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Displaying 12196 - 12210 of 14003
  1. … Dave Smith: It gives me a great deal of pleasure to rise and speak to this bill on behalf of my good friend from … through third reading, and we look forward to it becoming law. I just want to conclude by saying that, as I talked … I’m the whip and I’m here Thursdays, I end up talking to bills that sometimes I’m not that interested in, honestly, …
    House Hansard
  2. … REPORT, PROVINCIAL AUDITOR, 1992 MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES CONTENTS Wednesday 20 January 1993 Annual … I very much appreciate your concerns. We think we're making some movement in that direction. Mr Andre … was done in 1987 by the Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family. There are just three very short points …
    Committee Hansard
  3. … Mercredi 13 octobre 2004 MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING The committee met at 1527 in room 151. MINISTRY … Act and replace it with an effective tenant protection law. Our law will protect tenants by making unfair rent increases illegal. We will encourage the …
    Committee Hansard
  4. … 1 st SESSION 43 e LÉGISLATURE, 1 re SESSION Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 110 N° 110 Thursday … Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Government Bills Dépôt de projets de loi du gouvernement Introduction of … M93. Third Reading of Bill 93 , An Act to enact Joshua's Law (Lifejackets for Life), 2023. Goldie Ghamari. Printed. …
    Orders & Notices
  5. … No. 60 N o 60 Votes and Proceedings Procès-verbaux Legislative Assembly of … Section 1 Section 1 Legislation Projets de loi Public Bills Index Index des Projets de Loi d'Intérêt Public … Bill 64, Technology for Classrooms Tax Credit Statute Law Amendment Act, 2002/Loi de 2002 modifiant des lois en vue …
    Votes & Proceedings
  6. … you to elect a Chair. Pursuant to standing order 117(c) and the sessional paper that was tabled in the House on … into the business of redacting its documents as we’re making requests, we’re setting a precedent, and I don’t like … that are out in the public, that the Clerk is required by law to exhibit as public documents—this would allow you to …
    Committee Hansard
  7. … the Ministry of Energy. There are a total of eight hours and 28 minutes remaining. Before we resume consideration of … Is there a penalty— Hon. Bob Chiarelli: It would be the law that they’re required to do it. Mr. Peter Tabuns: And … That’s going to be $1.1 billion more onto the hydro bills. When you’re calculating your increases this year—and I …
    Committee Hansard
  8. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 78 No 78 1st Session … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals. Hon. … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by …
    Orders & Notices
  9. … 2016 / Jeu 1er déc 2016 STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES RÈGLEMENTS ET DES PROJETS DE LOI … health care. Bill 9, when passed into legislation and law, will place the control of stroke treatment, regardless …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … instance, the House leader being here, with anticipation and all these -- Mr. I. Deans (Wentworth): You and your 10 … opinion? I disagree with it. Mr. Deans: Don’t we pay the bills? Mr. Shulman: Okay. I will not pursue you further on … there is good evidence to show it is not only subject to a law of diminishing returns, but perhaps a negative effect …
    House Hansard
  11. … D'ALLÉGEANCE DES DÉPUTÉS À L'ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE ORDER AND DECORUM CONDUCT OF BUSINESS CONTENTS Wednesday 17 April … There's a famous legal expression, "Hard cases make bad law." I don't know if that has any bearing here, but it puts … so sure about the timing of this and of the point that I'm making. You may well say that Mr Bartolucci was on the …
    Committee Hansard
  12. … 21 février 2012 ORDERS OF THE DAY ATTRACTING INVESTMENT AND CREATING JOBS ACT, 2012 / LOI DE 2012 VISANT À ATTIRER … RECORD TABLING OF SESSIONAL PAPERS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS MAJOR-GENERAL SIR ISAAC BROCK DAY ACT, 2012 / LOI DE … Janet’s daughter, and Michael Hawkins, Janet’s son-in-law. Welcome. Mr. Kevin Daniel Flynn: Joining us today in the …
    House Hansard
  13. … mai 2007 EDUCATION AMENDMENT ACT (PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE AND SCHOOL SAFETY), 2007 LOI DE 2007 MODIFIANT LA LOI SUR … are just expressing their opinions on it. Mr. Marchese: Making a case to you. The Chair: Yes. Mr. Klees asked for … "(b) the pupil's discipline history." It simply says in law that they will do that automatically, rather than …
    Committee Hansard
  14. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 212 No 212 1st … Reports by Committees Rapports de comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi Statements by the Ministry and … how many price-gouging complaints have been referred to law enforcement and specify if any charges have been laid. …
    Orders & Notices
  15. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 215 No 215 1st … Reports by Committees Rapports de comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi Statements by the Ministry and … how many price-gouging complaints have been referred to law enforcement and specify if any charges have been laid. …
    Orders & Notices