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Displaying 931 - 945 of 7370
  1. … after the notice was given, a public hearing has been held and the minister has considered all oral submissions made at … Boyd: On a point of order, Mr Chair: This needs to be in Hansard that these are withdrawn. You can't just discard … this House and where the committee of the whole is in its proceedings at this point. A reference to the filing of …
    House Hansard
  2. … ORAL QUESTIONS HOSPITAL SERVICES CASE OF ANTONIO PRETE AND GINO TURCHIARO IDEA CORP. SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION … want to quote the minister from what he told this House in Hansard on Tuesday. “There is a requirement under the … she has been ready to back up on television screens in debates right across this country. I think we have to be …
    House Hansard
  3. … that while he has been reluctant in putting forth the Act and the amending processes, one of the reasons he gives for … time and if the minister is interested in reading the Hansard which I have before me, he will find that -- Mr. … a sanctimonious character. Mr. di Santo: You want tenants’ votes, that’s why. Mr. Martel: You opposed it all through the …
    House Hansard
  4. … FUNDING FINANCIAL LITERACY FIRE SAFETY TERMINATION AND SEVERANCE PAYMENTS TOURISM DRIVER EXAMINATION CENTRES … point of order under advisement, and having reviewed the Hansard of the exchange in question, I am now ready to rule. … maybe he can correct me if I'm wrong, that if any member votes against a certain portion or votes for a certain …
    House Hansard
  5. … POINTS OF PRIVILEGE TAXATION POLICY SKILLS TRAINING PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY LUNG CANCER CASES WATER POLLUTION HYDRO … learning-disabled children. In her answer, and I have the Hansard before me, she gave an unequivocal “yes” to the … wanted to be specific because in at least the last two debates on this particular section, the issue of the brewery …
    House Hansard
  6. … EQUIPMENT AFTERNOON SITTING MEMBERS' STATEMENTS SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATIONS SPRAY PROGRAM FARMING MULTICULTURALISM … the position they took recently in one of the interminable debates at Toronto city council on the matter. In conclusion, … right at the moment, if they read over their remarks in Hansard I am sure they will agree -- I got the impression …
    House Hansard
  7. … 30 septembre 2009 ORDERS OF THE DAY STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AND SCHOOL BOARD GOVERNANCE ACT, 2009 / LOI DE 2009 SUR LE … SECTOR JOBS FOREST FIREFIGHTING TOBACCO CONTROL DEFERRED VOTES TIME ALLOCATION APOLOGY INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS … forward. You said in the House yesterday, and I quote from Hansard, "Timber allocation was not an issue, from my …
    House Hansard
  8. … that if the designated property is a principal residence and the owner has a roomer or a boarder occupying part of … by the hour. I would make a note of that particular Hansard and send it to those constituents to inform them of … out in complete abandon at times. Just hearken back and Hansard will show what you said. You said, “How does one …
    House Hansard
  9. … ASSISTANCE FOR THE DISABLED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY RENT REGULATION ONTARIO HYDRO DEVELOPMENTALLY … were made in the bill -- passed or not by very close votes, but very amiably. I appreciate the work that was done … government of the day. Those are well documented in the Hansard reports of the public accounts committee. No audit …
    House Hansard
  10. … settlements in the public sector to preserve jobs and services while managing reductions in expenditures and to … Mike Harris starts off in favour. This is reported in Hansard, April 14, 1993. He says, "I applauded the initial … Services minister. I remember going on a couple of TV debates with him and I think he honestly believed, as this …
    House Hansard
  11. … TRANSIT SYSTEM SCHOOL BOARD BUDGETS POLLUTION BY PULP AND PAPER COMPANIES DOUGLAS POINT PROJECT THUNDER BAY … those questions have been answered. If the member checks Hansard of last week, I did give some figures in the House. … of this ministry at 6 o’clock. There are many more votes to go. I don’t want to restrict any member, but please …
    House Hansard
  12. … will make occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens and the diseases they cause more likely to be compensable … of the bill is great. I think if anyone wanted to research Hansard for the last five years, he or she would have heard … involvement of aboriginal people at future constitutional debates? Hon Mr Wildman: I think we will have to wait and see …
    House Hansard
  13. … did not go far enough. They did not understand it and they were not quite sure what to make of it. But later on … we are looking forward to sending our amendments and the debates that are taking place tonight to every women's group … wage gap could be wiped out, I have a copy of the rough Hansard, and I want to remind the member and read to him, …
    House Hansard
  14. … NATIVE PEOPLE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY DRINKING AND DRIVING JOBS ONTARIO TRAINING ONTARIO ECONOMY RUSSELL … 1975 to 1977, he was left to arbitrate quite vigorous debates. I remember a couple between Darcy McKeough and … access to Highway 401: I had intended to say Highway 401. Hansard has recorded my statement as Highway 1, and I just …
    House Hansard
  15. … CLOSURE OF STOCKYARDS PICTON UNITED CHURCH TERMINATION AND SEVERANCE PAYMENTS COUNTY RESTRUCTURING SERVICES IN … of the standing committees. Reading from page 128 of the Hansard of the Ontario Legislature dated April 20, 1993, the … her or his seat here in the Legislative Assembly, because debates become and continue to become meaningless. Debates
    House Hansard