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Displaying 961 - 975 of 7370
  1. … to renew the public health system in this province and to bring our public health legislation in line with … I am not going to bore members by reading reams of Hansard from those dates, but at that time the then minister, … 11 when I introduced the bill. It did not make it into Hansard, but she is -- Ms. Copps: Selective deletions. They …
    House Hansard
  2. … CITY OF ORILLIA ACT ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON NOTICE PAPER AND RESPONSE TO PETITION ORDERS OF THE DAY ESTIMATES, … but I would point out to him that while we were having our debates last spring, shortly after those discussions, … the member for Brantford -- and I would be happy to check Hansard -- that I believe I put our position very clearly …
    House Hansard
  3. … HYDRO ROUTE ASSESSMENT OF MENTALLY ILL SAFETY AND ITALIAN WORKERS ACCIDENT SPOT ON QEW NAPCO POULTRY LTD. … That was the primary concern. In fact, looking over Hansard for the last two years I would suggest it was the … we placed on this particular area in order to win more votes.” I take it that what is happening here today is part …
    House Hansard
  4. … CROWN LAND PETITIONS ANNUAL REPORT, MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS LABOUR … in front of the committee, or has taken the time to read Hansard when it was presented, so he knows it was a … have forgotten, four years from now, and we will buy their votes again with another spree of gifts in every riding. We …
    House Hansard
  5. … House on Bill 142, An Act respecting the City of Barrie and the Township of Vespra. Mr. Breaugh: Mr. Speaker, on a … drawing of map lines, the committee hearings, the way the votes were held and the closure motions that were used. All … It is like peanuts, as I was just saying to the Hansard reporter. Once one starts eating them, one cannot …
    House Hansard
  6. … STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT HEALTH AND SAFETY LEGISLATION ORAL QUESTIONS BRUCE NUCLEAR PLANT JOB … it, must be an area where he received the majority of the votes. Mr. Breithaupt: It would not have mattered. I won in … have clarification; and also for those who want to have in Hansard an exposé -- I think that’s the word -- of what the …
    House Hansard
  7. … 2007 Mercredi 25 avril 2007 MEMBERS' STATEMENTS ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION STRATFORD FESTIVAL MINISTRY OF … and its future use in investigations and criminal proceedings. Under the Public Inquiries Act, this commission … Speaker: On behalf of the Legislature, I will see that the Hansard of the Attorney General, the member for …
    House Hansard
  8. … ACT MILK AMENDMENT ACT GRAIN CORN MARKETING ACT LIVE STOCK AND LIVE STOCK PRODUCTS AMENDMENT ACT EDUCATION AMENDMENT ACT … nothing happen, because I do not want to have to read Hansard for the last few years to show there is no meaningful … to the member that the length of time of the internal debates has not been related to the things he finds so …
    House Hansard
  9. … RADIATION PROTECTION AMENDMENT ACT MINISTRY OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AMENDMENT ACT The House resumed at 8:04 p.m. … which were proposed the other night. For those who read Hansard and for those who will read about this in the history … makes for interesting listening. The Acting Speaker: And Hansard. Mr. Conway: The minister of health for Ottawa and
    House Hansard
  10. … ALGOMA CENTRAL RAILWAY STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES RENTAL HOUSING LOAN VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARDS … the students of Humberside Collegiate only during election debates. Even if I were to address a public issue, other … the House, and he has used it repeatedly. I have here the Hansard of his statement when he tabled the bill on October …
    House Hansard
  11. … BY THE MINISTRY NORONTAIR SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPENSATION PLAN CONSUMER PROTECTION … the National Assembly on June 18, 1987, in the Journal of Debates at page 8708, that the accord will take precedence … in future first ministers’ conferences. While reading the Hansard records of those debates in May 1980, I was moved by …
    House Hansard
  12. … MEMBERSHIP HOUSE SITTINGS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES WATER QUALITY DEFERRED VOTES THRONE SPEECH DEBATE ORAL QUESTIONS CHILDREN'S HEALTH … never do. Mr Peter Kormos (Niagara Centre): It will go in Hansard by responding to it. Don't respond, because that …
    House Hansard
  13. … INSURANCE CO. Hon. S. B. Handleman (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations): Mr. Speaker, in response to a … for members to contribute to the Throne or the budget debates, in order particularly to get certain views that they … to take that sitting down? Does she want me to send this Hansard to Laura Sabia? Hon. M. Birch (Provincial Secretary …
    House Hansard
  14. … VISITORS MOTIONS HOUSE SITTINGS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES CANADA-ONTARIO MUNICIPAL RURAL INFRASTRUCTURE … from Hamilton East wasted more time calling recorded votes and adjourning the House when I had Bill 70 before this … clearly did not even read the bill. If you look back at Hansard on June 22, 2004, she said, "This bill is scratching …
    House Hansard
  15. … ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS DRUG ABUSE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY NATIONAL HOMEMAKER/HOME SUPPORT WORKER WEEK DRUG … persons in Ontario the right to a bilingual judge in civil proceedings. First, the bill provides that the right to a … which he gave last Thursday. The Premier is quoted in Hansard on page L-36 as saying and I quote, “there is a …
    House Hansard