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Displaying 136 - 150 of 7370
  1. … Hon. Leona Dombrowsky (Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs): I move that, pursuant to standing order … the television at 7 o'clock at night, watch some of the debates we're having. This bill, because it is what I … was to cut it. In fact, I just went back and got out Hansard from 1961, where it talked there about the fact that …
    House Hansard
  2. … MUNICIPAL ASSESSMENTS ORAL QUESTIONS STATUS OF GREYMAC AND SEAWAY ECONOMIC PROJECTIONS JOB CREATION METRO CHILDREN'S … does not understand what has happened. If he checks Hansard he will find an indication that he was prepared at … discussing per capita costs, on page 1440-2 of the Instant Hansard I said "$135.17 a day." Obviously the per capita is …
    House Hansard
    House Hansard
  4. … with the added burden of the Minister of Agriculture and Food's warning that there would be no additional … Speaker (Hon David Warner): Before continuing with routine proceedings, last Wednesday the member for Simcoe West, Mr … of the House. I have since had the opportunity to review Hansard for last Wednesday and for April 21, together with …
    House Hansard
  5. … District Health Council as three days for inpatients and two weeks for outpatients as maximum waiting periods. The … will read this into the record, and I can provide this to Hansard, if indeed it requires it, but his appearance was on … in the House to listen to one of the most important debates facing this province, and they do not care. That has …
    House Hansard
  6. … that it could go to 25 cents this year, 35 cents next year and 45 cents the following year, so that in three years it … was being very honest -- said, and it’s on the record in Hansard, “I was never persuaded from the outset it was really … appear that the person who receives the greatest number of votes should have the opportunity to sit on council or not, …
    House Hansard
  7. … of the Treasury Board of Ontario as assistant secretary and in 1963 was promoted to full secretary. In May 1971, he … if my office does not already have it. Mrs. Campbell: Ask Hansard. Hon. Mr. McMurtry: I don’t know whether Hansard has … we have committee rooms which are capable of having public debates. As you know, we have had to use the NDP caucus room …
    House Hansard
  8. … students from the Pinewood Senior Public School at Dryden, and later on we had 21 grade 8 students from the Keewatin … last night, but I have conscientiously read the entire Hansard proceedings of last night. That’s quite a contrast -- … others of us are subjected during the course of these debates. It won’t get you off the hook though. Your friend, …
    House Hansard
  9. … QUESTIONS FOOD BANKS RENT REGULATION ELECTRICITY DEMAND AND SUPPLY RETAIL STORE HOURS PEOPLE WITH BRAIN INJURIES … Therefore, I would have to take a look at written Hansard and electronic Hansard, which I will do. Instant … made it, hopefully, with the balance that should go into debates of this nature, where we have to really have an …
    House Hansard
  10. … SHORELINE PROTECTION HIGHWAY SAFETY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY LIBERAL-NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY ACCORD HIGHWAY … insurance. May I remind him of what he said, according to Hansard: "I disagree with the member when he says they will … (Mr. Swan), and in the afternoon, three committee debates concerning conflict of interest, order numbers 52, 54 …
    House Hansard
  11. … ORDERS OF THE DAY ONTARIO TAX PLAN FOR MORE JOBS AND GROWTH ACT, 2009 / LOI DE 2009 SUR LE PLAN FISCAL DE … that the NDP proposed that we accepted. If you check Hansard, you will see where I said, as a parliamentary … tell you anything about any of these bills because nobody debates any more outside of this room. If people are not …
    House Hansard
  12. … L035b - Tue 5 Dec 1995 / Mar 5 Déc 1995 SAVINGS AND RESTRUCTURING ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 SUR LES ÉCONOMIES … you know, you have to consult the record. Have a look at Hansard and see what it says so that you have a straight … to the fact that in the Instant Hansard record of the proceedings of the day, with the Minister of Health in the …
    House Hansard
  13. … ROBERT J. WATSON PRODUCT CERTIFICATION SCHOOL OPENING AND CLOSING EXERCISES HOSPITAL SERVICES HOSPITAL FUNDING … parties. Unfortunately, I cannot extract from the Instant Hansard, of which I have just received a copy, exactly where … sit down here at the seat of power in Ontario and carry on debates on Sundays. Mr. Miller: It will put the power back …
    House Hansard
  14. … of the province for the year ending March 31, 1981, and recommends them to the Legislative Assembly, Toronto, … immediately. Mr. Speaker: Order. Subject to my checking Hansard to be absolutely certain what it was I heard, I think … of the standing committee on administration of justice. In Votes and Proceedings for Friday, March 14, 1980, the …
    House Hansard
  15. … FOR SENIORS KAKABEKA FALLS PREMIER OF ONTARIO DRINKING AND DRIVING VIDEO LOTTERY TERMINALS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND … a dozen people in this province who subscribed to the Hansard debates of the Legislature. At that time you could go to the …
    House Hansard