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  1. … 12 May 2016 Jeudi 12 mai 2016 Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act, 2016 / Loi de 2016 sur … Arnott: That’s right. Quite often in the context of these debates, members will stand up on questions and comments and … about it in the Ontario Legislature. I wish to refer to Hansard, from the Ontario Legislature, dated October 5, 2006. …
    House Hansard
  2. … SOCIAL ASSISTANCE YOUNG OFFENDERS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY HOSPITAL SERVICES REPORT BY COMMITTEE STANDING … of time allocation. This is from December 8, 1982, Hansard, page 5948, quoting the member for London Centre (Mr. … cut down that amount with regard to these kinds of motion debates. The Deputy Speaker: These are the normal standing …
    House Hansard
  3. … SERVICES SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND RECREATION SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF THE … for an increase in tuition fees since -- and I quote from Hansard: “The minister has decided to spend $44 million more … possible we can do so. We anticipated these particular votes. We are wholly in favour. I simply want to take one …
    House Hansard
  4. … MOTIONS TIME ALLOCATION STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES HYDRO REBATES ONTARIO FRANCOPHONIE AWARDS / … Let's trace through the chronology. On November 14, in Hansard, in question period, the Attorney General says, … the courts, is with respect to motions in the House, debates in the House, questions in the House and, I put to …
    House Hansard
  5. … the Metropolitan Toronto hospital bed situation and to make recommendations as to possible rationalization of … is a very important debate. It’s one of the most important debates that will ever come before this Legislature. I think … the position of the Liberal Party. Mr. S. Smith: Read Hansard. Mr. Deans: Well, that’s not the position that we …
    House Hansard
  6. … HOSPITAL FUNDING CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM ASSISTANCE TO PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY ALLOCATION OF QUESTIONS REPORTS STANDING … area. The Minister of Housing replied, and I quote from Hansard: “I will answer the question in a very positive way. … to return to the Legislature to take part in some of the debates. One of the things I notice here in this Legislature …
    House Hansard
  7. … I was trying to express my feelings towards this bill and the sense of frustration and anger I share with the … the minister was appointed to his present responsibility, Hansard records that we started asking him why he did not … in this House a long time and he has been present at many debates similar to the one we are having tonight. I want to …
    House Hansard
  8. … committees: That on the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, Mr. Vanthof replaces Ms. Fife; and That … for concurrence in supply shall be deferred to deferred votes, such votes to be taken in succession, with one … consultations on Bill 92. This is taken directly from Hansard on the standing committee’s proceedings. “We think …
    House Hansard
  9. … HEALTH SERVICES COMPANY QUESTIONNAIRE EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY INTEREST RATES REMARKS BY PAUL FROMM ALGONQUIN … Henderson: It is quite clear. I can get it out. It is in Hansard. Before I answer that part, Mr. Speaker, I also told … Hydro accountability and was accused -- and I have the debates here -- of wanting to get involved in the day-to-day …
    House Hansard
  10. … reading of Bill 150, An Act to provide for the Creation and Registration of Labour Sponsored Venture Capital … is. It is classic in the Legislature that nobody ever debates tax bills. Mr Sterling: On a point of order, Mr … On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I would very much like Hansard to record the comments of people from across the …
    House Hansard
  11. … that have proved to be required as a result of policy and legislative initiatives within the province in the last … pragmatic. I think everything was measured in how many votes it was going to cost. I think that will show up in the … cynicism. 10 p.m. Hon. Mr. McCague: The member should read Hansard. Mr. Martel: I have read Hansard. I know there are …
    House Hansard
  12. … QUESTIONS VISITOR STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES ISRAELI INDEPENDENCE DAY GREAT LAKES FOREST … increased their questioning 400 per cent since electronic Hansard came in. We want to honour the member for York East … but when it comes time to vote, he knows how he votes. That is the kind of situation I am talking about. …
    House Hansard
  13. … MEMORIAL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ACT, 2002 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AMENDMENT ACT (WORKPLACE CARCINOMA COMMITTEE), … him, but I do remember as a much younger man watching the debates of this House and reading the paper every day about … of order, Mr Speaker: I'm referring to this assembly's Hansard of May 13, 2002. During question period on that date, …
    House Hansard
  14. … However, I would have had to rush through some points, and I do not want to do that because we are dealing with one … Mr. Cousens: I did that last night. I gave them to Hansard so it could give the names and addresses correctly. They will be in Hansard, which the member gets; he will probably read it, …
    House Hansard
  15. … TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LENGTH OF QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GAS AND OIL PRICES HEALTH SERVICE CHARGES PEEL … it in here. Mr. S. Smith: I defy the minister to get the Hansard and produce that. What I have said plainly -- and if … not sensitive, once again, in terms of the constitutional debates. The Leader of the Opposition may not recall this, …
    House Hansard