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Displaying 1231 - 1245 of 7370
  1. … INCOME TAX AMENDMENT ACT THIRD READINGS EMPLOYEES’ HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT FUNDS FOR SPECIAL FACILITIES The House resumed … nothing, in principle, that is wrong with stacking certain votes and not stacking other votes. I find the alternative in … 1(b). I want to say this, if I may, and I quote from Hansard on second reading -- Mr. Wildman: Try Shakespeare. …
    House Hansard
  2. … VISITOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC AMENDMENT ACT (DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT), 1993 / LOI DE 1993 MODIFIANT LE CODE DE LA ROUTE … rather interesting to go back a little bit and to re-read Hansard and what the opinion then was both of the third … the 69th through the 80th orders. We would move to those debates as a unit. There would be no votes until the end of …
    House Hansard
  3. … GOVERNMENT AGENCIES INTRODUCTION OF BILLS WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE AMENDMENT ACT, 2006 / LOI DE 2006 MODIFIANT LA … No, I just wanted to be able to send them a copy of Hansard when I visit them in January. But secondarily, my son … and limited. If you look back over Hansard, we'll have debates twice a day for a few hours on, say, two different …
    House Hansard
  4. … at 1332. Prayers. ESTIMATES Hon Floyd Laughren (Treasurer and Minister of Economics): I have a message from the … be your personal effects. Today -- and I haven't seen the Hansard -- the Attorney General is now suggesting that there … and so we go from 4 until 6. That's two hours during which debates can take place, four days a week. Just follow me on …
    House Hansard
  5. … TO FARMERS MENTAL HEALTH WORKERS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY TERMITE CONTROL MOTIONS PRIVATE … with stacking? Mr Eves: I have no problem with stacking votes on amendments with respect to this particular piece of … him that specific information. If indeed I said so, maybe Hansard will indicate same. Having said that, I will …
    House Hansard
  6. … the Mayo report was produced in October 1976. All councils and public were given a chance to react to that report. On … on those locations. When we consider that 17 of the 30 votes on the Niagara region council are from municipalities … validity to that rule. It states here, and I read from Hansard at page 590: “Additionally, a member who calls for …
    House Hansard
  7. … Restraint of Compensation in the Public Sector of Ontario and the Monitoring of Inflationary Conditions in the Economy … following along. Mr. Renwick: The member will find it in Hansard on September 21 or 22 in the statement by the … reported progress. The House adjourned at 10:35 p.m. … Hansard Transcripts 1982-Dec-02 …
    House Hansard
  8. … ACT ONTARIO WILDERNESS GUIDES ASSOCIATION ACT WILD ANIMAL AND REPTILE SANCTUARIES ACT FAMILY BENEFITS AMENDMENT ACT … future for our constitution without being limited by the debates of the past 10 to 15 years. I think we must build. My … to the honourable member. I will now go and try to get the Hansard as quickly as I can, and I will stand corrected if …
    House Hansard
  9. … want to reiterate two of the things I’ve already said and mention one important new aspect, at least from my point … to square one by political charades, that will make the proceedings of this House the laughingstock of Canada. I … have the same vote as before? Mr. Lewis: We want this in Hansard. [11:00] Mr. Speaker: All right, we will place the …
    House Hansard
  10. … of some facilities in the existing high school building and the preservation of a culturally secure educational … said, and I quote from page J-334 of the justice committee Hansard: “Mr. Swart, in order to clear the air on toilet … in the standing orders, there is a five-minute hell for debates of this nature and the bells will start ringing at …
    House Hansard
  11. … ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS AVIAN EMBLEM ACT, 1994 / LOI DE 1994 SUR … time with the mayors all being on and all having full votes. The other part of that amendment is that those mayors … of the crown and representing the government, reading from Hansard and then putting her own spin on what I meant when I …
    House Hansard
  12. … LEGISLATION CHILD ABUSE EXTRA BILLING NIAGARA GRAIN AND FEED BANKRUPTCY ACTIVITIES OF REGIONAL CHAIRMAN LENGTH OF … member has identified the woman. I noticed that in Hansard yesterday. Mr. Nixon: That is not the issue. Hon. Mr. … in preparing legislation, particularly when I think of debates we had here last evening, where it took the …
    House Hansard
  13. … Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to introduce to you and to the hon. members of this House, 40 grade 10 students … I know the question was asked yesterday but if you look in Hansard, due to interjections the minister didn’t get a … the member for Ottawa Centre was truly listening in those debates, he would have heard some of these things also; that …
    House Hansard
  14. … discussing the estimates of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Are there any further comments from the critic of … know whether I said it last year, and I haven’t searched Hansard, but I am sure I must have thought of it but didn’t … you when: March 17 of this year -- and I’m quoting from Hansard: Mr. E. W. Martel (Sudbury East): We should socialize …
    House Hansard
  15. … budget debate, I want first to extend my congratulations and best wishes to the new team who have been given the … are only three present right now, let it be recorded in Hansard -- do not understand. When I toured the campuses of … He never listens. An hon. member: Send him a copy of Hansard. Hon. Mr. Drea: Let the record show he is. Mr. …
    House Hansard