario Liberal Party