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Displaying 1261 - 1275 of 7370
  1. … the Management of Waste in the Greater Toronto Area and to amend the Environmental Protection Act / Projet de loi … nothing. Was that just hyperbole? Is that how they get votes? Is that how they become the government of the day? Is … been watching and those who take the opportunity to read Hansard will feel that it perhaps also generated some light. …
    House Hansard
  2. … INFLIGÉS À DES MINEURS DANS LA RÉGION DE CORNWALL CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES AMENDMENT ACT, 2000 / LOI DE 2000 … GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND AIR QUALITY VISITORS DEFERRED VOTES TECHNICAL STANDARDS AND SAFETY ACT, 1999 / LOI DE 1999 … in this post-Watergate era, but I've read and re-read the Hansard transcripts of Donald MacDonald here in this …
    House Hansard
  3. … SAFETY OF PUBLIC BUILDING SALES TAX ON TOURISM AND INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMMERCIAL VEHICLE LICENCES DISPOSAL OF … the names mentioned by the member for Hamilton East from Hansard and will ask the Ontario Provincial Police to … to be administered by the Ministry of Health. During the debates on supplementary estimates both the member for …
    House Hansard
  4. … AGENCY SPENDING AGENCY SPENDING TAXATION ONTARIO LOTTERY AND GAMING CORP. WASTE DISPOSAL EASTERN ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT … for question period has ended. There being no deferred votes, this House stands recessed until 1 p.m. this … (Hon. Steve Peters): I will ensure that copies of the Hansard are sent to you, Mrs. Gaunt, and your family as a …
    House Hansard
  5. … the 45th Mississauga Cub Pack with Akela Mr. Len Stewart, and his assistants Mr. Bower, Mr. Van Bergen and Mr. Johnson, … House, Mr. Speaker, because he almost always is for these debates. The idea that a farm that is an operating concern … As a matter of fact, Mr. Speaker, I am reading the instant Hansard of the member for Riverdale’s speech right now, and
    House Hansard
  6. … 2014 Mardi 29 avril 2014 ORDERS OF THE DAY STRENGTHENING AND IMPROVING GOVERNMENT ACT, 2014 / LOI DE 2014 SUR LE … wife, Nancy. I say to his kids—hopefully they’ll see the Hansard someday—I think the highest praise we can give to a … Indian thing. When I’ve been hearing about these pension debates, that’s the memory I always have, of my grandfather …
    House Hansard
  7. … Lun 16 jun 1975 LAKE ONTARIO SWIMS ASSISTANCE TO WHITEDOG AND GBASSY NARROWS RESERVES ENERGY PRICES JAILING OF … the last 18 months. No one who took part in the historic debates of December, 1973; or who was at the Maple Leaf … change of attitude. All you have to do is go back to Hansard, Mr. Speaker, and read the words of those Tories over …
    House Hansard
  8. … STATEMENTS LOW-ALCOHOL PRODUCTS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ALZHEIMER'S PATIENTS AUTO PACT MISSISSAUGA … 401 and 449, and the interim answer to question 404 [ssee Hansard for Monday, November 24]. ORDERS OF THE DAY TOWN OF … ce moment, une traduction en anglais, pour les dossiers de Hansard, des remarques en français lors des débats sur ce …
    House Hansard
  9. … CITIZENS ENVIRONMENT AWARDS ANNUAL REPORT, INFORMATION AND PRIVACY COMMISSIONER, 1992 SOCIAL CONTRACT TRANSPORTATION … quote the Honourable Mr Charlton from the April 20, 1993, Hansard: "Ministers without portfolio have been specifically … raised two weeks ago what has happened with third reading debates is because third reading debates become a very …
    House Hansard
  10. … CORP HEALTH CARE FUNDING ONTARIO REALTY CORP IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE POLICY OAK RIDGES MORAINE PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY … the minister said he did not know the exact dates, and in Hansard he's quoted as saying, "I'll get that for you." Can I … have already served notice that you will commence court proceedings, that if the appeal board grants Lisa additional …
    House Hansard
  11. … PARTY GOVERNMENT'S RECORD SPECIAL REPORT, INFORMATION AND PRIVACY COMMISSIONER INTRODUCTION OF BILLS CORPORATIONS … agreement already exists, such as scrums and, of course, Hansard as per the traditions of this House. Mr Tim Hudak … Nobody went to a doctor lightly. 1640 I remember those debates. I remember those hushed, muted arguments, and I …
    House Hansard
  12. … STATEMENTS FIREFIGHTERS SERVICES FOR ABUSED WOMEN ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE GREY CUP TVONTARIO CONTROL OF SMOKING YOUNG … on October 17 I asked you a question, and I'm quoting from Hansard: "What I would ask from you today is for a commitment … of Health. The parents of the child are watching the proceedings -- The Speaker: That's great, but what's your …
    House Hansard
  13. … REPORTS BY COMMITTEES STANDING COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE AND SOCIAL POLICY INTRODUCTION OF BILLS NIPISSING UNIVERSITY … bill on December 4, when there's only one week left of debates and you've got 21 bills in the hopper to debate in … of -- and I'm prepared to stand corrected if there's a Hansard that says otherwise -- to my knowledge not one of …
    House Hansard
  14. … OSHAWA GENERALS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AMENDMENT ACT DEATH OF DONALD G. DAVIS … there will be consultation as to whether criminal proceedings should follow. CURRICULUM GUIDELINES Mr. Bradley: … question in there, Mr. Speaker, if you will verify it from Hansard. Mr. Speaker: Yes, but then you went on. Mr. Boudria: …
    House Hansard
  15. … ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES LEGISLATION NIAGARA GRAPE AND WINE FESTIVAL MOTIONS HOUSE SITTINGS PIERRE ELLIOTT … for their participation. We will ensure that copies of the Hansard go to the family members. ORAL QUESTIONS AGRICORP Mr … government. If you take a look at the development and the debates and the early discussions, especially around the US …
    House Hansard