Debates and Progress
First Reading
Second Reading
Principal Debaters:
Hon. Sylvia Jones, Ms. Christine Hogarth, Mr. Kevin Yarde
Questions and Comments:
Ms. Judith Monteith-Farrell, Ms. Jane McKenna, Mr. Taras Natyshak, Mr. Sam Oosterhoff
Principal Debaters:
Mr. Kevin Yarde, Mr. Mike Harris
Questions and Comments:
Ms. Christine Hogarth, Mr. Jamie West, Mrs. Belinda C. Karahalios, Mr. Terence Kernaghan
Principal Debaters:
Mr. Mike Harris, Ms. Marit Stiles, Mr. Lorne Coe, Mr. Mike Schreiner, Mr. David Piccini, Mr. Michael Parsa, Ms. Doly Begum, Ms. Jennifer K. French, Ms. Suze Morrison
Questions and Comments:
Mr. Ian Arthur, Ms. Christine Hogarth, Ms. Judith Monteith-Farrell, Mr. Vijay Thanigasalam, Ms. Donna Skelly, Ms. Peggy Sattler, Hon. Jill Dunlop, Mr. Ian Arthur, Ms. Jane McKenna, Mrs. Gila Martow, Ms. Judith Monteith-Farrell, Mr. Rick Nicholls, Ms. Sara Singh, Mr. Wayne Gates, Mr. Dave Smith, Mr. Faisal Hassan, Ms. Laura Mae Lindo, Ms. Jane McKenna, Mr. Sol Mamakwa, Ms. Teresa J. Armstrong, Mr. Randy Pettapiece
Principal Debaters:
Mr. Jeremy Roberts, Ms. Peggy Sattler, Mrs. Gila Martow
Questions and Comments:
Mr. Michael Mantha, Ms. Donna Skelly, M. Guy Bourgouin, Mr. Stephen Crawford, Ms. Goldie Ghamari, Miss Monique Taylor, Mr. David Piccini, Mr. Kevin Yarde, Mrs. Jennifer (Jennie) Stevens
Time Allocation
Hon. Sylvia Jones, Ms. Christine Hogarth, Mr. Gilles Bisson, Mrs. Belinda C. Karahalios, Ms. Peggy Sattler
Mme France Gélinas, Hon. Paul Calandra, Ms. Jennifer K. French
Declared carried.
Vote deferred.
Carried on recorded division. Referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy pursuant to the order of the House.
Standing Committee on Justice Policy
Reported to the House as amended. Ordered for third reading pursuant to the order of the House.
Third Reading
Principal Debaters:
Hon. Paul Calandra, Mr. Kevin Yarde, Ms. Christine Hogarth, Ms. Marit Stiles, Mr. Mike Schreiner, Ms. Goldie Ghamari, Mr. John Vanthof, Mr. Dave Smith, Ms. Doly Begum
Principal Debaters:
Hon. Bill Walker, Mr. Wayne Gates
Declared carried.
Royal Assent
Thursday, December 5, 2019