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  1. … HIGHWAY HELP PROGRAM VISITORS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY LEGISLATION NATURAL … support plan for the following reasons," which I read into Hansard yesterday. It summarizes by saying, "We hereby … for the tone. I think it has been one of the most positive debates and discussions we have had in this place in the last …
    House Hansard
  2. … under the Anti-Inflation Act guidelines is 11.4 per cent; and the City of Sarnia has proceeded to pay this amount. I am advised that the firefighters have instituted legal proceedings to enforce payment of increases to the full … McMurtry: I would suggest the hon. member opposite check Hansard, Mr. Speaker. DRINKING DRIVERS Hon. Mr. McMurtry: Mr. …
    House Hansard
  3. … COMMENTS FAMILY BENEFITS REQUIREMENTS EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY DRINKING AND DRIVING EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY … would you allow me to look it up the minute Instant Hansard is available? I will come back to it then. Mr. … not participate in daylight saving time [see correction in Hansard for Friday, December 13]. When I looked at that one …
    House Hansard
  4. … Veterans Education funding Homelessness Research and innovation Correction of record Visitors Introduction of … must be on a crusade to get his name into Hansard as often as possible because he continues to raise … as well, and had a good race. But I do recall one of the debates where—despite the fact, I think, that Steve and
    House Hansard
  5. … WORLD FOOD DAY CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS BINGO LICENCES GRAPE AND WINE FESTIVAL GENERAL MOTORS VAN PLANT PASSENGER RAIL … what took place. Anyone who wishes to check the record of Hansard will see that the Attorney General, not only when my … the necessity for raising the quality and the tone of the debates. I think that can happen when the government …
    House Hansard
  6. … of Ontario should begin consultation with the public and with health professionals, pharmaceutical manufacturers … assembly. Having had an opportunity to review Tuesday's Hansard and the relevant parliamentary authorities, I find … of voting. The NDP House leader was intimate with these votes. Certainly pharmacists were not allowed to go to …
    House Hansard
  7. … SHELTER FOR THE HOMELESS ANSWER TO QUESTION IN ORDERS AND NOTICES ORDERS OF THE DAY TRADE WITH UNITED STATES … trade deal and the environment. Last week, in reading Hansard, I see that the minister expressed his concern and … member opposite may have been there in estimates debates just before Christmas when this same accusation was …
    House Hansard
  8. … ESPANOLA AREA LOCK-OUT AT CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARDS AT ELLIOT LAKE HOME RENEWAL PROGRAMME … test track? Is he also aware of a statement as reported in Hansard of Nov. 5, 1973, by the now president of the Urban … of supply. ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF ENERGY (CONTINUED) On votes 1801 and 1802: Mr. Chairman: This is continuing from …
    House Hansard
  9. … Mardi 1 er mars 2011 ORDERS OF THE DAY HEALTH PROTECTION AND PROMOTION AMENDMENT ACT, 2011 / LOI DE 2011 MODIFIANT LA … Kormos: Mr. Barrett notes. Mr. Toby Barrett: Put that in Hansard. Mr. Peter Kormos: And it is. The member for Vaughan … can correct his or her own record. There being no deferred votes, this House stands recessed until 3 p.m. this …
    House Hansard
  10. … CHILDREN FROM TARGETED ADVERTISING OF UNHEALTHY FOOD AND DRINK), 2011 / LOI DE 2011 MODIFIANT LA LOI SUR LA … of public record, but it stands on its own as recorded in Hansard, not to be used as a tool by the members of the … quote from the text: “In the past, reference to prior debates of the current session were generally discouraged in …
    House Hansard
  11. … RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ENDANGERED, THREATENED AND VULNERABLE SPECIES ACT, 1994 / LOI DE 1994 SUR LES … Speaker (Ms Margaret H. Harrington): Dispense? Agreed. See Votes and Proceedings. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS CITY OF YORK … at the print coverage that there is, or perhaps they read Hansard -- a few people in this province might well read the …
    House Hansard
  12. … in this bill to do away with the ad valorem fuel tax and to put in its place one fee that applies to fuel used "to … now the Treasurer, got very exercised during one of these debates in 1981. Miss Stephenson: Was it interim supply? Mr. … prohibitive. I believe his exact words were, to quote from Hansard, "It is a very labour-intensive program, as the …
    House Hansard
  13. … back at them because they want to run around the province and say, "You fellows over there want to, particularly the … but clearly understandable. It is taken from the British Hansard of July 10, 1872. On page 926, Colonel Stuart Knox … and has been accepted by the House, then the consequential votes are taken. In other words, if it is an amendment that …
    House Hansard
  14. … 27 mai 2009 ORDERS OF THE DAY APPOINTMENT OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY COMMISSIONER MINING AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 / LOI DE … MANUFACTURING JOBS STUDENT SUMMER JOBS DEFERRED VOTES BUDGET MEASURES ACT, 2009 / LOI DE 2009 SUR LES MESURES … should she be listening now or should she read the Hansard down the road, I'm sure will fear she has died—these …
    House Hansard
  15. … CONFLICT OF INTEREST COURT FACILITIES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY RETAIL STORE HOURS FIRE PREVENTION NURSING HOMES … the response to petition P-8 in Orders and Notices [see Hansard for Thursday, February 11]. 1530 ORDERS OF THE DAY … for it and the Metro government disagrees with it and votes it down. We then reach the traditional impasse of the …
    House Hansard