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Displaying 9736 - 9750 of 14003
  1. … may, at the end of your appearance, verify the questions and issues being tracked by the research officer. I will now … Under that strategy, we’ve taken important steps in making system-wide change. We’ve supported school boards, for … issues that are complicated by federal regulation and law juxtaposed to provincial regulation and law. We’ve got …
    Committee Hansard
  2. … SAULT STE. MARIE CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES INTRODUCTION OF BILLS BEEZEE FOODS LIMITED ACT RESIDENTIAL PREMISES RENT … for consultations with officials of various parliaments and to attend the first conference of Atlantic … travelling. These figures have been worked out by the Grey law association. The government’s duty is surely to serve. …
    House Hansard
  3. … FOR POLICY ANALYSIS, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO COOPERS AND LYBRAND CONSULTING GROUP CONTENTS Thursday 26 August 1993 … of Windsor. 1030 Mr Roberts: I do not believe Mr Joy was making that reference to Racetracks of Canada in terms of … 1100 Mrs Mathyssen: That's not true. It's against the law. Ms McCay: It is against the law, but they're doing it. …
    Committee Hansard
  4. … welcome to make whatever statement you want to make, and I'm sure the members of the committee have a number of … sorts of people who come from all those groups. If we are making those kinds of comments and acting in that way and … as a policeman probably more so, because I enforced the law and people thought there were better places for me to …
    Committee Hansard
  5. … No. 162 N o 162   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … police force upon which Ontarians depend to maintain law and order in this province, and for which the McGuinty …
    Orders & Notices
  6. … No. 164 N o 164   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … police force upon which Ontarians depend to maintain law and order in this province, and for which the McGuinty …
    Orders & Notices
  7. … I will be sharing my time with the member for York North and the member for Peterborough. Mr Speaker, I'd like to … hopes that the taxpayer protection act will be passed into law by Christmas. I have every confidence that our government … act will make sure it stays balanced. I believe these two bills are self-explanatory. They are very much the same as …
    House Hansard
  8. … Disorders   The committee met at 0901 in committee room 1 and by video conference. Eating Disorders Awareness Week Act, … almost two years to the day today. If Bill 61 becomes law, we will join BC, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, … the awareness that we might be envisaging has to do with making these connections. It’s not a narrow awareness; it’s …
    Committee Hansard
    House Hansard
  10. … in welcoming a large group of steelworkers from Hamilton and their wives -- and some steelworker wives and their … the hon. member, as a lawyer and one well aware of the law, should be also aware of the fact that when we make a … Mr. Irvine: -- by any member standing up in this House and making some remarks that cannot be backed up by facts. Mr. …
    House Hansard
  11. … No. 98 N o 98   Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … TODAY'S BUSINESS / TRAVAUX DU JOUR 3 ORDERS / ORDRES: BILLS AWAITING ROYAL ASSENT / PROJETS DE LOI EN ATTENTE DE … Peace and Development Council (formerly named the State Law and Order Restoration Council) for: a) openly encouraging …
    Orders & Notices
  12. … Jan 2020 / Jeu 23 jan 2020 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … are living within $200 per month to pay all their bills or meet their debt obligations. This reality, set … lost, because there’s still this thing called contract law in the province of Ontario. So the government is going to …
    Committee Hansard
  13. … to use those profits for culture, recreation, fitness and sport. Since that time, both the Liberal and Conservative … of Hungarian origin, who have contributed in architecture, law, medicine, social work and many, many different fields … showing its arrogance at that point. The Sunday shopping bills: Earlier, the government took the position very clearly …
    House Hansard
  14. … Reynolds, assistant Deputy Attorney General, criminal law STANDING COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES Chair / Président Mr … circumstances in Ontario -- it involved first nations and their making a claim, in this case about a burial ground … implemented shortly as we continue to implement our recent bills, various measures to give the plan some teeth. A lot of …
    Committee Hansard
  15. … 2 March 2005 Mercredi 2 mars 2005 MEMBERS' STATEMENTS DEER AND ELK FARMERS ROTARY CLUBS ONTARIO FARMERS MENTAL HEALTH … Farmers built their business in full compliance with the law, and now this McGuinty government wants to take our … offence at that as I would with some of your colleagues' bills; Bill 25, Bill 26 and Bill 135, to name a few. While …
    House Hansard