Debates and Progress

First Reading

December 11, 2013

Minister's Statement and Ms. Lisa MacLeod and Mr. Peter Tabuns


Second Reading

March 5, 2014

Principal Debaters:

Hon. Bob Chiarelli, Mr. Bob Delaney, Ms. Lisa MacLeod

Questions and Comments:

Mr. John Yakabuski, Miss Monique Taylor, Hon. Brad Duguid, Mr. Rob E. Milligan

March 19, 2014

Principal Debaters:

Ms. Lisa MacLeod, Mr. Peter Tabuns

Questions and Comments:

Mr. Rosario Marchese, Mr. Bob Delaney, Mr. John Yakabuski, Ms. Peggy Sattler.

April 2, 2014

Principal Debaters:

Mr. Michael Prue, Mr. Taras Natyshak

Questions and Comments:

Mr. Shafiq Qaadri, Mr. John O'Toole, Mr. John Vanthof, Hon. Glen R. Murray

Declared Carried. Referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly.


Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly

Third Reading

Royal Assent