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  1. … HIGHWAY TRAFFIC AMENDMENT ACT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT AMENDMENT ACT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION … read the statements of the Leader of the Opposition in Hansard and he felt it wasn’t doing anything. I have to … things as the committee may deem necessary for any of its proceedings and deliberations, for which the hon. the Speaker …
    House Hansard
  2. … REPORT BY COMMITTEE STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCTION OF BILL LAPLANTE LITHOGRAPHING … That was last January. Here we are now with this much Hansard and public statements in the press about questions of … whim, believe that they should get involved with emergency debates or what they believe are emergency debates of the …
    House Hansard
  3. … ON GENERAL GOVERNMENT STANDING COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE AND SOCIAL POLICY INTRODUCTION OF BILLS UNIVERSITY OF ONTARIO … you understood there was a problem. To quote you from the Hansard of October 11, "We are looking at this and it is a … Prayer, also called Our Father, has been used to open the proceedings of municipal chambers and the Ontario Legislative …
    House Hansard
  4. … RETAIL STORE HOURS CASINO GAMBLING EXPENDITURE REDUCTION AND NON-TAX REVENUES STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1993 / LOI DE … The leader of the third party -- and I have it right in Hansard here -- said that I was displaying a "partisan, … to get to see how every other member of the Legislature votes on this issue. Mr Perruzza: Give us a sneak preview. Mr …
    House Hansard
  5. … of Bill 179, An Act to promote government efficiency and to improve services to taxpayers by amending or repealing … one it happened to be, but the library is sending up the Hansard from the introduction of the bill and we're going to … in independent health facilities. When one reviews the debates, the Hansard of the day, it was designed specifically …
    House Hansard
  6. … EN FRANÇAIS Mr Grandmaître: The Minister of Community and Social Services spoke on Friday before a meeting of the … notwithstanding that he was rejected by almost 6,000 votes in the last election. He was asked by the local paper … life in a different time. These comments were taken from Hansard just last Thursday 4 April, when we were debating …
    House Hansard
  7. … Members’ Statements Mid-Autumn Moon Festival Bankruptcy and insolvency law Terry Fox Day Henry and Barb Lansink … and he tries very hard to avoid personal attacks in debates. He’s respectful, courteous and sticks to the issues, … I’ll be happy to have my remarks cross-checked through Hansard. I think that particularly on a day when we saluted …
    House Hansard
  8. … has become involved in three projects: Syncrude, Polar Gas and the use of byproduct heat from the Bruce and Pickering … of the media after the question period. Mr. S. Smith: Hansard will show you promised a statement. Hon. Mr. Parrott: … minister. Hon. Mr. Drea: No, you didn’t. Mr. Swart: Check Hansard. Hon. Mr. Drea: Mr. Speaker, I give him the benefit …
    House Hansard
  9. … constitutional committee was convened some year or year and a half ago now, the primary focus of the members of that … of Commons. In order to reach the threshold of getting 42 votes or 50% of the votes in the Senate of Canada or the … could I seek a clarification through you or through Hansard? Did the member say March 1991? What was the date he …
    House Hansard
  10. … BAY PROPERTY READMISSIONS TO ONTARIO HOSPITALS HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARDS AT ELLIOT LAKE CITY OF BELLEVILLE ACT ST. … thing I would say to the member is if she would read in Hansard the question she asked the other day and read the … knowledge, their people have not refused to appear in debates. They do express the reservation that they have …
    House Hansard
  11. … Moonbeam, Mattice, Moosonee, Morley-Pattullo, McCrosson and Tovell, Nakina, Opasatika, Pickle Lake, Rainy River, … debate, the minister was about to respond. I quote from Hansard at page 2166: "Hon. Mr. Bernier: My response will be … cannot have it both ways. I remember reading something in Hansard at one time, I cannot remember who said it now, but …
    House Hansard
  12. … USE OF FIREARMS EVICTION OF TENANT OCCUPIERS’ LIABILITY AND TRESPASS BILLS SAFETY CAR INTRODUCTION OF BILLS GAME AND … of the member for Ottawa East (Mr. Roy), on page 1013 of Hansard, dated April 22, there was a notation that we, from … the honourable member is not here, but I can recall some debates on it. In fact, I think we had the pleasure of being …
    House Hansard
  13. … INSURANCE INFORMATION ORAL QUESTIONS UNEMPLOYMENT GAS AND OIL SUPPLIES USE OF ASBESTOS IN SCHOOLS FORD CASTING … to the privileges of all members. I have checked the draft Hansard today to determine the comment. The member was … process. Mr. Nixon: That’s the best explanation for buying votes I ever heard. 11:50 a.m. Mr. Ashe: Yes, we can be …
    House Hansard
  14. … distance the public from the institutions that govern them and further fuels the widely held conviction that government … concerned, because over the years we in our party have had debates, as I am sure the third party has, about how exactly … their fellow legislators debated the issue. Right there in Hansard it will say that the reason the price went up was …
    House Hansard
  15. … on motion: Bill 18, An Act to amend the Dog Licensing and Livestock and Poultry Protection Act. Bill 19, An Act … how the bill would operate. I will quote him from Hansard. I asked the minister, "Is the Solicitor General … with any minority community, be my guest. Mr. Philip: Votes of confidence were made by the groups that came before …
    House Hansard