Opposition Days 3

43rd Parliament, 1st Session

Motion moved by Jessica Bell on and Removed from the Orders and Notices Paper

Whereas all Ontarians have the right to adequate housing; and 

Whereas to ensure an adequate supply of housing, Ontario must build 1.5 million new market and non-market homes over the next decade; and 

Whereas the for-profit private market by itself will not, and cannot, deliver enough homes that are affordable and meet the needs of Ontarians of all incomes, ages, family sizes, abilities and cultures; and 

Whereas the housing policies of successive PC and Liberal provincial governments have relied almost entirely on the for-profit private market to deliver new housing; and 

Whereas these housing policies have focused on delivering profits for investors, rather than homes for people, and thus have failed to ensure that newly-built homes are actually affordable and meet the needs of all Ontarians; and

Whereas these housing policies have failed to end exclusionary zoning, and have blocked access to affordable and adequate housing options in the neighbourhoods where people want to live; and 

Whereas these policies have encouraged more speculative investment and market bubbles, and have driven up the costs of housing beyond the reach of ordinary Ontarians; and 

Whereas these failed housing policies have put tenants at increased risk of rent gouging, eviction and displacement, and have threatened the inclusivity and vibrancy of growing neighbourhoods; and 

Whereas these failed housing policies will sacrifice more irreplaceable farmland, natural heritage and Greenbelt lands to costly and unsustainable urban sprawl, putting Ontario's food security at risk; 

Therefore, the Legislative Assembly calls on the Government of Ontario to implement a comprehensive housing plan that ensures the right of all Ontarians to adequate housing, including ending exclusionary zoning and enabling access to affordable and adequate housing options in all neighbourhoods; stabilizing housing markets and stopping harmful speculation; establishing a strong public role in the funding, delivery, acquisition and protection of an adequate supply of affordable and non-market homes; protecting tenants from rent gouging and displacement, and ensuring the inclusivity of growing neighbourhoods; and focusing growth efficiently and sustainably within existing urban boundaries, while protecting irreplaceable farmland, wetlands, the Greenbelt and other natural heritage from costly and unsustainable urban sprawl. 

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