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Displaying 1141 - 1155 of 7370
  1. … STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM HOMEMAKERS’ PENSIONS NATIVE HUNTING AND FISHING RIGHTS SERVICES FOR HEARING-IMPAIRED COURT … for Carleton East, it is most important that they do check Hansard for this particular debate and discussion because … is a matter about which those who might be watching these debates on television say, “I’m not even aware that this …
    House Hansard
  2. … EMISSIONS OF TRITIUM ORAL QUESTIONS USE OF HERBICIDES AND PESTICIDES FLUORIDE POISONING GOVERNMENT PURCHASING HOME … it now, so I would ask the people in this House to look at Hansard of May 30 and June 1. The amendment put forward by … which has faded around here and not too many important debates occur. Quite frankly, that is my impression. I am …
    House Hansard
  3. … Chain Management Association Ontario Act, 2015 Safer Roads and Safer Communities Act, 2015 / Loi de 2015 sur la sécurité … to the House in days gone by, the purpose of these debates is to canvass public opinion, to make the public … to hear from groups. We heard from a woman—this is in our Hansard. Her name is Jennifer. She stood in front of the …
    House Hansard
  4. … CHILD CARE CHILD DAY STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES YOUNG OFFENDERS ONTARIO FINANCIAL REVIEW … of the unveiling ceremony have been recorded by Hansard. Would it be the wish of the House to include this as … in-joke, I suppose, but David and I go all the way back to debates on the Magna Carta. He fell back on the Magna Carta …
    House Hansard
  5. … FÊTE DE LA SAINT-JEAN-BAPTISTE STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES LEGAL AID WATER QUALITY RACE RELATIONS LA FÊTE … to questions 291 and 315 in Orders and Notices [see Hansard for Wednesday, July 2]. INTERIM SUPPLY Hon. Mr. Nixon … are approved in this House, sometimes through budgets, debates or concerns. I am sure that the $70,000 to hire two …
    House Hansard
  6. … CONFEDERATION DEBATE HYDRO EXPORTS GRANTS TO PULP AND PAPER COMPANIES AUTO INDUSTRY LAYOFFS REDIRECTING … Mr. Foulds: Yes, Mr. Speaker. If he would take a look at Hansard in regard to what the minister has just said, he … items which happen to fall under the purview of the votes that are before us on which I would like to touch. I …
    House Hansard
  7. … is Foster Family Week in Canada. I would like to thank and applaud the thousands of families in Ontario who open … Development said, but I'm sure everybody can check Hansard and see exactly what he did say. His comments were … next sessional day during the routine proceeding "deferred votes"; and That in the case of any division relating to any …
    House Hansard
  8. … avril 2007 ESTIMATES MEMBERS' STATEMENTS ONTARIO LOTTERY AND GAMING CORP. PROSTATE CANCER ONTARIO LOTTERY AND GAMING … are listening to this, and they're going to be reading the Hansard, and this is what you haven't done: You've done … grandstanding by Toronto members trying to scrounge up votes in the next election. I'll take our position to the …
    House Hansard
  9. … PRICING REPORT HOSPITAL WORKERS DISPUTE INDIAN LAND AND RESOURCE CLAIMS FARM INCOME STABILIZATION PLAN BREAK-IN … in the formal aspects of education. I can remember the debates across the floor of this House with the former … have that type of relationship maintained. It’s already in Hansard -- so I won’t repeat it and take up time -- there are …
    House Hansard
  10. … ACT ORDERS OF THE DAY WELLINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION AND TEACHERS DISPUTE SETTLEMENT ACT The House met at 2 p.m. … I'd rather have some more work done on the subject"; (3) Hansard, November 4, "I personally and this government have … Hon. Mr. Bradley: None of them was in the regional debates. Mr. Harris: What is the Premier's position? Is he …
    House Hansard
  11. … on the status of the Royal Ontario Museum’s renovation and expansion program. I will keep this House informed as the … the minister can suggest that the Treasurer have a look at Hansard and seriously consider this along with his colleagues … some significance to this interjection. I will read it in Hansard. It will probably bowl me over. When the member for …
    House Hansard
  12. … ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS HIGHWAY TRAFFIC … But don't take my word for it. I'd like to quote from the Hansard record of the standing committee on government … But what impressed me the most with regard to the Hansard report was when Mr Wetston himself spoke, and he …
    House Hansard
  13. … OFFICERS LOCAL BUSINESSES IN STONEY CREEK SCHOOL FOOD AND BEVERAGE POLICY BURLINGTON RIBFEST ST. JOHN THE … he’ll answer any questions here in the Legislature. But Hansard does not lie, because the record will show that … with some of you was from the gallery as I watched those debates, because I felt that the autonomy of the …
    House Hansard
  14. … $500,000 spent; the highly touted northern Ontario science and math school mysteriously disappeared; the $30-million … of all the members, I will make certain that a copy of Hansard is sent to the Hearn family showing your words of … in the House. I remember some of the great constitutional debates in this House. I remember the time of the patriation …
    House Hansard
  15. … of all our intended pieces of legislation, amendments and so on, so that we may get a full and complete response … in Ontario, the new legislation in Alberta, the debates of the Ontario Legislature and the Ontario Law Reform … of the select committee. If I might quote them from Hansard of the day on page 3060, he said: “Those reports …
    House Hansard