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Displaying 10846 - 10860 of 14003
  1. … No. 69 N o 69   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … children from sexual predators by amending Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000. Mr. Martiniuk. (Referred …
    Orders & Notices
  2. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES RÈGLEMENTS ET DES … reviewed and revised by lawyers from the large national law firm we engaged to help us get this done, lawyers for …
    Committee Hansard
  3. … No. 66 N o 66   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … children from sexual predators by amending Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000. Mr. Martiniuk. (Referred …
    Orders & Notices
  4. … PARENT SUPPORT NETWORK GREEN PARTY OF ONTARIO CHIEFS AND COUNCILS, SAUGEEN OJIBWAY FIRST NATION MS. DONNA BAYLIS … operations do have should be put first in any decision-making on new and established pits or quarries. The concern … its consultation and accommodation obligations through law, through policy and through actions. This is not …
    Committee Hansard
  5. … bring a matter of urgent attention to the Attorney General and the minister of government services. The General Division … of Ontario. The government of Ontario is committed to that law. The IWA process will proceed according to its mandate, … name to this petition and agree with it. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS RECALL ELECTION REQUEST ACT, 1993 / LOI DE 1993 SUR LE …
    House Hansard
  6. … No. 42 N o 42 Votes and Proceedings Procès-verbaux Legislative Assembly of … est déclarée adoptée. 1:30 P.M. 13 H 30 Introduction of Bills Dépôt des Projets de Loi The following Bill was … of Children involved in Prostitution) Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry). Hon. Mr. Tsubouchi. Bill - 31 …
    Votes & Proceedings
  7. … No. 103 N o 103   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … 3 ORDERS / ORDRES: LEGISLATION / PROJETS DE LOI 5 PRIVATE BILLS REFERRED TO COMMISSIONERS OF ESTATE BILLS / PROJETS DE … Peace and Development Council (formerly named the State Law and Order Restoration Council) for: a) openly encouraging …
    Orders & Notices
  8. … No. 102 N o 102   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … 3 ORDERS / ORDRES: LEGISLATION / PROJETS DE LOI 5 PRIVATE BILLS REFERRED TO COMMISSIONERS OF ESTATE BILLS / PROJETS DE … Peace and Development Council (formerly named the State Law and Order Restoration Council) for: a) openly encouraging …
    Orders & Notices
  9. … KIDS FOR TURTLES ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION BUILDING INDUSTRY AND LAND DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION LAKE SIMCOE REGION … the adoption of the report of the subcommittee to commence making any preliminary arrangements necessary to facilitate … sound development was approved. What we need is a law that will ensure that local, municipal and provincial …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … No. 38 No 38 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … Second Reading of Bill 22, An Act to amend the Children’s Law Reform Act. Mr. Craitor. PRINTED. M22. Deuxième lecture …
    Orders & Notices
  11. … No. 49 N o 49   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … children from sexual predators by amending Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000. Mr. Martiniuk. PRINTED. …
    Orders & Notices
  12. … the Sacred Heart School in La Salle, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Durocher and Mrs. Benisch. THIRD READINGS The following bills were given third reading upon motion: Bill 96, An Act … what is really, in my view, an insane application of the law. I think that’s the only way to put it. There’s no common …
    House Hansard
  13. … MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES CONTENTS Tuesday 13 September 1994 … to. We enthusiastically embrace these private members' bills. We limited our public criticisms that these were not … going on now between the Attorney General and the law society on better management of the legal aid problems …
    Committee Hansard
  14. … We’ll call the meeting to order. Welcome, Minister Takhar and all the folks from his ministry here today to take part. … minister for freedom-of-information inquiries. I have the bills in front of me: $16,950.40. Would that be enough money … and decisions are based on evidence and, obviously, on the law as well. Mr. Paul Miller: Most of these, other than …
    Committee Hansard
  15. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … parents, and it should be provincial funding. As utility bills rise, rent, insurance, etc., we struggle to keep the … What's needed are changes to legislation, to tax law, to tax practice and to controls over the raw ingredients …
    Committee Hansard