Debates and Progress
First Reading
Second Reading
Principal Debaters:
Hon. Tracy MacCharles, Mr. Arthur Potts
Questions and Comments:
Mr. Jim McDonell, Ms. Teresa J. Armstrong, Mr. James J. Bradley, Mr. Sam Oosterhoff
Principal Debaters:
Mr. Jeff Yurek, Mr. Wayne Gates, Mr. Vic Dhillon, Mr. Bill Walker, Mr. Bob Delaney, Mrs. Gila Martow, Ms. Catherine Fife, Ms. Ann Hoggarth, Mrs. Liz Sandals, Mr. John Vanthof
Questions and Comments:
Ms. Cindy Forster, Mr. Arthur Potts, Mr. Robert Bailey, Mr. Randy Hillier, Mrs. Cristina Martins, Mr. Percy Hatfield, Mr. Lou Rinaldi, Mr. Randy Pettapiece, Hon. Nathalie Des Rosiers, Mr. John Fraser, Mr. Toby Barrett, Mr. Arthur Potts, Mr. James J. Bradley
Principal Debaters:
Mr. Han Dong, Ms. Sylvia Jones
Questions and Comments:
Mr. Bill Walker, Ms. Catherine Fife, Mr. Mike Colle, Ms. Lisa M. Thompson, Ms. Ann Hoggarth, Mr. Ross Romano, Ms. Teresa J. Armstrong
Time Allocation
Hon. Tracy MacCharles, Mr. Bill Walker, Mr. Taras Natyshak, Miss Monique Taylor, Mr. Jim McDonell, Mr. John Vanthof
April 18, 2018 (Continued)
Vote deferred.
Carried on recorded division.
Vote deferred.
Carried on recorded division. Referred to the Standing Committee on General Government pursuant to the order of the House.
Standing Committee on General Government
Reported to the House as amended. Orderded for third reading pursuant to the order of the House.
Third Reading
Principal Debaters:
Hon. Tracy MacCharles, Mr. Jim McDonell, Ms. Catherine Fife, Mr. Wayne Gates, Mr. Han Dong
Declared Carried.
Royal Assent
Monday, May 7, 2018