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  1. … of Bill 169, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act and to amend and repeal various other statutes in respect of … her comments. I'd encourage the people of Ontario to read Hansard, to see the performance here tonight, that yelling … But really, where you feel your principles and your debates meet your standards, you would force the legislation. …
    House Hansard
  2. … PAN AM GAMES TAXATION FLU IMMUNIZATION MEDICAL RESEARCH AND INNOVATION DAIRY INDUSTRY REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING … the member for Carlton—Mississippi Mills, said—it's in Hansard: "The Ontario government should harmonize its … be debated at 6 p.m. tomorrow. There being no deferred votes, this House stands recessed until 1 p.m. The House …
    House Hansard
  3. … DISEASE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S BROCHURE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MINISTRY OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CHIEF WEBB ENGSTROM … that this is one of the most difficult and complicated debates to engage this nation in some considerable period of … answer to question 69 standing in Orders and Notices [see Hansard for Tuesday, December 29]. ORDERS OF THE DAY TRADE …
    House Hansard
  4. … Orders of the day. The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Hon Brian Coburn (Minister of Agriculture, … said in this place on a number of occasions in different debates that it doesn't matter what great structural changes … of Finance, Ernie Eves, and he suggested, and I think Hansard will show that the member from St Catharines …
    House Hansard
  5. … MINING INDUSTRY LABOUR LEGISLATION HARASSMENT AND DISCRIMINATION POLICIES VOLUNTEERS ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS … positive quotes came forward that I was pleased to see in Hansard. Dan Patterson, the president of Niagara College, at … the House and here for third reading today. In reviewing Hansard, I noticed two main arguments that had come from …
    House Hansard
  6. … MOYENNANT RÉMUNÉRATION) STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY ELECTRICITY SUPPLY YOUTH … no, you've got to stay, Dwight, or else I'll send you the Hansard. I'm sending you the Hansard, I'm telling you. There … about it, but I've been convinced. I try to enter these debates with an open mind, and unless I hear a convincing …
    House Hansard
  7. … RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TOURISM ESTIMATES INTRODUCTION OF BILLS CHILDREN’S … to fall all over themselves in running for the tenants’ votes while we try and find a solution to the problem. Mr. S. … and Food be recorded, transcribed and printed by Hansard in the format of the daily House Hansard. Motion …
    House Hansard
  8. … EMPLOYMENT ON INDIAN RESERVES RENT INCREASES CANCER AND ASBESTOS LACK OF COURT FACILITIES NUCLEAR REFINERY SITE … cannot follow that; so I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until Hansard is printed. I’ll get the Ministry of Government … We have even developed new procedures for legislative debates -- though it wasn’t evident this afternoon -- but for …
    House Hansard
  9. … Jeudi 30 mars 2006 PRIVATE MEMBERS' PUBLIC BUSINESS ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION MANDATORY DECLARATION ACT, 2006 / LOI DE … issue, that this is not something we should have political debates about, but because it's the right thing to do, they … He carried on, and he looked sincere, for the purposes of Hansard: "`Mr. Duncan has inserted a level of cynicism into …
    House Hansard
  10. … paid by foreign students in the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology and the provincially-assisted universities. In … House yesterday, if the hon. member would like to check Hansard -- Mr. Singer: No. No. Hon. W. Newman: -- but I would … it, and I don’t really believe that at the time when the debates took place, anybody was under any illusion about it. …
    House Hansard
  11. … STABILITY IN THE INDUSTRIES OF FILM, TELEVISION, RADIO AND NEW MEDIA ACT, 2010 / LOI DE 2010 SUR LA STABILITÉ DE LA … reason for that $7.8-billion number—I will refer him to Hansard for last week; I gave him the answer to that. What … promised by 2020. Speaker, you get to sit in on a lot of debates, and you have, obviously, a great deal of patience …
    House Hansard
  12. … As members are aware, the Metro goal was $16.7 million and this has been exceeded by $54,000. I’m equally sure … not give them one lump sum grant from the two present votes which are made to them and allow them to decide how … would be proper if it’s important to have the question in Hansard today. If the member puts the question to me, I’ll be …
    House Hansard
  13. … members that we will carry on with the question period; and 28 minutes has been used up of the original 60. Mr. … Speaker: Before we were so rudely interrupted by all the proceedings this afternoon, I think I was up on a … of Intergovernmental Affairs (Mr. Wells) read it in Hansard and come back and give the community its fair share. …
    House Hansard
  14. … successful last year in promoting Canadian authored hooks and Canadian magazines to the public of Ontario, began on … the original act which is now in place, and I quote from Hansard, page 5458, December 7, 1976: “There is no law which … to be talking almost as was the case in similar previous debates in this House when the honourable members were …
    House Hansard
  15. … that subsection 3 of section 4 of the bill be struck out and the following inserted in lieu thereof: “3. Where a … in the copy we have before us and as it’s been read into Hansard. If the minister wishes to amend it we can amend it … vote the same way as the member for Sarnia (Mr. Bullbrook) votes. Where is the member for Sarnia? Mr. Chairman: Order, …
    House Hansard