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  1. … BY THE MINISTRY FAMILY BENEFITS GUIDELINES FISH TESTING AND INFORMATION PROGRAM ORAL QUESTIONS JAIL REMANDS MINAKI … American continent will be fully assessed during those debates. I would also like to draw the attention of the … but a secret about it. I am sure if the member reads Hansard it will verify that. As to why the union involved and
    House Hansard
  2. … We have the mayor of Brooke-Alvinston, Don McGugan, and his wife, Anne; and we have Councillor Frank Nemcek, all … can tell you is that—perhaps I will quote, actually, from Hansard. This is in March 2007, debating Bill 171. The … normal procedure. Thank you. There have been no deferred votes. This House stands recessed until 1 p.m. this …
    House Hansard
  3. … ONTARIO RENTAL HOUSING TRIBUNAL SMALL BUSINESS ARTS AND CULTURAL FUNDING REMEMBRANCE DAY GUELPH OVERPASS TAKE OUR … They were made in reply to a Mr Lyons in those same court proceedings. It is not the opposition raising this out of the … all at once. Let me quote David Cooke of the NDP from Hansard way back in 1990: "As of 31 March 1990, 323,000 …
    House Hansard
  4. … PRIVATE MEMBERS' PUBLIC BUSINESS HEALTH CARE FINGERPRINTS AND PHOTO-IMAGES HEALTH CARE FINGERPRINTS AND PHOTO-IMAGES … is taken, on the expiration of three months after all proceedings in respect to the appeal have been completed." … the intention to obtain an injunction." That's in April 28 Hansard of this year. What the Attorney General neglected to …
    House Hansard
  5. … REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS STANDING COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT … in this House, let me remind the Premier, and he can check Hansard with respect to these facts, that in 1985 we raised … I have not made it a practice of participating in many debates of this kind in the past four years but I …
    House Hansard
  6. … 15 jun 1976 INAUGURATION OF COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE CEASE AND DESIST ORDER CONSUMER PRODUCTS WARRANTIES ACT HOSPITAL … of Culture and Recreation. I understood, and I have the Hansard here from last week, that the minister said that all … before the election. While we criticized it during the debates at that time for being somewhat imprecise, the …
    House Hansard
  7. … p.m. Prayers. Hon. S. B. Handleman (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations): Mr. Speaker, in the absence of the … far as Ottawa students are concerned. In looking over the Hansard it became apparent the best thing to do would be to … trying to understand it They never participate in these debates. Surely they must squirm to think they have …
    House Hansard
  8. … MATERIALS CHILDREN’S HEALTH SERVICES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS CITY … has been debated for a long period of time. Good Lord, the debates are all there. Our members have been putting forward … he likes to tuck himself into bed and lie there and read Hansard, so he can get caught up on anything he might miss …
    House Hansard
  9. … Mercredi 1 er avril 2009 ORDERS OF THE DAY GREATER TORONTO AND HAMILTON AREA TRANSIT IMPLEMENTATION ACT, 2009 / LOI DE … that they are not listening—but they can get a copy of Hansard, so that reassures me. The smart card will allow them … Arthurs: It's always interesting to rise when we have our debates. It reminds me of that old political axiom: "Some of …
    House Hansard
  10. … GRANTS RENT REVIEW FARM INCOME STABILIZATION PLAN OIL AND GAS PRICES PREMIUMS TAX ON INSURANCE COMPANIES G.A.I.N.S. … years, my estimates have been in standing committee; the debates on the various votes are somewhat more freewheeling … minister in this department. He said, and I quote him from Hansard of April 1 -- whether that date is significant or not …
    House Hansard
  11. … Hon Brian Coburn (Associate Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing): I move that the Minister of Finance be … bits and pieces, he can, because it will be available in Hansard, and there'll be minions of one sort or another … campaign going on. I understand. I went to one of their debates. I understand as well why nobody else in the province …
    House Hansard
  12. … consideration of Bill 68, An Act for the establishment and conduct of a Project in the Municipality of Metropolitan … This Solicitor General is interested in what will get him votes, and it is obvious he has used his judicial authority … city. My colleague has brought me a report. I have the Hansard of the standing committee on administration of …
    House Hansard
  13. … The books are closed, in effect, at the end of April, and the figures are available to various ministries by May … or seven or eight -- I have forgotten, it’s all here in Hansard -- we are going to spend all this money. Well, the … the opposition which stands or falls on the basis of the votes which take place. It’s the government’s responsibility …
    House Hansard
  14. … up with a few other areas that are of great concern to us and I’ll by not to take any more time than I have to. One of … -- Mr. Singer: There is something about these evening debates that’s most edifying. Mr. Peterson: Particularly if … to deal with this problem, I want to quote to you from Hansard on November 23, 1976. I asked the Treasurer a …
    House Hansard
  15. … of the province for the year ending March 31, 1989, and recommends them to the Legislative Assembly. That is … This action is intended to protect vacant buildings during debates on the new legislation. I am notifying all … it. He had something more to say. I wish we could have had Hansard there to record his words, because his words would be …
    House Hansard