Acts affected - Bill 94
Most Ontario public acts are available electronically; to view copies of the Acts to be amended by this bill visit e-laws
Art Gallery of Ontario Act
Audit Act
Bailiffs Act
Business Corporations Act
Collection Agencies Act
Community Care Access Corporations Act, 2001
Condominium Act, 1998
Conservation Authorities Act
Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994
Crown Foundations Act, 1996
Education Act
Education Quality and Accountability Office Act, 1996
Election Finances Act
Electricity Act, 1998
Fairness is a Two-Way Street Act (Construction Labour Mobility), 1999
Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997
George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceraminc Art Act
GO Transit Act, 2001
Hummingbird Performing Arts Centre Corporation Act, 1998
Insurance Act
Labour Relations Act, 1995
Loan and Trust Corporations Act
Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre Corporation Act
Ministry of Energy Act
Mortgage Brokers Act
Motor Vehicle Dealers Act
Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002
Municipal Act, 2001
Municipal Elections Act, 1996
Ontario College of Art & Design Act, 2002
Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act, 1999
Ottawa Congress Centre Act
Real Estate and Business Brokers Act
Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002
Science North Act
Securities Act
Society of Management Accountants of Ontario Act, 1941
Taxpayer Protection Act, 1999
The Chartered Accountants Act, 1956
Toronto Islands Residential Community Stewardship Act, 1993
Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation Act,2002
Travel Industry Act
Travel Industry Act, 2002
Trillium Gift of Life Network Act
University Foundations Act, 1992
University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002
Waterfront Regeneration Trust Agency Act, 1992
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997
Legislative Assembly of Ontario