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  1. … EXTRA BILLING ONTARIO ADVISORY COUNCIL ON MULTICULTURALISM AND CITIZENSHIP LABOUR DISPUTES UNEMPLOYMENT BUSINESS … province and of this Legislature said, and I quote from Hansard, "The critic at large would be intellectually … for 15 years and I believe I have sat through more than 20 debates when the government has brought in legislation that …
    House Hansard
  2. … that time, was necessary both to meet a great social need and to stimulate employment across this nation. On that … So, unless somebody wants me to restate them, let’s read Hansard and the members will have the answer. Mr. Lewis: They … it. Perhaps the member for Sarnia might like to read the Hansard from last night. Mr. Chairman, what I’m saying to you …
    House Hansard
  3. … ON GOVERNMENT AGENCIES STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS EMPLOYER HEALTH TAX AMENDMENT ACT, 1993 / … asked by members of the committee -- and I've read the Hansard -- about the terms of her contract. She does not earn … to ask for the help ourselves. I just don't think through debates on employer health tax or on the WCB or other places …
    House Hansard
  4. … Jun 1974 / Jeu 6 jun 1974 GRAND RIVER FLOOD INQUIRY HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARDS IN ONTARIO MINES GRAND RIVER FLOOD … said consistently, and I would like to quote page 2453 of Hansard, May 24, that we wish to have uniformity without … the kind of bill on which one stands on principle and votes against the bill. But I want to put on the record the …
    House Hansard
  5. … be authorized to pay the salaries of the civil servants and other necessary payments pending the voting of supply for … a committee. I know that he will want to read the entire Hansard of this and that, once it is produced in terms of … individual who likes to listen to and engage in debates in this House. I want to say to him that I well …
    House Hansard
  6. … VIOLENCE FAMILIALE RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS FOR EMPLOYEES AND SELF- EMPLOYED PERSONS ACT, 2010 / LOI DE 2010 SUR LES … I would respectfully request that you review the relevant Hansard and reconsider your ruling. The Speaker (Hon. Steve … irritant to me during the course of the auto insurance debates here at Queen’s Park in the period of the government …
    House Hansard
  7. … DEATH OF MEMBER FOR STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARRY DEATH OF CLARE MAPLEDORAM SUPPLEMENTARY … towards all who worked here or his contributions to debates, ranging in topic from the Constitution to the role … nursing home branch in the Ministry of Health. Mr. Rae: Hansard is heavy with statements such as the one made by the …
    House Hansard
  8. … committee on Ontario Hydro affairs has done other work and has not yet completed its original terms of reference; … have to take notes. An hon. member: He can get it all in Hansard tomorrow. Mr. Sterling: The committee has concluded … purposes we proposed to the committee early in its proceedings that we simply finish D and mothball it. Mr. …
    House Hansard
  9. … some of the best deals are held by the city's cultural and political luminaries. "Former Mayor Edward Koch himself … I would like to refer the minister to where he states in Hansard, as a result of a question I asked him back on 3 … find question period a time of high theatre, but find the debates in this Legislature quite entertaining. We all know …
    House Hansard
  10. … province of Ontario is with the United States of America; and since Ontario has created exceptional technological … Scarborough North. I'd like to read the resolution into Hansard because I think it's important that people realize … for the member to take because during the legislative debates and particularly clause-by-clause on rent control the …
    House Hansard
  11. … BRAMPTON FARM LAND LAKE SUPERIOR POLLUTION EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY CATEGORY 2 MEDICAL SCHOOLS PETITIONS CLOSURE OF … us that the interjections from below will be recorded by Hansard as a counterpoint to the debate? The Acting Speaker: … that support is reflected from time to time even in the debates around here. But while that is the case, in other …
    House Hansard
  12. … / Mer 15 jun 1988 MEMBERS’ STATEMENTS WORLD JUNIOR TRACK AND FIELD CHAMPIONSHIPS CONTROL OF SMOKING MORQUIO SYNDROME … on at great length, and I will be sending a copy of Hansard to them in regard to my remarks, indicating that I … council is not in favour, and there have been numerous debates not in favour of wide-open Sunday shopping. In fact, …
    House Hansard
  13. … Stokes: Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to introduce to you and to the House, 44 grade 11 and grade 12 students from … would the present minister undertake to look at Hansard and see the way the question was put and the way his … responded to. One of the reasons I have found most of the debates on education unsatisfactory over the last few years …
    House Hansard
  14. … LA JOURNÉE DE LA DÉMOCRATIE EN ONTARIO OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AMENDMENT ACT, 2001 / LOI DE 2001 MODIFIANT LA LOI … bona fide fundraising." I recall at the time -- check the Hansard -- saying that all you need is one wacko, one nutbar, … in the galleries are not allowed to participate in these proceedings, including applauding. I appreciate your …
    House Hansard
  15. … WITHDRAWAL OF UNPARLIAMENTARY LANGUAGE AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES AMENDMENT BILLS ORAL QUESTIONS … for sure. Mr. Epp: A Liberal government is going to do it. Hansard should note that a lot of people in the government … for Waterloo North (Mr. Epp) -- I do not have to get Hansard out -- knows very well that the Liberal Party voted …
    House Hansard